Friday, September 26
Giada: Mario's Not Sensual, Lidia Puts You to Sleep, and I'm Not a Porn Star
Wow... did Giada De Laurentiis just put her prosciutto-wrapped foot in her mouth? In the upcoming issue of Page Six magazine, the Emmy-winning Food Network star denies she's a porn star, bashes PBS, and argues that Mario Batali is not "romantic or sensual."
Says who?!
On her low necklines:
"Porn? I'm not doing porn! What the hell are people talking about," Giada is quoted as saying.
On her show's style:
"[It's not] PBS-style cooking. Lidia Bastianich, sorry, but [she's] kind of boring. I mean, I love Lidia, but you can fall asleep watching her. And Mario Batali? I love Mario to death... but he's not romantic or sensual. Those are things that I bring to the table."
Okay, maybe I don't find Mario's strangely trimmed beard, pony tail, and fascination with Crocs all that sensual... but I'm sure some people do!
I can't be sure that Giada really said these things, though. It is Page Six, after all.
Says who?!
On her low necklines:
"Porn? I'm not doing porn! What the hell are people talking about," Giada is quoted as saying.
On her show's style:
"[It's not] PBS-style cooking. Lidia Bastianich, sorry, but [she's] kind of boring. I mean, I love Lidia, but you can fall asleep watching her. And Mario Batali? I love Mario to death... but he's not romantic or sensual. Those are things that I bring to the table."
Okay, maybe I don't find Mario's strangely trimmed beard, pony tail, and fascination with Crocs all that sensual... but I'm sure some people do!
I can't be sure that Giada really said these things, though. It is Page Six, after all.
Labels: food network, Giada De Laurentiis
Mario is way sexier in his orange crocs and ponytail than SHE is no matter how low-cut her blouses are!!!
Just more evidence that she's a narcissistic beyotch.
Obviously Princess Prosciutto thinks she is much better than she actually is.
I am surprised she didn't take a swipe at Joe Bastianich, Mario's business partner in the same breath.
Can someone let out about 50 lbs of compressed air from this broad's swollen head ?
The difference between Lidia and Mario and her is that they actually know how to cook. They've forgotten more about cooking than this woman -- with her freakishly big head and pelican nose -- will ever know.
Agreed all on the comments! Don't forget she is jealous of Rachael Ray! She always mention that she is part of the film family. Whatever!
Rachael Ray makes WAY MORE money than her and it's way more popular. Even though I am not a RR fan but I KNOW RR has a way larger fan base than big breasts Giada!
I hope she didn't really say those things. Everyone is guilty of bashing people but doing so in a public interview is bogue if you ask me. Especially after Mario wrote a warm introduction to her first cookbook and has helped her along the way w/ various projects. I think her ego is starting to get too big. I don't want to NOT like her but...
I think Ms. Thing needs say that to Lidia's face...she'll be using those pretty, white teeth for confetti!!!
More ridiculosity from someone who only got the job because she has family connections. I can't watch her anymore. She's not a porn star but she's selling "sensuality." Apparently, Lidia can cook circles around that girl but apparently by keeping her boobs covered, she's putting us to sleep!? And, BTW, has Giada forgotten what she looked like before all the stylists and makeup artists got a hold of her?
What did she look like before all the makeup artists and stylists fixed her up ?
Tuscan Bush Pig ?
Sicilain Smurf with big Nortons ?
Amalfi Coast street urchin food vendor ?
Was she a horsehead then too ?
Oh dear, I am soooo jealous!!! Is she as "Fab" in real-life??? Don't destroy my Ina fantasy by saying she isn't as wonderful as she is on her show!!!! please!!!!
The public hasn't seen much of her little girl . While Jade is a cute child as all little babies are , she isn't a pretty little girl . She favors her father Todd Thompson. I think that Giada is embarrassed that she isn't a beautiful child.
Jeez, Giada! You just sealed it for us. You're a pretentious bitch.
Mario Batali is hot and Giada's not.
Queen Bitch as always.
If I had a choice of who I had to spend an hour with, it would be Mario hands down. I'm certain that he is far more intelligent and interesting.
At our house, Giada's name is Bobblehead. Even the kids call her that. every time I accidentally see her cleavage hanging out,I think "no one really needs to see that so close to dinner."
How pretentious! I've tried to like her, I have, IF she said this, nope, can't do it. My two year old and I looove Lidia! Don't speak for me, you freakish horseyface!
Wow, and you are so beautiful on that cover, to think you're actually so freakin ugly!
For the longet time on her show, I thought her husband was like Ina's friend TR, only less gorgeous. I about fainted when I discovered he was her hubby!
What a crow.
