Wednesday, July 9
See Paula Deen Shoot a Commercial Today
If you happen to be moseying around Smithfield, Virginia today, stop by the Smithfield Inn and watch Paula Deen shoot a commercial for Smithfield Foods.
"Spectators are welcome! "
"It means a great deal for tourism, the fact that they're shooting a national commercial in Smithfield and that they talk about Smithfield in the commercial and Paula Deen has so many fans, and folks that aren't just foodies. She has a lot of folks who know who she is and respect her. I think we'll get a tremendous amount of value out of that," says Smithfield's tourism director Judy Winslow.
(So that's where Judy from Family Matters disappeared to. Mystery solved!)
"Spectators are welcome! "
"It means a great deal for tourism, the fact that they're shooting a national commercial in Smithfield and that they talk about Smithfield in the commercial and Paula Deen has so many fans, and folks that aren't just foodies. She has a lot of folks who know who she is and respect her. I think we'll get a tremendous amount of value out of that," says Smithfield's tourism director Judy Winslow.
(So that's where Judy from Family Matters disappeared to. Mystery solved!)
Labels: Paula Deen
Paula Deen...Greedy money-grubbing shill for a dirty company...The Smithfield Company is as filthy as Paula Deen's mind...
Go to
This is what your link points to - did the article change since you linked to it? (And I'm not surprised, with the whole Springfield boycott thing):
SMITHFIELD - Food Network personality Paula Deen will stop in Smithfield this week to film a commercial, but her visit will not be open to the public.
The Southern cooking maven plans to film the spot for Smithfield Foods at the Smithfield Inn on the town's historic Main Street.
I'm sorry...This is the correct
I can't stand that white trash yahoo. Someone needs to tell her that she's too old and too overweight to play the vixen role. And her recipes suck as well.
Is it just me, or does Bobby's expression look really fake in the first picture? It seriously reminds me of the CoverGirl shoot they do each year on America's Next Top Model.
Watch out world, the next Top Model is... Bobby Dean!
I totally agree with Philip. Bobby always seems like he's just going through the motions. Methinks Jaime is momma's favorite.
Aw, poor gay son Bobby. I'm sure he's gettin' plenty of action down there in the South, but embarrassed Mama has to keep saying, "my baby hasn't found the right woman yet..."
Yeah, RIGHT Paula ;-)
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I wish that everyone would just stop hating on that family and get a life of their own. There are plenty of businesses in the US that make billions and don't necessarily do it with their hands clean. So what Paula is making money and building and empire for her family. Why don't you, who have a problem with it try and replicate what she has done? Then maybe you wouldn't be so full of jealousy and envy.
As for Bobby all I have to say is who gives a flip. Nobody has hounded Hugh Heffner for never being married or having settled down, so why does Bobby have to be gay or fake for not having done so. Maybe he's just having fun playing and living the life of a bachelor, ever stop to think about that? Whatever the case it's his business and his life. Here's a tip: Find something else to do with your idle time and feeble minds!
Paula Deen could have sex on camera and those in her cultish following would still be stupid enough to say ... " You don't like our Paula ... You must just be jealous ! "
Funny, that isn't somthing that I would say if Paula did such a thing. I think you should take some of your enthusiasm about Paula and channel it towards some bigger issues. How bout lowering gas prices or getting the troops home, maybe fight for the cause of abused children?
Any more five year olds want to throw fits?
No one is " throwing a fit " unless someone "dares" criticize Paula Deen...Then her fans go berserk and want to skin you alive... Get over your obsession and your " Paula Deen Cult " ... You must realize that your idol is NOT the second coming...I can assure you that PD isn't concerned with any issue except self-promotion and making a buck at ANY price...
can assure you that PD isn't concerned with any issue except self-promotion and making a buck at ANY price...
Tell me a celebrity chef/cook that isn't.
I use to watch PD when she had her original show, but then they started with that awful "Paula's Party." That turned me off right then and there from watching anymore of her shows. She was much better before she became a "star."
I'm from the South and about the same age as PD, but I'll tell you honey, most Southern gals don't go throwing themselves at every and any man like PD does. Don't know how her DH Michael puts up with it.
i highly recommend this:
to any fellow PD Loathers and also her fans.
I've had the misfortune to attend her live stage act in Tunica,MS...
Very low-brow and crass...Not entertaining and Definitely NOT worth the time or money !
I'm a Paula Deen fan, that being said, I have only watched Paula's Party once. It just isn't my taste and that's fine.
