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Wednesday, July 30

Rachael Ray Releases Line of Dog Food

You mean what Rachael cooks on 30 Minute Meals is for people? (laugh track!) Thank you, I'll be here all night!

I kid, I kid. But seriously, Rachael Ray is "going to the dogs," as the AP so cleverly titled it, with a new line of dog food, based on the special recipes she created for her pit bull Isaboo.

Now, before you start posting your vitriol-laden missives in the comment section about what a money-hungry... bitch (it works in this case) Rachael is, you should know that all of her proceeds will go to Rachael's Rescue, an organization she founded to help at-risk animals.

"It seemed like not a lot of extra time to donate to something that could potentially raise millions of dollars for championing these little creatures that can't speak for themselves," Ray was quoted as saying.

A line for cats also is planned...

plus all this stuff below, probably.

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At 7/30/2008 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've said it before & will say it again.....the ONLY thing I like about RR is that she loves Pit Bulls, the most wonderful dogs in all the land.....

At 7/30/2008 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you informed us the proceeds go towards a rescue operation, because I was ready voice my displeasure with my venomous vitriol.

I hope her organization flourishes as a result of her pet food sales. This will help her image with some of her detractors.

Now if she could just figure out what to do with Millstone, her husband, she could probably snag a few more fans.

At 7/30/2008 3:39 PM , Blogger Alejandro said...

I love animals (used to work at a vet hospital years ago), and pitbulls are awesome dogs (and received an unfair rep); so the fact that her proceeds are going to help animals does make this new venture palatable. She is, however, EVERYWHERE. Her cutsie expressions really grate on my nerves, but Guy Fieri vies for nauseating, repetitive expressions like: "Winner, winner, chicken dinner." "That's out of bounds." "That's money." "That's in it to win it." All of which just replace any meaningful comment on how good a dish is.

At 7/30/2008 4:12 PM , Blogger Bryan said...

When the "Rachael Ray Maxi Pads" hit the market shelves then she should be declared evil and must be stopped.

At 7/30/2008 6:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's helping animals! I wish more celebs would, animals can't speak for themselves! :(

At 7/30/2008 6:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I applaud her charitable efforts here, and actually bought some of the dog treats a few weeks back. Alas, my dog Comet did not give the Booscotti a very favorable review; in fairness, it's not the only treat he has ever left on the floor.

At 7/30/2008 6:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong with her image now. "Detractors" please -- talk about delusions of grandeur.

At 7/30/2008 6:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only good if the food does not contain onion,garlic other other
things toxic to dogs as some of her
dog menus do and she was told that
by a Vet on her show. Two only if
all the proceeds go to the cause.
Several people were never able to
get an answer to other of her
"donations". Last if I want to feed
my pet a good diet I would ask his
Vet not a TV cook. She is way past
overkill and this isn't the last.

At 7/30/2008 7:34 PM , Blogger Lord of Light AZ said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 7/30/2008 8:14 PM , Blogger Lord of Light AZ said...

One of the things about Rachel Ray that I really like is the love she has for her dog. She goes overboard, but it is with love of a child.

I had sick cats a long time ago. My ex and I were making chicken and rice to get them healthy, every couple of days we were boiling chicken. The cats ate better than we did.

I've seen the show where she cooks for the dog. I can bet that any vet would say what she made for the dog was good for the dog. Hell I would eat it, too. I miss doggie donuts that they made in the 70's they were some kind of tasty, even when I didn't have the munchies.

PS Just be thankful she is not procreating.

At 7/30/2008 9:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oversaturation......I stopped watching a long time ago.

Would never buy anything with her name on it. There are many more worthy local organizations around everybody that would be a better way to support humane animal treatment. GO LOCAL. She has no idea or control as to what is in this product.

At 7/31/2008 12:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This might just be your most hysterical post yet. I am almost crying.

At 7/31/2008 5:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...will she ever stop.

At 7/31/2008 11:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I think it's nice what she is doing with the proceeds, I checked the ingredients out and it's pretty much the same ol' same ol' pet food! I have already done the research of most every ingredient that goes into pet foods and this dog food does not pass the test for my dog anymore than the others. If it does for you then that's great but if there is any debate at all of the safety of any ingredient in a pet food then I go with those that believe it's better to be safe than sorry! Vets, Vet Nutritionists, and Vet specialists can not even agree if ALL the ingredients in pet foods are safe for pets. I do my own dog food and no need to condemn homemade if it's done properly! And I had Dr. Goodpet vitamins so my dog gets a balanced healthy food. After all the pets that died from commercial pet foods that were recalled, no one should have the nerve to condemn homemade pet food especially when it's balanced with pet vitamins! Atleast I know what is in my dog's food AND where all the ingredients come from including the vitamins. Just because it's made in the USA does not mean the ingredients all come from here as well as vitamins that many times don't come from here.

At 7/31/2008 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most dog food is crap and now a million more dogs will be eating this crap. I only buy the best dog food for my dog. I used to like RR but enough already!

At 8/01/2008 10:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i used to hate rr. she has grown on me and now i make her food all the time!!!!! she is very down to earth!!! i mean, come on, do you think giada and ina live in reality??? don't even get me started on the scary "table scape" world of aunt sandy!!

At 8/04/2008 10:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Untalented annoying *****. Hope her dog food tastes and looks better than her 30 min messpies. Will she please just go away already!

At 8/04/2008 4:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough already Miss Rachael!

It was overkill awhile ago. The only positive thing I can say is that the proceeds will help animals.

And while I'm thinking about it...who is this girls' adviser anyway????

At 8/05/2008 11:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giada and Ina are my favorites! And I also like Tyler and Bobby. RR just alright.

At 8/09/2008 12:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me about this dog food. How over rated is she. What the heck does she know about dog food??????? Can you imagine what dog food producers are thinking. She makes me SICK.

At 8/09/2008 8:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know alot of people who LOVE their dogs. But you know dear Rachael needs to either have a child or adopt. She is so out of control. I donot watch anything of hers anymore.

At 8/22/2008 3:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a watcher of her show. I've seen it a few times and I know how dedicated she is to her dog and what a lover of Pit Bulls she is. I have a 12 year old Pit Bull, I've owned her for 10 years and she is the best dog I've ever owned. So when looking for better food for her, now that she's a "senior citizen" dog who needs very good nutrition...I aboslutely grabbed her new food and when I read that the money went to a charity in support of animals, I happily bought it. My dog loves the stuff and is doing great on it. She is having far less tummy trouble and has more energy. It's good stuff.

At 12/02/2008 12:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been feeding this food for 4 months now to Canine Performance Dogs and I personally think it is a good food!


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