Wednesday, June 13
JAG Embellishes More than his Food
In what I think is a pretty startling article, the Marine Corps Times has uncovered some additional information on Josh Adam Garcia, a.k.a. "JAG"-- a current contestant on the Next Food Network Star.
It turns out JAG might have "jagged up" everything from his culinary training to whether or not he actually served as a corporal in Afghanistan.

While he originally said he graduated from the New York Restaurant School, his bio on FN now says he simply "attended." He's pulling a little Sandra Lee action! All her bios say she "trained at the Cordon Bleu" which we now know was a 2-week course that she didn't even attend in its entirety.
From the MCT:
“He attended, but did not graduate,” said Midge Elias, director of public relations at the school, now known as the Art Institute of New York City. Privacy rules prevent the school from releasing any further information, such as number of course hours completed or whether the former Marine used the GI Bill to help finance his training, as he claimed in multiple interviews.
Okay, that in and of itself isn't a crime, but just say that you attended and didn't graduate!
In what's a little more troubling, there seems to be no record of JAG going to fight in Afghanistan.
"... the service has no record of Garcia ever deploying to Afghanistan, and certainly not as a member of 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, the infantry unit Garcia said he accompanied to the war zone in 2002. In fact, Marine officials at the battalion’s home at Camp Lejeune, N.C., said the unit did not deploy to Afghanistan that year."
According to the MCT, when JAG was confronted about this, he said he simply let the producers "believe what they wanted to believe."
Okay, that's shady. And not to mention incredibly disrespectful to the thousands of people actually serving overseas.
JAG tries to cover the holes of his story up by saying there was a "big hazing scandal" that prevents him, or the U.S. Military, from discussing the specifics of his record.
What's makes this story so important to both JAG himself and the viewers is that, unlike many reality shows, the Next Food Network Star does not select a winner until the public votes, despite taping the majority of the episodes months ago.
JAG could conceivably be, unbeknownst to us, in the final two right now just waiting for that vote. The judges and editors could have already crafted a show that primes us to vote for him. Lots of people could be screwed here.
I wonder if this story will get much attention, or will people just pass this off as another reality show contestant embellishing their life with the hopes of being cast.
It turns out JAG might have "jagged up" everything from his culinary training to whether or not he actually served as a corporal in Afghanistan.

While he originally said he graduated from the New York Restaurant School, his bio on FN now says he simply "attended." He's pulling a little Sandra Lee action! All her bios say she "trained at the Cordon Bleu" which we now know was a 2-week course that she didn't even attend in its entirety.
From the MCT:
“He attended, but did not graduate,” said Midge Elias, director of public relations at the school, now known as the Art Institute of New York City. Privacy rules prevent the school from releasing any further information, such as number of course hours completed or whether the former Marine used the GI Bill to help finance his training, as he claimed in multiple interviews.
Okay, that in and of itself isn't a crime, but just say that you attended and didn't graduate!
In what's a little more troubling, there seems to be no record of JAG going to fight in Afghanistan.
"... the service has no record of Garcia ever deploying to Afghanistan, and certainly not as a member of 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, the infantry unit Garcia said he accompanied to the war zone in 2002. In fact, Marine officials at the battalion’s home at Camp Lejeune, N.C., said the unit did not deploy to Afghanistan that year."
According to the MCT, when JAG was confronted about this, he said he simply let the producers "believe what they wanted to believe."
Okay, that's shady. And not to mention incredibly disrespectful to the thousands of people actually serving overseas.
JAG tries to cover the holes of his story up by saying there was a "big hazing scandal" that prevents him, or the U.S. Military, from discussing the specifics of his record.
What's makes this story so important to both JAG himself and the viewers is that, unlike many reality shows, the Next Food Network Star does not select a winner until the public votes, despite taping the majority of the episodes months ago.
JAG could conceivably be, unbeknownst to us, in the final two right now just waiting for that vote. The judges and editors could have already crafted a show that primes us to vote for him. Lots of people could be screwed here.
I wonder if this story will get much attention, or will people just pass this off as another reality show contestant embellishing their life with the hopes of being cast.
Labels: food network, JAG, Next Food Network Star
OHH no my first Food Network crush is not looking good! WHY JAG WHY!!!!!
