Tuesday, March 30

Food Network Mag Publishes Pic of Bobby Deen w/... Girlfriend?

Does Bobby Deen, the almost 40-year-old bachelor son of Paula Deen, have a girlfriend... or is he perhaps intersted in having some other kind of "friend?" (The "roommate/best same sex friend who lives next door and always goes on vacation together/gym teacher" kind of friend.)

The debate has been going on since my first post about it back in 2006.

Bobby himself didn't really help things when in 2007 he told Extra that his idea of a perfect date would be: "We'd have dinner, dessert, a glass of wine and she'd be gone... it'd be perfect."

Ummm... okay.

Oh, and there was that mysterious blurred out photo that showed up in a TV special and appeared to be hiding Bobby and another male.

So, even though I had heard some rumblings about someone he was "dating" last year, I was surprised to see this pic below in the April issue of Food Network Magazine, clearing identifying the woman next to Bobby as "his girlfriend Katy":

I guess that's official, then...even though the pic was taken back in Oct. 2009 at the New York City Wine & Food Festival.

Are you surprised to see Bobby with a girlfriend kind of publicly... and happy about it? Or are you still questioning?


  1. I don't believe it for a minute. I'm still going with the 'blurry photo' theory. :-)

  2. Definitely a queer. Spends far too much time in gay bars in Savannah for a straight dude.

  3. Why is "MEDIAWEEK" plastered all over the page?

  4. Meanwhile, where's Jamie's wife? You'd think she'd be in the family press photo

  5. Bobby's girlfriend is Katy Mixon, the actress who is best know as April on Eastbound and Down. She lives in LA. They have supposing been going together for almost a year.

  6. haha oh god foodnetwork gossip

  7. Hey Y'ALL , Paula Deen's in trouble AGAIN with ANOTHER lawsuit ... :


  8. Either way, I can't decide which is scarier - the "girlfriend"'s eyebrows or Paula's teeth? *shiver*

  9. I have seen Bobby & Katy together and it didn't look forced at all. Either way, I still love The Deen Bros!

  10. Paula's top matches her skin tone. She looks awful now.

  11. She's not his girlfriend, she's his OOH GURRL! friend.

  12. No matter his sexual preference, I can't blame Bobby for trying to keep his personal life private. He balances out his over-the-top mom!

  13. I met Bobby Deen in Dallas a few years ago at an event. He was very polite & answered a lot of questions...was a perfect gentleman as he did the intro work for his Mom. A class act! I also don't blame him for keeping his personal life private. I think most of us have heard more than we ever wanted to know about Paula'a personal stuff. I for one am glad Bobby values his privacy!

  14. So I thought the other son was married? Where is she then?

  15. Bobby Deen gay? Next you'll spread a rumor that Ricky Martin is gay. Simply RIDICULOUS. hahaha.
    Has he really been seen in gay bars in Savannah. Always wanted to go, now I have even more reason... Bobby sitings!

  16. He is not gay just because he may not have a girlfriend or be married at his age. Nothing says anyone has to settle down. Maybe he is picky. Maybe the right girl has not come along yet. Leave Bobby alone... He's a doll.

  17. I love Paula and her sons Lets stay out of other peoples bedrooms

  18. Who cares if he is gay or not. This is his girlfriend Katy Mixon the actress and they have been together for awhile. To me she looks like Jaimie's wife and I am not surprised he fell for her. They are cute together.

  19. Came across this while looking for recipes. Get a life people. Who cares about his personal life?

  20. Uh, what does Bobby's sexual orientation have to do with a cooking show? I don't care. I like the Deens, ok? Bobby's cute and polite either way. He's in his 40's and not married. Big deal. Who says you have to be a certain age to marry? I'm a 35 year old straight female and I'm not married. Just extremely picky. Worry about their cooking, not their private lives. There's enough crappy gossip in this world already.

  21. Great blog! Keep it up the good work and also keep posting.

  22. Rock Hudson had girls friends too. I still love the deens..just wish Bobby would come out.

  23. Who really cares if he is gay? He is still a human being and a wonderful son and person. Get a life!!

  24. just come out bobby, who cares, you new show proves it, the gym, the healthier lifestyle. it won't hurt your mother now that she has made her deal with novartis because she has diabetes two.

    can't eat that much sugar and butter and not get some kind of disease, high cholesterol, heart disease, is it really worth the money to drop dead one day of a heart attack.

  25. GaryC said...
    Bobby Deen gay? Next you'll spread a rumor that Ricky Martin is gay. Simply RIDICULOUS. hahaha.
    Has he really been seen in gay bars in Savannah. Always wanted to go, now I have even more reason... Bobby sitings!

    5/04/2010 8:49 PM

    Umm....Ricky Martin is gay, he has come out of the closet a couple of years ago. Where have you been?

  26. Hi Bobby, I persanally came out late in life , and glad I did... People appreciate honesty more than staying closeted, and I pray to God I run into you one day, you are one hot guy!!!!

  27. Get a life people! He isn't gay. Ive seen him with Katy and its not a ooooohgurl friend as someone previously mentioned. I come across him a lot in my line of work and he really is a sweet and polite man. Even if he was gay what difference does it make???? Leave the guy alone already sheesh!

  28. It might one of those friend of a friend things but I lived in Atlanta for 8 years and a good friend of mine told me his friend had dated Bobby Deen. Don't know if it's true but somehow it feels like the truth.=)

  29. I know he is not gay. We were eachothers frist love. Its amazing how a person turns on the survival mode just to survive. Because if she actually thought about how great something was, it would literaly feel like you are going to die."A Time" a time to deal is a time to heal, a time to heal is a time to feel, a time to feel is a time to remember, a time to remember is a time that I fell in love, a love that will never be lost.
