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Thursday, August 21

Weird Al Rachaelvic - Rachael Ray Gets Parodied

No one does a good Rachael Ray impression. SNL and MadTV have tried, but they've both just been exaggerated takes on "yum-o" and "delish." No one has really "made it their own" as Dana Carvey might say... or do.

So maybe it'll work better in book form.

Every FREAKING Day with Rachell Ray, an "UNAUTHORIZED" parody book, hits the bookstores Sep. 3. According to USA Today, it's "packed with recipes and and commentary."

I don't agree with this statement:
"She's very easy to parody," says Freaking author Elizabeth Hilts. "She has a lot of very recognizable mannerisms: talking with her hands, singing to the food, referring to food as an almost human entity."

I'll give you mock. She's very easy to mock. Parody? No.

Will this be the kind of book both Rachael lovers and loathers will buy?

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At 8/21/2008 1:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is super easy to parody! Why do you think she is not?

At 8/21/2008 2:21 PM , Blogger jacob said...

Maybe I should rephrase "not easy to do a funny parody."

At 8/21/2008 2:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I am glad you answered. I thought my comment might have sounded b****y. I didn't mean it to.

At 8/21/2008 3:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should ad a Cosmo-type article, such as this one:

Headline: "John, where are you?"
Sub-hed: "How to Know if Your Husband is Cheating"


At 8/21/2008 3:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i kinda liked the parody on snl it was so over exaggerated it was funny

At 8/21/2008 3:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on everyone lighten-up. SNL are the only people who can get away with it. She is OUT there and it was going to happen sooner or later. So funny!!!!

At 8/21/2008 6:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the cover is any indication, be funny it will not.

At 8/21/2008 8:14 PM , Blogger jacob said...

Bitch away. I can take it:-)

At 8/21/2008 8:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, if Martha can approve a parody show starring her own kid, then Rachael can stand this kind of tone-deaf comedy. It's like a rite of passage for lifestyle celebs.

At 8/22/2008 8:47 PM , Blogger Charles said...

God knows I love me some Rach, but that cover IS kinda funny. "30 second meals"....lol and her in her jammies...lol that's pretty good. NOT buying the book though!

At 8/22/2008 11:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! That chick looks just like RR!!

At 8/22/2008 11:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! That chick looks just like RR!!

At 8/23/2008 11:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the book last night and it's spot on. It really captures Ray's mannerisms and way of talking. I both love and loath Rachel and enjoyed it. I think Hilts is actually a fan--this kind of parody doesn't come from a few hours watching a show you really hate.

At 10/21/2008 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOt spending a dime on that piece o shit


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