I've mentioned before that I'm a military wife, my husband is in his 14th year of service to the US Army. JAG is a tool, total utter tool. Those looks he gives, you know the ones I mean, that condescending, 'go f____ yourself bc I'm the KING of everything' look...would get him in OH SO MUCH TROUBLE in the service. I also don't buy the still wearing his fatigue jacket 2 years after he got out. Just doesn't happen.
JAG, please DIE. Thank You.
JAG - you are a loser and huge insult to our troops. Plus you are a big fat liar. Take your "JAG-ged" up food and just go away. We already have a big phony (Miss Sandy Lee) on the network, we don't need another one!
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Food Network needs to do their research first before putting someone on like this. Playing up his Marine Corps service is a big part of who this guy supposedly is on tv and what the Food Network has done. Marines are out there putting their lives on the line in both Afghanistan and Iraq and it is a disgrace to say that he went to Afghanistan when he DID NOT. A real Marine would not lie about their service or having gone to Afghanistan. I'm going to be VERY angry if they select this guy based on the lies that he calls embellishments. They should remove any mention of the Corps from his profile. Not to mention the fact that he goes by JAG knowing what a REAL JAG Officer is.
Food Network crush? JAG is overweight and unattractive. Its sad to see someone that has been a Marine let him go seeing as how fit Marines have to be. The Food Network seems to be exploring Marine Corps men lately and they have done FAR better with Bobby Flay's show.
What a poo poo face! He probably ate his way out of the Marines. Never set foot overseas. His mother must be "SO PROUD" of her little liar...I mean MARINE?!?
What a Cock sucker. That mother phuker should be castrated for making a mockery of the Armyed Forces. Little son of a BITCH!
Even before his lying came out I don't think this guy had any chance of winning so it's going to work itself out anyway. I predict he's the next to go and not just because he lied. All I can say is that the Food Network better do more background checks on these people in the future. They're making a mockery of both the cooking profession and TV chefdom, not to mention being all too willing to believe flim flam artists like this one in an effort to find someone "appealing" to the masses. Don't patronize us, Food Network, we're smarter than you think. I could have told you this guy was a shyster from the very beginning!
Too many people have smeared the name of the Marine Corps in the last few years. All those old men who claimed to rate huge amounts of prestigious wartime awards, politicians attempting to label killing the enemy as "murder", and occasionally, the normal civilian who wants to appear patriotic and invents non-existent service to his country. Josh Garcia could have been one of those bootcamp washouts. He could be a 4 year and out former Marine who didn't hack it and feels the need to appear more because of a TV show appointment. Whatever his case, he is a disgrace and should be removed for misrepresenting the Marine Corps and the Marines in it as a whole. Shame on you, Josh. Shame on you.
Clinton lied and we forgave him. Bush lied and we forgave him. Jesus died to forgive us of our sins. We forgive you. Now go and lie no more and Jag it up!
Whoa... whoa there people... I know this guy and have talked to him personally about what happened... He never claimed that he was a war hero... FoodNetwork put that out there... What he said and I quote was "I served in the Marines during the Afghanastan and Iraq conflicts"... The FoodNetwork were the ones embellishing... He didn't correct them as he should have, but lets be honest here people, How many of you would have offered up the truth with so much riding on the line? Say what you want but none of you would have... This reporter was completely irresponsible and this article is a sensationalist piece of garbage... He paints Josh out to be some liar, cashing in on the lives of war veterans... This is not the case and the reporter should have brought his concerns up with Josh and the FoodNetwork instead of cashing in on ruining his life... Furthermore, shame on you fellow Marines for throwing your brother under the bus so quickly... When I joined it was supposed to be this "Band of Brothers", well that isn't so true now is it? LIGHTS,LIGHTS LIGHTS... Wake up people...
He's still there because Booby Fray likes having his ass kissed.
This lying punk-ass is a disgrace to the Marines and all people who served in the military.
He should have been thrown off as soon as FN discovered his lies. As long as he's there, he destroys what little credibility FN has left.
As a retired Marine who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq I am disgusted at the lies that this punk perpetrated while participating on the Food Network Challenge. His lies and misnomers do nothing but shed bad light upon the Marine Corps. By his bringing the “Race Card” into play also shows that he got what he deserved when he received NJP. The Food Network was deceived by his inaction and does indeed educate the American public in Ethic diversity. Semper Fi!