I think Giada showed her true colors on the Iron Chef episode. She clearly could not handle losing to the RR. Also, in her most recent shows especially, she really does come across as self-entitled, spoiled, and snotty. Of course, it goes almost without saying that Mario and Lidia are clearly far more accomplished chefs/cooks than Giada as well.
On Iron chef her true colors show when she, who claims to be a chef, couldn't cook on the show.
Giada couldn't cook on Iron Chef or South Beach, and she let her true colors show on a couple of seasons of TNFNS.
I've been telling you all that this witch-nosed hack was a BITCH for quite a while.
FINALLY, more evidence to prove my point.
And Mario and Lidia could cook circles around this elitist bitch.
romance??? sensuality????
sorry Giada--you just don't get it--and--you NEVER will--
Her husband designs dresses?...Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Her husband designs dresses?...Not that there's anything wrong with that...
curious if she said anything inaccurate.
Inaccurate yes...she calls herself a chef.
I really hope she didn't say these things!!! I wonder if she will deny she said it.
Princess Pumpkinhead is not a chef. She attended the Cordon Bleu in Paris, and we are not quite sure what certificate she was able to obtain, but it wasn't chef's papers. I think it was part-time pastry chef course. Maybe someone should find out to satisfy everyone's curiosity.
Husband designs dresses ? Well he works for Anthropologie and I am not sure how much actual design is involved. This company is infamous for "interpreting" other designers and producing the low cost replica en masse in China. Since Giada is intent on creating illusions, my guess is he isn't a real designer and has fudged his resume along the way.
At this point, it appears Giada is aiming to be the Italian film star her mother never got to be and perhaps trying to emulate a few who were around in Grandpa's days.
Sorry Giada, you will never ever be Gina Lollabridgida or Sophia Loren.Why don't you try just being an average cook with a cooking show and quit being a prima dona witch. Pretty soon everyone is going to get a hate on for you.
It seems th real hater is Giada.
I could never hate a woman who makes me so happy watching slow-motion food movement.
If you define happy as turned on. Which I do.
Me thinks there are alot of jealous people out there. Her breast are small compared to mine. She is my fave female chef on the FN. Mario looks silly and talks to fast. But he is entertaining on IC. Lidia is a bit boring. And personally I do not think she said those things. I think this rag put those words into her moth and I would sue there ass.
First of all thank you for the description of you breasts.
Second Giada is NOT a chef.
Third she has a well documented history of being nasy caught on tape.
always knew she was a BIG stated previously...only got there because of family connections...has no talent...lazy cooking...especially from someone who actually attended a culinary school...and as BIG as that head is...unfortunately it isn't filled with intelligence...i would rather watch mario and lidia anyday over horse head...and btw...fn needs to take lessons about cooking shows from PBS...
Damn you all was chopping her. Well, I'm still going to her book signing Tuesday and I'm going to ask her whats up with dissing Lidia cuz Lidia's show is classy and not boring at all and Lidia has some pretty huge breastes on her as well that she doesn't need to parade about her kitchen flaunting about. You know how these magazines are time the editing gets done and they take words and mince em she may not have come across as bitchy as the magazine is portraying. I hope she's not a beeyatch at the book signing though.
Knew she was a bitch since her ICA and TNFNS appearances.
She seems like the type who would say nice things to your face, but then bad mouth you behind your back.
She only got her cooking show because of her last name, which isn't even her real last name. Her mother is a DeLaurentiis, I don't know who her father is.
'I don't know who her father is.'
Fred Garvin, male prostitute.
I suspect that all involved (Giada, Mario, Lidia) know Page Six for what it is. They're probably having a laugh over a glass of vino that Lidia's son/Mario's business partner, Joe, picked out for them.
Never got into Mario, but I heart Lidia.
Who knows if she really even said this stuff...
But, with regard to the porn comments....she can't really believe that we all are not hip to the fact that the close up shots are not of food but of her breasts????
If the close ups were really meant to just show the food detail, then why not go close in when the food is on the cutting board and not have her holding it up in front of her cleavage??
COME ON GIADA!!!! We are much smarter than that!!!!!
Come on people!!!!!
I'm sure her comments were twisted and taken out of context like all rags will do. Why do people love to hate on Giada! If you don't like her, don't watch!
Someone should check credentials on this bimbo.
Cordon Who ? If she was a real graduate of any institution, she would proudly state it as most chefs who attend the CIA do, for instance.
Since Numb Nuts Tuschman is intent on checking and verifying everyone puts forth and doesn't lie about their backgrounds, I am sure we all want to know the truth.
HA.Another faker is exposed.
Her husband doesn't really design clothes. He is more of an apparel merchandiser and decides which styles might do well in Anthropologie stores. An important job,pays higher than a staff designer, but doesn't sound too glamourous for Giada's purposes
The industry is full of people like him and it was likely Giada who coined him a "fashion designer".