Per the Smithfield hullabaloo, it's all fine and great to think we'd all be so non-self-serving and would risk breach of contract and fines in the untold millions to support a "just" cause. But when you are in that position like Paula is now, it's a different story. It's not so easy as walking away and saying, "Hey, you guys are disgusting for what you do to your employees" when you are bound by strict legal hands. Also, not everyone "down here" is convinced that Smithfield is as evil as they are being made out to be. Wrong, yes, but the evil super-giant they are being painted to be, no.
"None so blind as those who can't see"
It is difficult for groupies who are obsessively devoted to see their leader living with feet of clay...
And there are those that are also still convinced that the world is flat ...
being around Paula's gang is like being on the set of Deliverance 2.
And I'll bet Bobby can squeal like a pig real good too.
Someone told me Bobby Deen was a teabagger. Can someone tell me what a "teabagger" is ? Is it non coffee drinker ?
OOOOOOOOOH Bobby...! At last his hidden talent has surfaced...Now it can be known that he is good for SUMPTHIN' !
( Besides bein' Mama's Baby Boy , of course )
Wow...the inotlerance here is astounding (toward Bobby mainly). Why is it that if you're a Paula fan, you must be a blind devotee and a hick with "no learnin'"? Is that not a bit hypocritical coming from the same ones screaming that they're not jealous just because they don't like her? I do like Paula but I don't assume those who dislike her are jealous. Don't assume all of her fans are stupid, it's childish and ridiculous.
And as for the anit-gay sentiments here, you might be reminded of the author of this blog. THINK before you type. Who gives a rat's ass what orientation Bobby is?
No one has made homophobic remarks..... Just risque humor...
As to PD fans...They aren't stupid...Just ridiculously misguided like a pack of devoted little puppies...
Paula Deen fans shouldn't mind off-color humor...After all that's Miss Paula's THANG ...
I'll bet Thanksgiving at the Deen compound is laced with innuendos and slurs directed at Bobby and you can bet Paula is the choirmaster.
So there Judith, now go admonish Mama Deen.
You can bet that Mama Deen is the self-appointed center of EVERYTHING at the Deen compound !
Wow, there are a bunch of mean gays on this form. I didn't realize how evil some of you are. No matter what anyone says Paula is going to continue to make money and be well off. You all who hate her will hate her, and those who love her will continue to do so.
I wonder why people have forgotten that Paula was just as poor as most common folk in the world and was struggling to make it. Wonder why people can't be glad for her, it's not like she is Paris Hilton, who is dumber than a box of hair and has had everything handed to her.
How ruthless and down right mean people in the world are, and for what reason? Just because, and it's makes no sense at all.
Here's a tip, you have a remote control for a reason, so use it. Stop tracking her and watching everything she is on if she makes you soooooo sick.
As for the gays who wish Bobby was on their team, and who are mad at not having been able to get their claws into him. Go find some other person to be mad at and say evil things about. I'm sure that even if Bobby were gay he wouldn't be with bitches like you.
We knew her in Albany,GA...And , she wasn't " poor "...And,please don't confuse narcissism , shrewdness and selfishness with intellect...She's a master of self-promotion and selfish behavior...How could she have conducted a decade long affair with a married man only ending it when she had another man in the picture...If she weren't selfish and self-centered ,how could she completely ignore the pleas and the letters that the Smithfield workers in TarHeel,NC sent to her ?She's the one who's RUTHLESS ...Man ... I'd HATE to be between her and something she wanted...I'd be toast ! Face it...People love to witness the downfall of a phony,self-centered hypocrite ...
Wow, you mean to say that you lived under her roof, had access to her bank accounts and everything? I didnt' know that was the case, excuse me, my mistake.
Her side of the family was well to do and her husband was involved in a sucessful auto dealership...That's NOT "dirt poor"...She may have had some difficulty after her divorce , but anyone who's got an Aunt and Uncle who could hand over 25,000 dollars to "help out " isn't on the street...And , her sons weren't "little children " that she had to feed...They were young men in their early twenties and late teens...PLEEEZZZZZ...
Stay tuned though ardent fan...Her " story " keeps on changin'...She tweaks the sob part up every so often...
Gee,I wish that someone could get a hold of the wife of the married man that she carried on with for ten years ... I wonder what HER take on Ms.Deen would be...?
Actually I would love to hear it from the horse's mouth myself. Maybe then it would be a little more believeable and not just hearsay.
Her affair wasn't "hearsay"...PD's spilled her guts about it on Larry King ... And,of course don't forget her "memoirs"...
The " horse's mouth " that folks should really get opinion and info from is the wife...Now THAT would be " believable" and very enlightening indeed !