"Anonymous said...
Whoa... whoa there people... I know this guy and have talked to him personally about what happened... He never claimed that he was a war hero... FoodNetwork put that out there... What he said and I quote was "I served in the Marines during the Afghanastan and Iraq conflicts"..."
ANNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! WRONG!!!!!!! He just admitted it on tonight's show that he told them that he had deployed to Afghanistan. What a Jag-off! And that sob mock apology to his "brothers" serving overseas. F HIM! Guarantee you FN told him to bow out or he would be put out.
I sent to an email letter to the two corporate judges on this show that I watch with my wife. Unlike most of you here, I fault Food Network on this one. If it was so important WHAT KIND of military service and CERTIFICATE OF FOOD that he received, then why didn't do BACKGROUND CHECKS on ALL the contestants? He DID serve in the Marine Corps, did he not? He DID go to the culinary school did he not? So WTF does any Afghanistan service or Food certificate HAVE TO DO WITH HIS SHOWMANSHIP AND COOKING ABILITY? Do you know what? IT IS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. this is a FOOD SHOW FOR JESUS' SAKE, NOT A POLITICAL ELECTION! GET BENT! P.S. AND YOU CAN FORGET ME VOTING FOR THOSE TWO LEFTOVERS CONTESTANTS THAT RESEMBLE SANDRA LEE AS WELL (EXCEPT FOR THE FRENCH CULINARY WANNABE WHO IS JUST AS POOR).
JAG in the military is Judge Advocate General...JAG on the Show is his nickname oh yeah and by the way the letters are also his initials. And if all you military pricks out there can remember our initials were on everything from our towels to our draws. My initials just so happen to have been MAN at the time and was called as such through out boot camp and it stuck with me throughout my military career. As for four and out some of us only let the military use us for 4 years so we can use them later. God get real people. Many of us don't need or want the "structure" the damn military provides. As for whether or not he was over there who gives a F**K. Those men and women need to come home anyway!
Everyone makes mistakes.
What a poseur. Earlier in the show he was mentioning how he doesn't want to bring up the past, I guess because it's made up. Made up like the so called Caribbean elements in his cooking.
Beyond just being honest, at least have some sense. He's on a public forum, mentioning service in 2 currently ongoing and hotly debated wars. He expects no one will check?
Excellent job representing the latinos on food network! Also, kudos to Food Net. on the background check.
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I just can't believe this. I had a bad feeling about JAG, but just couldn't put my finger on it. Now I know. He is a huge liar. Why would you say all that stuff when you know that people can check it out. I now consider him a horrible disgrace to the U.S. for lying about going overseas. What really makes me mad is that the network let him "resign" instead of kicking his butt off the show. After the lie he told, he doesn't deserve to be treated with any respect. The show is now completely contaminated. There have been a few episodes where it has been between Jag and another competitor as to who was going home. If they had known about this back then, who knows what would happened. The final 2 could be completely different. I am so disspointed in him and I hope that everyone in his hometown including his family gives him the respect he deserves...ABSOLUTELY NONE. I hope they treat you like the liar you are.
Seriously people, give the guy a break. I don't think anybody out there is innocent of fluffing up one's resume to land a choice job. Now throw into the mix that the reporter took liberties with his "Service during" and what did you expect from the guy?
Not to mention, if you're gonna play gung-ho Marine, please talk to the many, many, MANY poser Marines that went through boot camp and then come out claiming "Yeah, I was a sniper and took out 50 enemies at Panama with nothing else than my pistol and a piece of dental floss". I was raised in the military and to say that there aren't soldiers out there that "inflate" their service is just a lie in and of itself.
Now, let's discuss the fact that I am of hispanic lineage. My family came from Cuba during the revolution and I've been trying to learn more about this part of my family. I found Jag / Joseph / whatever FAR more interesting than the smarmy blonde or the cute lil soccermom next door. Food Network already has enough R. Ray's and Giada D.'s and I'd for one like to see more aimed at my demographic. The only thing that even slightly holds my interest anymore is Good Eats since it actually attempts to explain the WHY's of the food and puts some male tool-shed engineering into it (Turkey Derrick, Flower-pot smoker, etc).
