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Monday, October 6

Rachael Ray Does(n't) Have Throat Cancer

Just weeks after acknowledging a voice problem and damaged vocal chords, Rachael Ray is now denying National Enquirer reports that she has throat cancer.

While she is having surgery, Rachael doesn't have cancer, says her rep.

Rach's spokesperson said:
"Rachael is the picture of health. She is having very minor surgery to remove a benign cyst on her vocal cord."

Which translates to:
"Rachael has throat cancer."

[Let's hope not, though. But this wouldn't be the first time a press rep distorted a client's need for surgery.]

Sure to upset Ray-haters even more, Rachael will only have to rest her voice for "a week or so" instead of the Enquirer-reported two full months with no talking.

With all the RR reruns, you'll never know she's resting! [People]

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At 10/06/2008 8:52 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

I do not care for Rachael Ray, but I sincerely hope she does not have cancer.

At 10/06/2008 9:37 PM , Blogger Angie said...

I don't like her at all, but throat cancer is brutal and I really hope that she's healthy.

At 10/07/2008 2:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She still needs to shut up.

At 10/07/2008 8:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to teach aerobics back in the days before good cordless microphones, and many of the instructors I worked with developed nodes on their vocal cords from shouting over the music. One had surgery, others had to stop teaching. Natalie Dessay, the famous French soprano, has had surgery for nodes too -- when you need your voice for a living, you do what you have to do. I hope Rachael doesn't have throat cancer, and I hope she wins big on her suit.

At 10/07/2008 9:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto with anon 2:44 AM

At 10/07/2008 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe some E.V.O.O. will help...ha ha

At 10/07/2008 12:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is her body's way of informing her she is TOO LOUD TOO ANNOYING and TOO in everyone's faces.

she won't learn her lesson tho.....
trust me.

this isn't any kind of good sign. this is NOT the end of this stuff for her. by a long shot.

At 10/07/2008 2:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt very much, if it were cancer, that they would delay treatment until December.

At 10/07/2008 2:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, malicious gossip being what it is, I guess someone at the National Enquirer doesn't really care for RR like us normal people do. Godspeed, girl! (And not so much screaming at your hubby's concerts, huh?)

At 10/07/2008 3:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she had throat cancer she wouldn't be in ITALY celebrating her 3rd wedding anniversary and her surgery isn't scheduled until December. If it was cancer she would of been operated on already people!!!!!!

At 10/07/2008 5:19 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

My brother just had surgery for the same problem...it really is why her voice is so scratchy all the time- RayRay won't be too vocal for awhile after this surgery though...and she'll probably have a nice frankenstein scar on her neck unless she finds a good plastic surgeon to cover it up...

At 10/07/2008 9:41 PM , Blogger Charles said...

I got something to coat them vocal cords Rach...Hi-yo! (badabing!)...lol did I just say that disrespectful comment about my absolute fave? Rude! Soooo does this mean she won't be having a book signing in December like she normally does, esp when she has "The Big Orange Coobook" coming out??? Get Well and Get Rest Rachael!

At 10/07/2008 9:56 PM , Blogger Charles said...

Btw, Jacob, why you all up in my girl's mouf err-e-ah like that, talking bout' "what's going on here"? LOL RUDE! LOL

At 10/07/2008 11:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeez lighten up or tighten up huh???
calm the F down already....

At 10/08/2008 1:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like anon 2:07pm said.

If it was cancer they would operate right away, not wait till December.

At 10/08/2008 12:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an oncology nurse, (cancer treatment), surgery is not always done right away. Sometimes they have chemo or radiation then surgery.

At 10/09/2008 3:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you Rach!! Get well and take the time you need to heal. Your fans love you !

At 10/09/2008 5:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and those of us who are not your fans DON'T.....

At 10/09/2008 2:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get better Rachael! And don't shout as much :)

At 10/11/2008 3:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't get the negativity in younger people today...like those of you who HATE Rachael. Maybe you're just envious that she's made millions. Like the fat girl with the RACHAEL HATE website. Talk about "Get a Life"...How about lose some fat and enjoy a vibrant, healthy-minded young female entrepreneur! Everything in the world today does not have to be nasty to be nice. I foresee a very sad future for many who cannot appreciate a person with a gift. Nobody is PERFECT but she's certainly left her mark on American society, in a positive way, through preparing and sharing food. Isn't that where it all begins..the warmth, the caring?

At 10/11/2008 4:28 PM , Blogger Charles said...

Here, Here to anon @ 3:17pm!!! Right on. You mean to tell me that you have such disdane for a person that you feel you need to create a site made especially for HATING someone? That girl who has that site is one sad cow. She's probably a super obese shut-in who's only connection with the outside life is on her computer.

At 10/12/2008 3:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you Charles !!! Just like the cow that started RRSUX - among the things she put Rachael down for was how fat she got... when I saw the bitch on TV talking about RR SUX she was about 300 lbs... who the hell is she to comment on Rachael's weight!! COW!
Rachael ROCKS and She is in my prayers for a speedy recovery... I for one want her on my TV for a LONG TIME!!

At 10/12/2008 3:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too- Why don't all you haters get the hell off here and spew your crap on RRSUX board- oh wait they seem to all have gone away!! YAY!!! Rach, you go on and on being FABULOUS!!! You ROCK

At 10/12/2008 3:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how many of Misty's suxsters have apparently turned their hostilies away from RR and onto Misty these days and even more wishy-washy is how Misty admits to being friends with RC Smith, who so far has been successful in his bid to divide and conquer Misty and her little lemmings.

At 10/13/2008 11:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got that right Misty Lane sux !!! And Bravo to RC!!! LOVE HIM!!!

At 10/22/2008 5:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachael Left a message on her blog re: her throat surgery. She wanted the truth to come from HER. We love you Rach, get better!

At 12/16/2008 9:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to people.com, RR no longer needs surgery because she is trying some new vocal training therapy.

At 2/05/2009 4:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are all to harsh. Rachel is doing what she does well and doesn't need your bad vibs. Lets all be positive for the length of her stay on TV. Geeze.


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