Friday, December 25

Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays from Food Network Addict

Merry Christmas to everyone out there in FNA land! And if you don't celebrate, it's still FRIDAY! Yay! I hope everyone has a happy and safe (holi)day.

I can't believe ANOTHER year has gone by on this crazy blog. 2010 is right around the corner! Be good and eat well today!

Love and cocktails (Aunt Andy style),


  1. Merry Christmas too Jacob, thanks for the posts!

  2. Thank you for your good wishes. Love this blog!

  3. Thanks for your efforts on this blog; always entertaining. I can't wait to read about America-Hating Michelle's appearance on Food Network. As if the Obamas don't get enough airtime.

  4. Thanks Jacob! Hope you and yours had a wonderful Holiday. Looking forward to 2010!

  5. Merry Christmas too.May 2010 be another fruitful year for Food Network Addict!

    Tracy, Velocity Fulfillment
