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Friday, August 8

Lisa Garza on dlisted

People are still talking about Lisa Garza, which I guess is a good thing.

She even showed up on one of my friend Daniel's favorite blogs, dlisted. Michael K's words about the self-proclaimed Diva from Dallas are, how do I say this, a little more harsh than the ones I've chosen to use in the past. They are hilarious, though.

Highighlight the text if you want to see the naughty parts:
Lisa is the true star. Nobody can squint their eyes like she can. And nobody can rock white anal beads the way she can! She also reminds me of Suri Cruise in 40 years. Give that Star Trek-looking bitch her own show!

Word on the facebook street is that Lisa might get her own show on another network. She's just admitted to having meetings with two networks, but that doesn't meant she was "handed her own show" yet, contrary to what Serious Eats reported.

All in good time, my little Garzaheads. All in goooood time!

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At 8/08/2008 11:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it was obvious that if Lisa or anyone else had enough potential star-power, then some other network or company would decide to sign them on for a project. the exposure they got on NFNS didn't end when the show did. i'm pretty excited about her new food line and cook book.

At 8/08/2008 11:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog needs to give up Lisa. No once cares. Just you guys.

At 8/08/2008 12:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG I LOVE Dlisted.com. It's the absolute BEST celebrity gossip-style blog around and Michael K is freaking hilarious.

At 8/08/2008 12:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean no one cares about Lisa? I liked her! If you don't, just ignore posts about her...is it really that hard to do? Jeez.

At 8/08/2008 1:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care for Lisa at all with her mean atitude to others but I know she is talented so feel she will get a good offer. All those that were so upset at Lisa losing TNFNS it seems some didn't realize the exposure was great and that could lead to many offers that the contestant/contestants might end up loving more than if they had won TNFNS!!

I would not watch her but I hope she is successful.

At 8/08/2008 2:38 PM , Blogger Jennifer Coomer said...

That's it! I'm a total Garzahead!

At 8/08/2008 2:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wait and see. This broad will get her own show and be pretty good at it too.
I hope she goes on to stardom and makes Little Bobby(s) and Susie look like the poor judges of character they are.

She has the real goods, this Garza woman. More than most of the existing FN personalities.

Just needs to see an opthamologist and get a serious hair restyling.

At 8/08/2008 2:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan and Steve learned humility, so did Nathan Lyon and Guy Fieri, so maybe, Lisa could pay a little attention. (Of course, she might have been inspired to strap on the spurs and ride this bronco by Aunt Sandy, ya think?)

At 8/08/2008 3:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read all the comments on dlist...I'm still laughing at some of the things people said. Someone suggested she hook up with her idol, Martha Stewart. I got the feeling she was a little afraid of Lisa though. People either hate her or love her. I don't think there is any middle ground.

At 8/08/2008 4:19 PM , Blogger Wine Dine Whine said...

Garzahead.... that's like... Parrothead... only weirder.

At 8/08/2008 6:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jacob, this is off topic, but do you get the Fine Living Channel (also owned by FN)? I just noticed that they're rerunning the old East Meets West show with Ming Tsai in the afternoons. He was probably before you started watching FN (the shows this afternoon were recorded in 2001). Ming was one of the first personalities who got me addited long ago.

At 8/08/2008 6:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Garzahead!!And i'm proud of it!!

At 8/08/2008 7:33 PM , Blogger Alejandro said...

Michael K's comments were really funny. I am a Lisa fan. So hate me. I hope she gets her own show. However, I don't like some of the comments she's made about others. Cool it, Lisa. She does have talent.

At 8/08/2008 10:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! I went to this event that this picture is from. It's at a Whole Foods in Houston the day before the Rachael Ray episode aired. It was hard to hear everything she was saying from where I sat, but she definitely had alot to say about how she felt the editing on the show made her look bad. She made it pretty obvious that she didn't win with the way she talked about it. I almost asked her about her "moment" with AB but didn't. But she was very willing to answer any questions and her salmon was good! And I thought she was very pretty, much prettier in person than on TV IMO.

At 8/09/2008 1:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHY oh Why should someone so uncomfortable to watch be on any network? Yes she may have skills but not the personality!...OKAY. Done.

Lisa.. not

At 8/09/2008 3:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Lisa and hope she gets her own show. Still found the Dlisted comments funny, though. And to the last poster...I appreciate that you are uncomfortable watching her. However, I'm uncomfortable watching half the folks on FN these days, including the newly hyper Big Daddy. To each his own.

At 8/09/2008 9:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No self proclaimed diva in the kitchen please!

At 8/10/2008 10:56 AM , Blogger John said...

[BLEEP] me with a crooked pork chop


I liked Adam - okay I admit that I even lusted for him just a little bit. But if this guy gets his own show then Lisa should get one, too. I really did like the presentations all three of them gave. It is a wee bit sexist for the guys to get it IMHO, even if the head honchos found Lisa annoying. And not humble. Okay, maybe that's it.

Back to the DList: I see there ain't a lotta love from the commenters on that post for Guy Fieri. He's starting to irritate me, too. I've started referring to him as "Rachael Ray with a goatee".

At 8/10/2008 11:32 AM , Blogger Lord of Light AZ said...

The Dlist is too funny, thanks for the link.

At 8/10/2008 1:10 PM , Blogger Bryan said...

Dlisted has always been the best!!

At 8/12/2008 10:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally hated Lisa, she seems like an annoying wench. I would not be able to put up with her for more then 5 minutes.

At 8/12/2008 10:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a horrible, self-righteous, contemptible, hypocritical, phony woman. But other than that I don't mind her.

At 8/15/2008 8:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved Lisa, once she figured out she was not going to ace the contest. I hope she gets a show somewhere. I'd much rather watch her than Aaron or the other guy....

At 8/18/2008 2:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would never watch Lisaspock.. She has squinty, rodent eyes and helmet hair. She is pretentious and condescending. It would definitely be a limited viewing audience.

At 9/09/2008 9:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

stick a fork in her, she's done.


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