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Wednesday, August 20

A Birthday Gift Idea for Giada

Dear Giada De Laurentiis,

Hi! How's it going? Can I officially call you "G"? No? All right, then. Anyhow, I assume you're either in the midst of shooting your new show Giada at Home, or are already done. Since this Friday is a big day for you--your 38th birthday--I thought I'd put a gift idea out there to any willing web developers who might be reading.

To put it bluntly, your website sucks. You're one of the most charismatic, sexiest, renowned TV chefs in the world, yet the image on your main page is a plate... with your name on it.

And it appears to have been that way since the site was first launched.

I'm not saying you have to go crazy and get all RachaelRay.com on us, but at least put some effort into it... or get the people at NBC Universal to take it over. Use those Today show connections!

But seriously, you're a brand now. A pretty plate just doesn't cut it.





At 8/20/2008 8:34 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

I've never been to her site. Wha??? No cleavage shots all over the place like a soft porn extravaganza?

As long as her website doesn't offer a way to actually have to listen to her pronounce "spaghetti" or "parmesano reggiano" then I might go there.

Probably not, Giada is only slightly less annoying than RR.

But, yeah, the plate is boring.

At 8/20/2008 9:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree. I've always thought her website was B-O-R-I-N-G. And really badly laid out. Time for an upgrade, indeed!

Any news on Giada at Home, btw?

At 8/20/2008 10:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe her head was too big to fit on the page.

At 8/20/2008 11:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes ooh la la, the most charismatic,sexiest renowned TV chef's needs a great website.

Get Rachel Ray on us baby!

I think I'm diggin it Jacob.

At 8/20/2008 11:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it, it's clean and classy. Like Giada! :)

At 8/20/2008 11:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never got the whole Giada thing. She needs a nose job, especially when she's viewed from the side. Witch nose!

At 8/21/2008 3:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more.

At 8/21/2008 8:07 AM , Blogger Greta said...

Well, at least the site answered the burning question: Is it 3 necklaces or one that looks like 3?

(Spoiler alert: It's 3.)

Yeah, it is a very static website.

At 8/21/2008 8:09 AM , Blogger Gilahi said...

The first time I saw her cut up raw meat and then move on to the preparation of other food without washing her hands was enough to keep me from ever watching her show again. And, as mentioned, her overpronunciation of anything Italian is just grating.

At 8/21/2008 8:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree the website is dormant and needs to come to life but I'm not sure I agree with the basic premise that Giada is a brand. A celebrity, yes, but a brand is something different. G herself said she wasn't interested in merchandising, and that "The world doesn't need another set of knives" (an obvious stab - pardon the pun - at Rachel Ray).

At 8/21/2008 8:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Love the idea. Make it work.


At 8/21/2008 8:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The empty plate is a very good representation for Giada empty, nothing,void of any food of substance. Just like her talent.

Wait that's not really fair to the plate. The plate isn't as bitchy, has a better attitude, and can actually perform on air.

At 8/21/2008 9:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You put this woman on a pedestal as if she is some type of royalty, when she is really only a good cook. I rather doubt she has a full set of chef's papers. Did she do the "hobby" course at Cordon Bleu to get accredited as a pastry chef ? Why do they call her a chef if she is only a pastry chef ? Big difference.

She showed us her true colors during TNFNS. She was a real dick and she had no reason to be other than try and prove her "superiorty" and I think she made a total ass of herself.

Smarten up Princess Giada.

At 8/21/2008 10:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

her website is pretty suck-ish. it needs a remodel. new show, new website!

At 8/21/2008 10:06 AM , Blogger Macaroni and Cheesecake said...

Her website is terrible and lacks current info.

At 8/21/2008 10:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Grief - why do you people watch her if you hate her so much? Get a life! She's a COOK, not a runway model!

At 8/21/2008 11:06 AM , Blogger Gilahi said...

I watched her only once, and she's neither a runway model nor much of a cook.

At 8/21/2008 3:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why aren't you all a bunch of mature "adults"?


At 8/21/2008 3:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's no cook. A silly little rich girl who took a cooking class in France.

At 8/21/2008 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Alec Smart,

Please do your homework. Giada did the full-year course at the Cordon Bleu, not some Cordon Lite watered down for tourists and dilettantesI seem to recall that you have tried this allegation against her at every opportunity. You don't like her, which is your right, but at least get your facts straight.

At 8/21/2008 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think she took the same Cordon Bleu route as Aunt Sandy did. Aunt Sandy did the CDN version in Ottawa (where dat ?) and Princess Proscuitto did attend a Cordon Bleu Paris location. For how long ? We should ask the FN to verify for all the untold fans.They are so hung up on receiving proper credentials, right ?

You are right though.I don't like her. She started to grate on my nerves about 2-3 yrs ago.Her "Italianization" of certain words is curious.

Her last stint as judge on TNFNS just made her look like a witch, and all at a time when she ain't that great on camera and was absolutely brutal when she first started out on TV. Ego much.

Anon at 4.59 pm.How was the Cordon Lite course anyway? Was it the month long one or the 2 weeker?

At 8/21/2008 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think she took the same Cordon Bleu route as Aunt Sandy did. Aunt Sandy did the CDN version in Ottawa (where dat ?) and Princess Proscuitto did attend a Cordon Bleu Paris location. For how long ? We should ask the FN to verify for all the untold fans.They are so hung up on receiving proper credentials, right ?

You are right though.I don't like her. She started to grate on my nerves about 2-3 yrs ago.Her "Italianization" of certain words is curious.

Her last stint as judge on TNFNS just made her look like a witch, and all at a time when she ain't that great on camera and was absolutely brutal when she first started out on TV. Ego much.

Anon at 4.59 pm.How was the Cordon Lite course anyway? Was it the month long one or the 2 weeker?

At 8/21/2008 8:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No no ego...She is the only woman I know of who managed to name her son after herself. (The make version of her name.) She was on TV rejection all of her husbands choices as too waspy and boring (nice for him). And it had to be italian so her son would know his roots.

And still say she can't cook with out professional help. The only 'chef' to go on Iron Chef needing an Iron chef to do the work. (RR never claimed to be a chef Giada claims to be a trained chef.) She certainly can't cook live.

There is something shady about her cooking school. It was weekend classes or some thing.

At 8/21/2008 8:39 PM , Blogger Addimando's said...

I would like to see the site updated!

At 8/22/2008 12:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alec- Keep it up! I love how hillariously witty you are! Princess Proscuitto! And on NFNS, "dick" is appropriate.

It took me a few episodes of seeing her husband to realize it was in fact, her husband and not the same thing as one of Ina's friends.

She's way too high on her horse for her own good, disgusting!

(And yes, with all that $$$, she could do something about the hook nose instead of uber Botox and impants.)

At 8/22/2008 6:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She doesn't have a son.

At 8/22/2008 9:13 PM , Blogger Charles said...

Dayyyyyym! Enough negativity in this room to sink a ship. A lot of you must still be watching if she's got a new show and you know so much about her. And Alec, your comments are never witty enough to post the same rubbish twice.

At 8/24/2008 1:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles, you are one fierce dude alright. Hope you don't own any guns. Lugan.

At 8/27/2008 1:39 PM , Blogger esusan94 said...

do you happen to know when her new show is starting on food tv again? I also want to know what days she is on Today show so I can record that too. Thanks a bunch.

At 3/08/2011 11:47 PM , Anonymous gift to Philippines said...

Well,you have a very informative blog and I would also like to see the site updated!



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