Wow, so much anger. Not sure where that comes from. As someone who knows Paula I can tell you that she is a genuinely nice person who cares about those around her.
And then there are those that know her and who are associated with her who call her the " B " word...
Would a genuinely nice and conscientious person be so indifferent to other people's suffering ? No long term extramarital affairs...No nastiness to staff members...And , REALLY thinking about the plight of workers of huge conglomerates that she willingly endorses...Don't forget shilling for a company that practices inhumane slaughter of animals and is on record for being one of the world's worst environmental polluters...NICE is sacrificing your desires and your pocketbook for something other than your self...
You can like Paula but not be an obsessed fan. Geeze. So much debate over nothing. So if you "haters" are going to take the position that all Paula fans are obsessed and deeply entrenched in her "camp", then I'll take the stance that "yer all jest gel-ous".
And refering to Bobby as a "tea bagger" exceeds crass humor. TYVM.
If she is a bawdy in real life as she is on Paula's Party, what makes people so convinced she would be against Bobby being gay (if he is)? Perhaps it is Bobby that wants to keep things quiet. Paula isn't afraid of turning her sheep off with her antics and jokes, she sure wouldn't be that afraid of admiting she has a gay son (again, if he is).
The sexual proclivity of Bobby Deen is beside the point...That is trivial in the grand scheme...What does matter is the fact that when all is said and done , Paula Deen has completely sold herself out...What does a man profit if he gains the world and loses his soul...
I've been enjoying reading all these comments. I love the drama!
Thank you honey.
THANK YOU, Judith. Well put, and finally a comment that truly makes sense.
Oh and bible quoters, lets remember the story about the woman caught in the very act of adultery, when jesus said "He who is without sin cast the first stone"(John 8:7). Nobody is perfect. Nobody has room to judge.
No one should judge...But,then no one should uphold " family values " and be a openly coarse hypocrite...
Exactly, no one is upholding family values anymore, it's pretty sick the state of this world. As for openly course if you are referring to her affair. I would like to know where in her book or when she ever said "Yes America, I had an affair for ten years with a married man and loved it. I don't regret it at all". Come on, nothing was right about what she did and it was brave of her to ever out herself. She let the world know that she is not perfect. She admitted that she made a mistake and hopefully anyone who reads her autobio or hears her talk about it will learn from her not to go down that road.
She outted herself ... If she hadn't done it believe me someone would have cashed in on that juicy piece of Miss Paula's sweet reputation...As to the affair...She didn't feel " guilty " enough to end it until she met her present husband... In other words she would have perpetuated it as long as the married man would have her...It was easy and she obviously liked the situation well enough to keep it up until she had other male options...
As much as people like her, I wonder how long this like will last. A 61 year old foul mouth, sexual craved, self centered women gets old pretty fast. The picture she presented at the beginning isn't the same picture she is presenting today.
Throughout her book she often spoke of how Jamie tried to get away, tried to make a different life for himself. I can imagine how hard it must have been for Jamie and Bobby growing up with her. Luckily for them, things have turned out great.
When she first became known to TV, she was a Southern Grandma that everyone viewed as a lady. Today that view is different. Some like it while most don't. I wonder just how long this fame of her is going to last?
All fame is fleeting ...And, all one's chickens always come home to roost...
Dang! I never knew she had an affair w/a married man! Where've I been? Shiz....
Well, we went to Smithfield for lunch on that Wednesday and the police had everything shut down for two blocks - no access for the public.
I have never blogged before, so here goes. Paula was extremely rude to Lisa on FN newest star challenge on Sunday night. I personally would have expected more tact from her, but after reading the comments above maybe I really didn't know her anyway.
I agree she is over exposed and I turn the channel when that God Awful house party comes on on Saturday night. FN PLEASE CENSOR THIS SHOW, IT IS GROSS
Thanks and have a Great Day
Are Yall Kidding is Bobby really GAY. I couldn't tell because they have never shown his shoes and his belt at the same time.
You all are too funny. What the hell was Paula supposed to say? If the food was awful it was awful. They don't have her on the show as a judge to lie. Anybody notice how pompous Alton Brown was last season, very strange that nobody noticed.
Oh, I noticed Alton. But I was more put off by Giada last season. I used to like her show but since seeing her Miss Know-It-All act last year, that's all I think about when I try to watch now. Cuz,,,,,,I remember her first several, painfully serious shows.
Talk about his momma, but leave Bobby alone. The rest of the Deen clan is along for the ride whether they want to be or not. But know what . . hey good for her, she's making some serious bucks while we sit around and post on this blog.
Yep ... She'll do anything for a buck !
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