Just another fib this woman is telling.
You idiots are acting like this magazine (which is NOT like the Enquirer) made this shit up. They didn't!
I can never get over how stupid people are.
Anonymous 3:02 pm
How the hell do you know???
Were you there?
I too can't get over how stupid people are!!
it actually sounds less offensive when you read the entire article. my first thoughts from this site we're "whoa what a bitch. I don't want to like her anymore". Then I went and found the whole article and it doesn't seem so bad. Although I despise it when people are like "oh I LOVE so and so but so and so is this bad thing or that bad thing.." - Just fake and somewhat callous. ok, maybe she IS deluded about herself. her show is not that exciting either. being a female, her boobs can be there ro not be there - i don't care. on that note, her show in my eyes is no different than anyone elses. i get great ideas & beautiful food from all of them.
Lidia Bastianich is a Italian culinary GOD!
She really screwed up on that one.
I'm sure she DID say these things, because during these interviews they record them.
If not, they'd be looking at a lot of lawsuits when stupid people say stupid things. Just like Giada.
obviously giada has no right to any opinions
only the bloggers here are entitled to any huh??
I always wonder if she is a French trained 'chef'as she claims how come she can only cook bad Italian food?
How many times you do you need to be told? She isn't a trained French chef. She went to the Cordon Bleu in Paris, took a pastry course, probably spent more time sightseeing than anything else, and came home.
If she was able to obtain any noteable achievements , don't you think she would flaunt it ?
Jeezus, everybody today is calling themselves a chef, including Mr McCargo. Self promoted from line cook.
I don't care if she's a cook or a chef or a porn star. I love her recipes. Oh but she is a bitch.
She does flaunt it she makes sure peole kown she's a chef. just as much people notice her boobs.
I think if she keeps saying she is chef then bloody well prove it.
I think she really digs titles.She made her husband a fashion designer, when he is actually an apparel merchandiser.Npbody from Anthropologie has come on here to correct this, so what does that mean. If he was designer, then someone would pipe up. Ha Busted.
Just when did she turn up the bitch factor. She wasn't always like this. True colors Pancheeta woman.
I always thought she was a little too perfect. But, I think she is a bit of a bitch. I definitely noticed it when she was cooking with Paula Deen on the South Beach Special. She made some comment about watch, Paula you know she likes to add alot of salt. I thought it was tacky
I've watched my share of both Rachael Ray and Giada's shows but I've always preferred Rachael over Giada.
Rachael has a sweet, mild mannered and humble personality while Giada can be fun but usually appears pompous and snotty most of the time.
Also, Rachael came from a regular, middle class family while Giada's family is super rich and her grandfather has been a famous director for decades. Obviously, because of this fact, Rachael had to work much harder than Giada to succeed on the Food Network Channel and beyond since she didn't have the money or connections that Giada had.
The different between RR and Giada is that Rachael doesn't claim to be a chef and that's what makes her down to earth. Giada is not a chef, her recipes are dead-average and her recipes do not hold a candle to Batali's. She ran around like a chicken with her head cut off on Iron Chef, and it pisses her off that Rachael held her own during the stress and handled herself so much more professionally. I used to like Giada in her early days, but her true colors are showing.
Plus, her husbands so gay. It's ok - he needs to be himself. But, if he ever comes out - he's finished. De Laurentiis money will wipe him out leaving him with nothing.
OMG! You all sound so jealous, how sad. I like Giada and just because she comes from money does not mean she is stuck up! What is wrong with you people? I have tried many of her recipes and they are GREAT!
Stop hating! It makes you look so dumb.
Anonymous: "Stop hating" is an expression used by the uneducated and unsophisticated. It is meaningless and sounds silly.
Giada has fake boobs and fake recipes and a fake smile and a fake attitude which makes her a fake. It is not possible to defend a fake anything, and particularly a fake Giada.
I like Giada and every chef mentioned I do also as they all have their special quality.
I met Lidia at Mariano's Vernon Hills, IL the other day and she was amazing. She grabbed a customer and offered to write a recipe for her purchase. Amazing.
Giada I love too though. Giada is like a Beverly Hills 5 star house chef.
People should look at them on their own level as they are like composers not wanting to sacrifice their way. Musician Yngwie is like that and every guitarist on stage had trouble out doing him. That is passion and his way.
I clear my mind and look at each separate.
Mario is wonderful also who is focused on his art. Dare to be different to contrast each other.
I am a home slow cook chef that I love to do.
Sale e Pepe in Marco Island, FL is a French/Italian food you have to experience. Veal ravioli with a sugo(sugar) safe infused sauce that is to die for with a red zinfandel ;)
Happy Cooking!
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