Monday, April 14
Paula to host Daytime TV show?
If Rachael can do it, Paula Deen can.
That's what Telepictures, the Warner Brothers production company which produces such shows as Ellen DeGeneres' Ellen, is hoping for after reportedly signing a deal with the Queen of Butter herself.
It's a fight to the death and nobody knows who will come out on top!

“When you look at the most recent successful entry into the talk show ranks in Rachael Ray, it makes sense to turn to someone with the appeal of Paula Deen for a show of her own,” Bill Carroll, senior VP and director of programming at Katz Media, was quoted as saying in the TV Week article.
Hmmm... not sure what to think about this. While I truly like Paula, I think Rachael Ray still has broader appeal. Sure, she's on the cover of every cracker box, has a million endorsements, and everyone has an opinion of her. Even if you claim to despise her, Rachael's brand of "quick and easy" seems to go more hand-in-hand with what the daytime audience is looking for. You've probably taken a look at some of her chicken recipes when you were desperate. Admit it.
I could be wrong, though. Having seen Paula Deen in person, I know she's a very entertaining lady. A daytime show might give her a great opportunity to play that up, just like Ellen has done very successfully. While known for her upbeat personality, Rachael isn't really considered a "performer"-- a role Paula fits much better.
TV ratings are so tricky. When 2.6 million of the approx. 300 million American homes tuning into a show is considered a huge hit, you just don't know what to expect.
Food Network, for instance, is now seen in over 90 million homes, yet it averages less than a million (about 775,000) viewers for its Saturday and Sunday "In the Kitchen" lineup. What are the other 89 million people watching?!?
So what do you think? Will people squeeze in an hour to watch The Paula Deen Show in-between their viewings of Rachael Ray, Ellen, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Marie Osmond, Megan Mullally, Tony Danza, Ricki Lake, Jane Pauley, Tempestt, Jim J. & Tammy Faye, Jenny Jones, Maury, Sally Jessy Raphael, The Roseanne Show, Sharon Osbourne, and Geraldo?
(Some of those may or may not still be on the air. I can't really keep up.)
That's what Telepictures, the Warner Brothers production company which produces such shows as Ellen DeGeneres' Ellen, is hoping for after reportedly signing a deal with the Queen of Butter herself.
It's a fight to the death and nobody knows who will come out on top!

“When you look at the most recent successful entry into the talk show ranks in Rachael Ray, it makes sense to turn to someone with the appeal of Paula Deen for a show of her own,” Bill Carroll, senior VP and director of programming at Katz Media, was quoted as saying in the TV Week article.
Hmmm... not sure what to think about this. While I truly like Paula, I think Rachael Ray still has broader appeal. Sure, she's on the cover of every cracker box, has a million endorsements, and everyone has an opinion of her. Even if you claim to despise her, Rachael's brand of "quick and easy" seems to go more hand-in-hand with what the daytime audience is looking for. You've probably taken a look at some of her chicken recipes when you were desperate. Admit it.
I could be wrong, though. Having seen Paula Deen in person, I know she's a very entertaining lady. A daytime show might give her a great opportunity to play that up, just like Ellen has done very successfully. While known for her upbeat personality, Rachael isn't really considered a "performer"-- a role Paula fits much better.
TV ratings are so tricky. When 2.6 million of the approx. 300 million American homes tuning into a show is considered a huge hit, you just don't know what to expect.
Food Network, for instance, is now seen in over 90 million homes, yet it averages less than a million (about 775,000) viewers for its Saturday and Sunday "In the Kitchen" lineup. What are the other 89 million people watching?!?
So what do you think? Will people squeeze in an hour to watch The Paula Deen Show in-between their viewings of Rachael Ray, Ellen, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Marie Osmond, Megan Mullally, Tony Danza, Ricki Lake, Jane Pauley, Tempestt, Jim J. & Tammy Faye, Jenny Jones, Maury, Sally Jessy Raphael, The Roseanne Show, Sharon Osbourne, and Geraldo?
