Friday, June 20
Rachael Ray Wins Oustanding Talk Show Emmy
In what the AP is calling a "surprising win," Rachael Ray's syndicated talk show just picked up the Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Talk Show.

Watch the clip of Rachael's show winning:
Congratulations to Rachael and her show's staff.

Watch the clip of Rachael's show winning:
Congratulations to Rachael and her show's staff.
Labels: Rachael Ray
Congrats to The Rachael Ray Show.
There's something fishy about a flailing talk show, in fear of being cancelled, winning an Emmy.
By Rach winning this award just proves how fucking stupid America has become. I'm sorry but macaroni and chesse with hot dogs lasagne, is NOT a meal.
Did you see the woman scowling in the audience during the producer's speech? Holy cat!
ok this site ROCKS! I'm a huge Foodnetwork fan and a huge food magazine fan. I will visit often. ;)thanks for all the great info!
Horray for Rach !!! She deserves everything she wins!
I for one am glad the RR show wining broke Ellen's wining streak! No one actor/show should win year after year! So BRAVO to Rach and her team!
I just adore Rach and I hope she keeps doing what she is doing for a long time to come !!
Oh and that lady in the audience is Terry Wood- the big boss!!
Hey Marc,
How's about using spellcheck before posting a comment about how stupid America is. Just a suggestion.
Didn't Wayne Brady's talk show get canned a couple months after he won his emmy for best talk show? He was replaced with Me, Myself and I aka. the Tony Danza Show.
I don't think Rachael's talk show will be cancelled atleast not until her contract is up in 2010.
I thought Ellen would win since she always wins, but whatever I'm just glad "The View" didn't win.
Maybe if she put down the smokes, she wouldn't have trouble breathing, like she said she was having.
Her voice can't make it until 2010.
Hello anonymous,
There's a difference between typos and spelling--not that you'd know.
Marc is right about Americans being stupid, just read his posts for proof.
Well the dumbing down of America
is complete if Rachael Ray is given
an award for anything. Wonder how
much Oprah paid for it?
I bet Sherry Shepherd opened a can of "View" whoop a** on her backstage.
Actually the dumbing down of America was complete when Bush was re-elected and Reality Television took over.
Actually daytime talk shows are watched by lazy fat people that most often don't work, and prefer to eat high fructose corn syrup laden products.
I think America wouldbe bette roff without 95% of the lame "talk" shows.
I am glad I work as a driving instructor and don't have need to watch all this mudda.
An award to a woman who can't even
interview someone without cards to
read from.
I agree daytime talk shows are lame, but if they get rid of them they will most likely replace them with more "reality" tv starring Paris Hilton, Hulk Hogan, and other "celebrity" has-beens and idiots who think they can dance and sing.
Why did she say *Holy cat*?
I'm thrilled RR's gabfest picked up its first daytime only its second season. Nice going, y'all!
After an incredibly lame presentation of the award presented by 2 morons, I congratulate the lovely, worthy, darling Rachel Ray. It couldn't happen to a nicer or more deserving person.
According to RC Smith:
Pretty funny.
She is painful to watch in the hosting capacity...I just don't get it. Better than Ellen? Not a chance.
Sorry but Ellen is boring now she used to be fun to watch now it's just same old same old.
It's become the "Me and Portia are getting married,you got a problem with that?" show and the dancing is worn out.
She shouldn't even win the Emmy for best host, but who else were they going to give it to? When it's the women from The View, Regis & Kelly and Ellen, it's really a no-brainer. Ellen is a better host than them.
I am a huge supporter of Rach, but her daytime show truly is for stay at home mums and people that don't work. Who else would care to see other peoples' kitchens or hear Patty Heaton spew her anti-gay statements or see if Rach gets "stumped" by some item that turns out to be completely useless anyway. I enjoy the cooking segments though MINUS the b-list celeb who always acts like they've never used a kitchen knife or a stove before. Please b***h. However, I give her and the crew their congrats.
Sorry this show is the same stuff everyday!!! And what's with her label on Olive oil and stock in a box. You have got to be kidding me. Olive producers (who know what they are doing) have to be livid. What does she know about producing olive oil?????? Sick
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