We all know how this went down, Food Network found out that they were going to get bad publicity and they sat Jag down and told him that he was going to HAVE to remove himself. Anyone who can read faces and knows production knows that whole "Admission" scene was just made for the show and the REAL apology and "removal" happened off camera. They would have allowed him to remove himself to save face while keeping the focus off the fact that THEY DIDN'T DO THEIR HOMEWORK.
I now find myself completely disenfranchised with Food Network as they seem completely determined to only cater to yuppie urbanites and not anyone else. If I had the choice, I'd request their removal from my subscription package. Guess all I can do is remove them from my channel list and hope that Food Network goes the way of TechTV.
George Bush was a crackhead and a drunk before he became president, Bill Clinton lied about his past while he was president and he was impeached. We forgave both of them. JAG made a mistake one that does not even come close to what our last two presidents have done with their lives. Come on people, cut the man some slack!
His lies are what got him on the show. He had to know that the lies were going to come out. What a mess.
Simply Delicouso - Food Network Damage Control Cover Up
Food network claims in today's episode that they filmed it "several months ago". That's logically inconstant, since it was the military press that released on June 27th the details on JAG. Interestingly, Jag makes his stake on that Latino is not represented on Food network, during the XM radio portion of the show. Is it coincidence that they start airing commercials for Simply Delicouso for the last couple weeks? As someone else pointed out, Jag never said that he went to Afghanistan, he just served during it. Jag is being victimized and Food Network is showing bad form by trying to cheaply gain ratings off of this sensationalism.
Paul should sue Jag because he messed up his opportunity to prove himself after being eliminated from the final four. Had Jag been upfront, Paul would have made it to the final three and perhaps even to the final two. I'm not a big fan of Paul by a long shot but at least it would have been fair for the guy to make it to the final three. Jag finally comes out about his "misrepresentation" but way too late because Paul was already long gone. Shame on Jag and Paul if you're reading, you may want to consider some legal counsel. I think you might have a case on this one, buddy.
I waited all week for the finalists to do their last challenge on the rachael ray show; it came as a total shock to see how the ending enfolded. I knew nothing of the negative press floating out on the internet.
Nonetheless, JAG has raw talent; he can cook with a little flair; the fact that he's only 25 says a lot about his determination to succeed in life; throughout the whole show, it was apparent that he was trying very hard to fit the mold Food Network wanted---Cook for the every day chef in the audience--but be a different face from the cast of stars already on FN.
The meatloaf episode at the military base was, in retrospect, very telling. JAG was clearly choked up being in the presence of people in uniform again. Giada told him to deal with "his demons" in the evaluation. He did a good job suppressing the real reasons why he was emotionally torn. What the press and FN have promoted about JAG is still fundamentally true: he's a young kid who grew up poor. He joined the military to build a life for himself. (So what if he served 8 months shy of his 4 year obligation. So what if he didn't serve in
Afghanistan; with our military so thinly stretched abroad, one would think that he would have been deployed in some capacity, but that's up to the commanders not him where he serves. The fact that he didn't discuss the specifics of his military record does not mean that he is a seedy character.) He went on to work as a cook in a restaurant to build his skills and rebuild his life.
What JAG needs is a mentor. Even Bobby Flay acknowledged that his own mentor made a difference in his life in the Chefography.
So JAG's not perfect; how many of us have made poor decisions that we live to regret? JAG needs to develop his character and this rough lesson is a strong reminder of his true grit and roots.
I am so disappointed that he did not stay to finish the competition--win or lose. However, I know that his mother raised a good son because he quoted her advice, "If you do right, it will come out right."
All the military people attacking him should save their energies and redirect them in the political forum; JAG is simply a young adult hoping to carve a life for himself. Who cares about his rank, etc. There's been so many sad stories of soldiers serving in the war coming home mentally, physically, and spiritually fragmented; some have been ignored and harassed by the military. Not everyone wants to be a hero in war. It's a cooking show not cnn.
coverage here at
Wow. I was blindsided by this but have since read up on the incident. I can see how things might have gotten out of control so quickly and how it may have been difficult to correct. I thought Jag handled the situation with grace and humility. I personally don't see what's wrong with his "real" background and wish him all the best. Hopefully he can recover from this because he seems genuine and very interesting.
OMG... And to think that my favorite, Paul, was kicked out to retain the one who spoke the slick, lying words is repulsive!
Jag, you took an opportunity from a deserving, fun and sweet candidate. Shame, shame, shame on you, poor nothing!
