Sunday, July 27
Why It Doesn't Pay For Me to Create Graphics in Advance

Soooo... ummm... who will it be, you think?
Maybe the better question is: who do you want to win? After that statement on Friday, I feel like anything still could happen.
Catch the finale tonight at 10pm ET.
Labels: food network, Next Food Network Star
I know I'll probably get ripped for this, but I really think Lisa is the only one I could really get into! Adam...seriously? Week after week of undercooked chicken, eggs, and anything else he could do? The food that he DOES do well isn't really my style, either. Aaron...he's fun, but I just feel like "comfort food" is kind of covered on the network, from Italy to the Grill to Georgia!
Lisa reminds me of a cross between Ina Garten and a crazy boss I used to work for. She's got the "cooking chops", all the food looks like something I'd order in a restaurant, and I think her show would inspire the home cook to make it Beautiful.
i went to another web site and supposedly saw who they chose. (???)
this show is a JOKE.
i really wanted someone else to win who apparently did not.
FN sucks!!
Hmmmm??? The Vulcan? The Klingon? or the Ferengi??
I think FN issued that statement to you so people would watch out of curiousity. I mean what are they supposed to say? Tell you "yeah, don't bother to tune in since we revealed the winner anyway" ?
FN isn't smart enough to plan a PR stunt like this.
agreed with anon above. there's no way they fabricated that Winner video - a PR stunt like that would add no value for them whatsoever and really would add some animosity if the person shown was not the actual winner. I would feel terrible for that person as they then look like a total idiot. I did look ahead to see who it is but will withhold opinion til after tonight...
Just as most of us thought, Tuschwipe & Co had their sites set on a particular type of winner from the get go.
I can see why some contestants got ornery because of the degradation these idiots put em thru.
I don't think anyone is going to object to who wins, but how they won and the "selection" process that was absolutely 3rd rate. I can't see another TNFNS after this abysmal display. I think this show has finally jumped the shark.
Ferengi& FN basially are thumbing their noses at the FN viewers, insulting our intelligence.
I can hardly wait till I get Tuschman as my waiter when he gets his sorry ass fired for this mess.
There's no way Tuschman is "going to get fired," and anyone who thinks that doesn't understand the point of TNFNS. Food Network doesn't care about who "wins" the show. Oh sure, it's a bonus if that person turns into a Guy Fieri. But if not, then the sorry "winner" gets the Amy Finley six-show treatment during some prime slot like Fridays at 3 am opposite reruns of Gilligan's Island.
No. TNFNS is TNFNS, period. It's about a successful prime-time show, and TNFNS has been Food Network's single highest rated show. Period.
So they'll have to give six episodes (if that; I don't recall Amy Finley getting more than one) to unwatchably bad Aaron, Lisa, or whatshisname for a couple of weeks in a timeslot where 50 people worldwide are watching FN. They don't care. That's a small price to pay for a successful prime time show.
P.S. It's obvious that the exit interviews were not faked.
I'm with Aunt Lolo on this one. I thought that Lisa was the only best one out of the three. The one whom I think they chose does not have enough knowledge base of product--as Lisa does--and uncomfortable in front of the camera. Lisa needed more camera time to be less uncomfortable and more personable. I remember from watching Giada's bio on FN and they talked about how Giada took some time before she warmed up on the camera.
I'm with Aunt Lolo on this one. I thought that Lisa was the only best one out of the three. The one whom I think they chose does not have enough knowledge base of product--as Lisa does--and uncomfortable in front of the camera. Lisa needed more camera time to be less uncomfortable and more personable. I remember from watching Giada's bio on FN and they talked about how Giada took some time before she warmed up on the camera.
Since the leak gave it away, I can watch "Mean Men" instead.
Every FN star (I use that term loosely) needed alot of work at first. Does anybody remeber B.Flays first shows. And I definately remeber Emerald suffering through a few episodes, but we loved that they had a genuine desire to teach cooking.
Truth is that this contest was a JOKE and a WASTE OF TIME. Good luck to the contestants who have taken time out of their lives, away from families and careers, because it really wasn't a contest of knowledge or skill at all, it was FN rating ploy.
By the way I know who won. LOL
Thank you and have a Nice Day
Well....the "winners" show is already in production and scheduled to show at 10 pm on August 3rd. they pick another winner and start production immediately?
My vote is for Lisa! I am not really sure who won even based on what is out there on the Internet.
I have always voted for Lisa so that is not a spoiler...This is almost worse than the Harry Potter ending...did Harry die or not? Is there a NFNS or not? I can't wait to see! It BETTER be good!
Does anyone else think Aaron is a dead ringer for "Mr. Clean?" he has the bald head, the earrings... maybe that is why he might win.
I know who the winner is and as I went and looked at their recipes that they have done during this season of TNFNS I was pleasantly surprised at the complexity of some of the recipes. The winner does truly have some winning recipes.
To 'the dude' -
Aaron was a shoe-in from the beginning. FN has been having to return advertizers dollars' because of low ratings. In order to expand their market they have tried to deversify with more ethnic shows. There have been several good African-American chefs on 'Iron Chef' that would add class and dignity to the FN. Instead, we get shows like the 'Neely's' that dumb us down with their trash talk and ebonics. Their reach to expand viewership from an additional 13% of the population will result in a like drop from the rest of the viewership if they continue on this track. Please give us quality and dignified programing. I told my wife from the second week of NFNS that Aaron would be chosen because of FN's desire to deversify. DON'T DUMB US DOWN ! !
The Klingon Won!!!!
I wanted the VULCAN to win!
Ding Dong The "Witch of Dallas is Dead"! I think TFN just didn't need another bossy primadonna and knew they could never make Lisa likable. Years from now I can just see our dear Norma Desmond of Dallas; martini and cigarette in holder in hands "I am BIG. It's the KITCHENS that got small". Oh, poor Dallas. She's your problem now.
I think Lisa is better off, she would be dumbed down and made to be more house-wifey rachel ray ish, they have tried to do it to Nigella but she just scoffs at them and Ina , well she refuses and has no time for nonesense she will not be ordinary for anyone and they are afraid of Ina, Lisa will be fine and in the long run she may be shining alot longer then Aaron,
Can we all say, "Where is Amy???"
Hey "Might over Logic", why the Klingon's never give up!!!!!
I wanted the Romulan to win. :(
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