(Some of those may or may not still be on the air. I can't really keep up.)
Labels: Paula Deen, Rachael Ray
lol, "help, she feeds me butter!"
Old loudmouthed money-grubbing skank...But , she's the cash cow for her whole family...
Talk shows have been going on forever. I would think at some point they would run out of things to talk about. Isn't there something else that the networks could show on daytime TV other than talk shows and judge shows?
As for Paula, it seems to me that she would fit the demographic better for a daytime talk show. The question is, is she going to be able to come up with topics that people want to hear about and will her personality attract an audience or repel it.
Personally I would prefer movies, shows in syndication and game shows over what is cluttering daytime TV today.
As for weekend viewing, the other 89 million people have things to do inside and outside of the house. No one can sit and watch television 24/7. Besides, other than talent, or lack there of, and personality, or lack there of, cooking shows are cooking shows. Especially when it comes to the Food Network, where IMO it has turned into a network of personality over substance.
It will be interesting to see what the format of this new show will take. Will it be more calm like Paula's Home Cooking, or more on the wild side like Paula's Party. What topics would people enjoy seeing Paula talk about other than herself and her family.
I don't think Rachael Ray is really that good in a talk show environment, will Paula fall into the same. Will Paula also continue her other two shows, appearances, etc, etc. No one can do it all, will her sons possibly take over one of her shows? The questions continue.
Oh I'm sure that they might...Or good ol' Unca Bubba... They've got to keep the meal ticket express going...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo! Please stop this atrocity from happening!
Maybe that filthy Smithfield company will be her sponsor...The pigs that are being inhumanely butchered are far more noble than the trailer trash pig that Smithfield has for their spokesperson...Y'ALL
if this cackling attention whore is given her own talk show i will eat a bullet. i have had WAY more than enough of this southern pig and everyone in her family too.....
Let me start by saying that I've been a fan of Paula's for a long time. But she is starting to get on my nerves. I can't watch Paula's party. I remember the episode where she and an audience member were sticking their tounges in the chocolate fountain. And she is always eating after strangers and having strangers eat after each other. It's just gross. Then there was an episode on a country singers bus, and she spooned him in his bed. I just don't think I could stomach her on a talk show. The YA'll is getting very old. I started to count the number of times she used it on her program over the weekend, but got distracted. I do like Paula, but just in her earlier shows.
On a different note, I flipped the channel last night (or night before) just as Guy Fee-nasty as taking a bite of some hugh hotdog. It was all over his face and he was still talking. He is beyone gross, and I wish FN would stop shoving him down out throats.
Because of Paula Deen, many people have a renewed belief that Southerners are uncouth, ignorant hillbillies.
I can understand why. She is becoming quite the boor. Her caveman husband, Capt.Highliner grunts better than any other TV husband and does nothing else for mankind.
Any other daytime show featuring Paula Deen will last, perhaps a half season, because anyone with an IQ over 30 probably won't watch.Aside, don't you feel the moron factor is already filled with daytime shows.
I am so glad I have a job and don't sit at home on my couch and watch my ass and waistline grow weekly.
As a Southerner who is disabled and at home,I wish that I could be in the work force again ...It is hard to be at home and to watch your backside grow...
I can tell you one thing though , we do NOT need to be bombarded with this CARTOON of a human being Paula Deen...She does NOT represent the South...She's like Jerry Clower or Jeff Foxworthy or Hee Haw...She's a joke...Mr.Clower,Mr.Foxworthy and the Hee Haw folks were not dirty and they didn't do just anything at all for money...Paula Deen is what we call white trash...Money does not a change a sow's ear into a silk purse...And,believe me this woman is definitely a big sow's ear !
If she has a talk show someone will really have to censor the thing...Children shouldn't hear some of the things that flow from her mouth !
Any plans on doing a Paula Deen Chefography ? or are there too many skeletons in her closet ?