Paul, I hope to see you soon, dear. I want that ceviche recipe~
What kinda loser lies about being deployed into combat? What a FRAUD! I was a cook in the military and deployed to the iraq war. I was pulling for him to win. but after this OMG I hope he never works again. He was sitting there crying like a little baby "waaa waaa in front of bobby flay" what a baby. Maybe he needs to go back to the Marines and become a man!
Bravo should do a show with Jag, they have better programming anyway. I think JAG was coached and comments were blown out of proportion by the food network. The show Simply Delicioso (which is a trainwreck w/ a bimbo host) obviously used JAG to boost the ratings and cover their asses for having no diversity. I wouldn't be surprised if Rory wins to join the new cast of plastic characters whipping up creations better to be left in the Kraft cookbook.
OK, My question is: Is Food Network covering their own asses with the "several months later" line or did they just find out last week like everyone else? This is a live vote (like AI), so it would have to be recent, right?
Personally JAG is my favorite and I was shocked to hear what went down, I didnt hear anything before hand. I am more disappointed that he will not be qualifying for the final since I would have voted for him hands down.
Yes he lied(by omission) but its like lying on your resume, who hasnt? Only problem is this resume is publicly known vs the ones we send in for a job.
He is the best cook out of the final three and deserved to be there. I thought he was by far the best on Rachel Ray and the one whose show I WOULD watch. Amy does nothing for me, I hate French food and she and her crooked smile just has annoyed me from day one. Rory is just ok and her food style is more mine but not enticing enough to watch.
Whoever wins, for the love of gawd, Rory, fix up that gummy smile! It is horrible!
I hope it is not her, I don't think I can stand that smile on the screen much longer
I think that it was wrong of JAG to lie about his background. However, I think that FoodNetwork overreacted. I still would have voted for him and watched his show loyally if he were the winner.
Mr Garcia is a lying bastard. He has dishonored his country the Corp and the men and women that have made the ultimate sacrifice. He did not complete his miltiary duty he was not a corporal he did not cook for women and men in the service. He supposely works for lieus secret restuarant in New Bern NC Contact them and let them know you resent JAGOFF'S dirty little secret.
I truly am a JAG fan and highly believe that he was the best personality on TNFNS. I watched the damn show just b/c of him. Its sucks that there are so many haters out there. RORY & AMY? C'Mon now (talk about boring) .. Im switching over to BRAVO (F*ck The FoodNetwork) - its a shame JAG is getting the short end of the stick. Im disgusted at the FoodNetwork.
If you are a JAG Fan - do what I did .. Contact The Foodnetwork expressing your displeasure.,1904,FOOD_9777_9310,00.html
Food Network
75 Ninth Avenue
NY NY 10011
It's the producer's jobs to make scandals for ratings. Shame on you Food TV for going to the gutter. The guy did serve our country and anyone above ever embellish a resume? Same thing. Surprised how fellow military brothers are so quick to dog him and believe coaxing tv producers?? At least he was a normal down to earth guy. Unlike the Stepford wives they're trying to put on. What are their credentials?
First and foremost, JAG was the only exiting character to watch on the entire lineup of bland talent that the network chose. He added not only a Latin Flavor but a new flavor of entertainment that this network needed. Even though he may have told a few white lies to gain a spot, doesnt take away from his ability to make it to the finals, create great recipes and please an audience. There is no reason to watch this show anymore. BORING!!!!!!!!!!!
JAG is a PUNK. Yes, Rory's mouth is inhabitable, and Amy's as exciting as the French are, but c'mon, can't we have any "competition" that is just that. A healthy competition! Why can't people just be real. I would have loved ANY opportunity to be "myself" and cook for all those great personality judges. JAG is given an opportunity to do something, and he just can't keep it real! That's pathetic, and I am sorry to those of you that have served our great country and we're shocked by how disrespectful someone could be! Latino, Shamtino! Bring back people that are real and want to compete for all the right reasons! Sheera
OK folks..I am a Veteran, a Civil Servant of 31 years and have deployed to Iraq AS A CIVILIAN TWICE so I know a FEW things about this subject.
