Thursday, June 29
Contact Food Network Addict
What people are saying about Food Network Addict:
"I read just about every day. Jacob Strauss, the creator, is a wickedly funny and perceptive critic of the network. The guy often skewers us. And me. But even when he’s at his most merciless, most times he makes me laugh out loud."
— Bob Tuschman, Food Network's Senior Vice President, Programming & Production
"We'll also be throwing out shout outs to a few of our favorite spots on the web (we're looking at you, Food Network Addict)!"
— Mary Alice from Ace of Cakes on the Charm City Cakes first blog post.
Featured on:
Pink is the New Blog
Celebrity Baby Blog
Eater LA
Eater San Francisco
Serious Eats

Food Network Addict gladly accepts any Food Network-related review materials (cookbooks, screener tapes, press releases, endorsed products, etc.) and may even write up a fancy post about them:
Food Network Addict
P.O. Box 22618
Alexandria, VA 22304
E-mail: foodnetworkaddict [at] gmail [dot] com
"I read just about every day. Jacob Strauss, the creator, is a wickedly funny and perceptive critic of the network. The guy often skewers us. And me. But even when he’s at his most merciless, most times he makes me laugh out loud."
— Bob Tuschman, Food Network's Senior Vice President, Programming & Production
"We'll also be throwing out shout outs to a few of our favorite spots on the web (we're looking at you, Food Network Addict)!"
— Mary Alice from Ace of Cakes on the Charm City Cakes first blog post.
Featured on:
Pink is the New Blog
Celebrity Baby Blog
Eater LA
Eater San Francisco
Serious Eats

Food Network Addict gladly accepts any Food Network-related review materials (cookbooks, screener tapes, press releases, endorsed products, etc.) and may even write up a fancy post about them:
Food Network Addict
P.O. Box 22618
Alexandria, VA 22304
E-mail: foodnetworkaddict [at] gmail [dot] com
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