Another case of over-saturation of a FN personality. It gets pretty old, pretty fast!
FN did do a Chefography of Paula. It replayed last Friday night. No skeletons fell out of her closet that weren't mentioned in her memoirs.
If Paula Deen is a chef, then I'm the freakin King Of England.
If Paula Deen is a chef, then I'm the freakin King Of England.
I am absolutely appalled by some of these commments. It's fine to not like Paula Deen, everyone's certainly entitled to their opinion. But the anti-Southern sentiment used to criticize her is absolutely unacceptable. Okay, maybe she doesn't represent the South, but people will often fail to "represent" when you're trying to project a stereotype on them (even if it's a positive one). Would y'all like her better if she played herself off to be a pseudo-intellectual Yankee slamming people in blog comments because of the region they're from?
I'm from the great state of Alabama and find her absolutely appalling... What " positive stereotype " is she trying to portray...? There are many hard working women and single mothers in the south and I can tell you that the only ones who act like that are the dregs of our southern culture...In fact my ninety year old mother , who happens to be a great southern LADY , cannot bear to listen to her or watch her...She refers to Ms. Deen as that nasty trashy woman who screeches ... And, personally I have never heard a southerner say Y'ALL every few syllables ... And I was born,bred and raised in the south by great and true southern people.... She is an embarrassment ...
she SO needs to go back on some medication. i can't believe her sons are not embarrassed by her and the way she acts... i agree with the other person, i actually liked her earlier shows, and kind of enjoyed them, but now? forget it. too loud, too vulgar, too much acting out, too much paula all the time.
how blind is food network that they apparently cannot see all this and the way too many people feel about one of their so called stars?? seriously, do they think she is really that likable?? puleese....
I used to like Paula. In many ways I still do. I admire the relationship she has with her sons, how she worked hard to support her family, etc. HOWEVER.....I cannot handle Paula's Party. I don't get excited about an aging, overweight woman thinking she's a sex kitten. GAG.
The young guys at work related a story not long ago. At a local bar, there's what they used to call a bar hag. An older woman, desperate not to go home alone, becomes louder and buys guys drinks as it gets closer to closing time. She thinks nothing of sticking her tongue into some man's ear (whether he's with a woman or not) sitting on his lap, or God Forbid, someone dances with her and she crawls up his body. The guys at work usually tell me on Monday So and So "pulled a Paula" again. Now, that's sad.
Anyway, I've made a few of her recipes, and they have turned out wonderful. Heart attack on a plate, sure, but delicious.
I like her best when she is cooking with the boys.
To get attention , I think that good ole Paula would make love to her Granny's " spatchler " ... !
You know what is funny - Rosie say on her blog that she was "doing her pre interview" for paula deen the other day. I couldn't figure out where she might fit - even though they hit it off when Paula was on the view - but this makes sense now.
Though at 36 Rachael is more my contemporary, I'll make a Paula recipe over a Rachael recipe 9 times out of 10. I'm so over Rachael, I think her talk show is very forced, she is uncomfortable to watch.
I like Paula and I watch her cooking show more than the Paula's Party so I hope she can carry the "down home" thing that is her appeal over into daytime better than Rachael managed to.
Love this blog so completely and utterly, as a FN whore myself, I'll be back!
Paula Deen used to be interesting and fun to watch on her home cookin shows. She was believable. Now she's turned into a extremely loud, geriatric skank. If this was an old man's cooking show and he went around drooling over young women, pinching their butts and licking their fingers, the way Paula does, the Food Network would have long since cancelled the show because of sexism. What makes Paula Deen any different?! And why does Food Network think that is appealing in any way whatsoever? No way does Paula Deen represent the south...y'all.
Paula Deen is perfect example of another FN personality who doesn't know when to quit. Please for Gods sake GIVE US A BREAK. I'm getting the frecking carpal tunnel from changing the channel.
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