1. JAGASS Said that he was in the Corps for a year and a half to two years.... HUH???? Since when did the Corp start offering 1.5 yr enlistments? That tells me that this SIMP did not do his entire tour of enlistment. Any REAL VETERAN can tell you the EXACT number of days he was in. I did 3 years.... EXACTLY. So the question I have is .. DOES THIS P***y FINISH ANYTHING HE STARTS????
2. Men of honor are honorable men. An honorable man would have screamed at the top of his lungs that he did not go to Afgahnistan. Withholding the truth is the same as lieing.
3. I am still trying to figure out how either he or HORSE TEETH RORY beat AMY in the first place. She was better than both of them throughout the competition. Hell HORSE TEETH RORY damn near pushed Rachel Ray off the stage to put that dish in the oven on the last episode. For crying out loud...
Anyway, JAG... go back to the bronx and serve up some fried rats to your vatos and fade into mediocrity where you belong.
Not only is he a bad liar, but he was a really lousy Chef de Cuisine. Weekly he made excuses for his poor cooking, the worst was the Iron Chef episode when he said he had to simplify his cooking, give me a break. Since when is simple cooking bad cooking, he burned the chicken not because it was simple but because he doesn't know how to cook. His TV personality was of arrogant and condescending, it is no surprise that he we have the audacity to go on live TV and lie about his military service thinking he could get away with it.
good bye JAG, get some help, not with just your cooking.
Thats really too bad...He was one of my favorites, until I read about all the lying. Now normally a little 'embellishing' wouldnt really bother me all that much, but to go as far as to lie about serving our country kind of draws the line for me. =[
The Food network is so unfair to Jag, They should bring him back. Everyone makes mistakes, that's life move on. I do not like the last 2 contestant; they seem so full of it. How many Sandra lees are we going to have on the food Network? Rachel Ray has a lot of style and makes you feel like your right there with her cooking. People this is a cooking show, SPICE it up! BRING JAG BACK!
The Food network will probably get more ratings then what they have now. The 2 Female Contestant that are left BORING!! How many of the cooking host you have on the Food Network have something hidden form their past, bring it out. Let the viewers be the judge.
Shame on JAG for his lies, you totally misrepresent the latino community and your fellow Marines.
Shame on the Food Network for such a dumb mistake, you get background checked for the simplest things and you don't for your next talent? To make things even worse, you lost your most interesting prospect and unfairly left out Paul, you should definitely bring him back.
Sorry to say this but you JAG haters are pathetic. so he lied. this is a food show not the freakin white house. you guys talk about the integrity of the food network??? again it is tv, get a life and live it. watch whatever you like and realise it is still just a show not your life. besides i bet all those that now hat JAG are completely INNOCENT and have never lied about anything right? if you can honestly say this then go run for congress and stop bitching about something someone else is doing and you cant.
JAG, maybe you should try Hell's Kitchen and Chef Ramsay
JAG, you REALLY need to lose that lousy, condescending attitude. You certainly aren't wise enough to back it up!! Jerk is the old-school word that comes to mind.
I wouldn't hire you to wash the dishes in my restaurant's kitchen.
Talented? No. Smartass? Absolutely. Nobody has the energy to have to deal with you.
And stop lying - you are acting just like the kid you are.
Jag, you are a disgrace to the military. You probably got a dishonarable discharge because you are a compulsive liar. You think that you are better then everyone and think that with that stupid look and "I'm sorry" fixes everything. You have anger issues and you should see a shrink. You are a disgrace to the Latin culture especially confirm what tons of people say about puerto ricans. I am a military wife whose husband has served 17 yrs so far and I can't belive that you lied about something so important to America. Shame on you and I hope that you don't have kids so that they don't have to live down the shame of their father. I feel sorry for your parents.
Ok, so JAG may have lied. What we don't need are more Sandra Lee's on the Food Network. I already know how to grill and BBQ. I don't believe Rory will teach me much there. I can learn all I need about french cooking from Emeril, Alton, and Julia Childs books. I know little about Latino cooking. I would have enjoyed watching JAG's take on this cuisine. He won't get the chance to be the ambassador for this cuisine. I would like to learn more about his style of cooking. JAG mess up, no doubt, but I do think this episode has opened the eyes of Food Network to some holes in their programing.
I think Jag is a cool person. Stop giving him a hard time, he isn't perfect. And you're not either.
Jag isn't 'cool.' He is a delusional poser who is using his 'horrible' childhood background as an excuse to be an absolute ass. I work as an academic advisor at a large, southern university and don't permit even the slightest hint of lousy attitude from ANY student. Further, this 26 year-old child has the typical entitlement attitude. He is a loser who needs to get over himself. Chef? That's a hoot.
I don't even understand why JAG would have lied!!! You don't need to graduate from a culinary school to be on the show, so why lie about it? Also, being in the military is an honorable thing, regardless of whether or not you served in Afghanistan or Iraq, so why not just leave it at "I served in the military?" I don't get it. Bad mistake on his part, I truly believe he would have won the competition. He just blew a major career shot. Also, Food Network isn't innocent either. They saw an opportunity to boost their ratings and ran with it without checking the source. That's just bad journalism/reporting. Now we are left with "Rory" who believes to become a star she has to show cleavage and flirt. That's another profession honey, not a Cooking Star. Amy can't handle the family situation and quite honestly, I really don't want to watch someone who wants to quit something. That's not star quality in my opinion. JAG was great to watch, Paul was too. Better yet, last year it was really hard to decide between Guy and Reggie. BRING BACK REGGIE AND GIVE HIM THE NEW SHOW!
JAG was the reason I watched the show, and let's remember, it is just a TV show!
He lied by omission on his resume. So what! He was tempted by the allure of a TV career, and made a bad decision. He's 25. I've made a few bad decisions too. I'm just glad my screw-ups weren't in front of a TV camera for all to see.
Whatever the shortcomings of his military service, he still served in the military. That's more than most of us can say...including our jack-ass commander-in-chief, most of the presidential candidates, almost every over-paid CEO and billionaire, and millions of pampered college boys and girls. After 9-11, he stepped up to the plate, no matter where he served or for how long. Don't be so quick to throw him under the bus. In fact, it might be a good idea to look in the mirror before trashing his military service.
And finally, after watching JAG and Paul in the Ft. Dix episode, the FN should give them a show together. They had an energy together that pulled me in.
This fake dude couldnt even pronounce certain food names in Spanish correctly. Had to be a Lying Puerto Rican. What a piece of shit lying about defending his country. Hope he chokes on all his lies and crappy food.
I think JAG shouldn’t leave from the competition because of those 2 personal issues. First of all who care if you graduated or not???? Who care if you went to Afghanistan or not!!!
You were in the final 2 because your cooking and people skills and besides that…. Your charming and driving personality!
You should have stay on the competition… WHY you LEAVE?????? NOOOOOOOOOO….
If the Network pressure you to do that stupid moved!!! That terrible!! You weren’t there because you pass but because your skill & personality!!!!
As a former Marine he shouldn't have lied, but to get all bent out of shape and beat your wife or kids is just stupid!
WTF------what's up with the wacko??
First off, Jag was funny, and pretty normal. Anyone who writes harm to come to JAG, needs to re-think what sort of person they are and point worry about your self!!!! Also isn't military in the US is to protect the weak, not harm???
JAG your food was kicking, and your personality was great, everyone has faces they make while talking its called character, now weather someone else might not like them or think they are weird -those opinions are micro to everyone who likes your personality. Keep cooking and smiling!
I was stunned by last night's show. JAG was so volatile, I couldn't believe he was selected... then to have him falsify his credentials. YIKES. The FN needs to verify everything (if they hired someone for 10 hours a week, they would!) and being the wife of a military member who was in Baghdad for a year ~ I'm sick and sorry that JAG lied and allowed it to continue and that FN allowed it to continue to the end. You can't get back integrity and unfortunately JAG might never have had it. His entitlement issues are pathetic.
Wow, some of these comments are very cruel and mean-spirited. Jag obviously has a lot of soul-searching to do. I have no idea what events occurred in his past that caused him to be deceitful and feel he needed to embellish his resume and image. It's really too bad because he seems like a very talented, charismatic individual.
The fact is, we are all flawed beings and hopefully he will use this experience as a lesson in life. It’s not worth it to try and be something you are not to win outside approval. After all, I'm sure that his authentic self is much more interesting than any manufactured representation he could conjure up. For his sake, I hope he finds inner fulfillment so he may focus on a project he can successfully complete despite all of this negative backlash.
JAG was really the only candidate that had the personality and talent to host his own show. Bummer!!!!!!!!!!
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