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Friday, August 15

"Where My Girls At?" - Food Net's $3 Mil. Campaign to Market Sunny & Aida

(And speaking of 702, where's my 702 at these days? I'm old. That song came out TEN years ago.)

Food Network's Susie Fogelson, vice president of marketing and brand strategy, is hoping a $3 million marketing campaign promoting Sunny Anderson and Aida Mollenkamp will bring in more female viewers to the net's daytime "In the Kitchen" block.

They're "going for the female jugular"! (Her words)

A big part of the campaign will be spots with Sunny and Aida, who'll be promoting their shows Cooking for Real and Ask Aida, on the female-skewing nets Oxygen and VH1.

"We like the vibe at these networks, because that’s where our girls are,” Fogelson told Mediaweek. "We share a younger, more contemporary audience, but at the same time we’re not talking to 20-year-olds.”

Other parts of the plan include print (People, Us Weekly, Jet), radio, online and out-of-home, inclduing placement on Jet Blue’s seat-back TV service to call-outs for Ask Aida on specially branded grocery carts, according to Mediaweek.

And that's not all.

A giant focus group consisting of 25,000 women will watch the two shows with the goal being that they provide feedback and tell their friends about the shows.

"The risk is that they may not like the shows, but we feel strongly that they’re going to love these women, and will want to tell everyone they know about them,” says Susie.


Well, I give Food Network credit for really trying to reach out to this audience in a new way. Daytime did get a big stagnant for a while, so I'm sure $3 million spent on different marketing techniques will get them noticed... in some way.

Daytime is already looking better, though. Since it began tweaking the daytime block in May, Food Network saw its total day ratings rise by 9 percent, averaging 580,000 viewers, in the second quarter. Who knows what kind of gains this big campaign will bring in.

Ladies: its up to you! [Mediaweek]

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At 8/15/2008 12:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jake, thanks for more behind the scenes info from FN. Keep it coming! Even if I don't fit the demographic target for many of FN's efforts, I always enjoy hearing/reading about the "inside", nuts and bolts of food TV production and marketing strategies. (I guess that's why I'm an Alton geek, too!)

I think both of these shows have potential if exposed to the right demo, and Susie seems like she has a good team around her to get the job done.

At 8/15/2008 2:28 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm afraid the only way I am going to watch Sunny is if they give me a rather large portion of the 3 million bucks. Good luck on getting any return on that investment, Snoozie.

At 8/15/2008 2:52 PM , Blogger Brian Flaherty said...

I saw last week that Ina was bumped from Sunday at 10am. I don't think she is on weekends at all, she's the only one. What's up?

At 8/15/2008 3:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOPE, SORRY Aida a terrible show. Not TV material. I really think personality is the major sucess of these shows and cooking comes in second. She doesn't have it. Foodnetwork seems to grasping at straws these days. Can't we just have great cooks who can teach the TV audience!!!!

At 8/15/2008 3:39 PM , Blogger JessPav said...

I don't think it should matter what demographic is watching FN, as long as SOMEONE is watching. Not to mention, I (as a woman) would much rather watch a hot male cook a meal and entertain me rather than a couple women who just jabber on. Every time either of their shows are on I turn them off, but I always keep on Tyler Florence.

At 8/15/2008 5:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love to watcher Tyler Florence cook, but does he really always have to say "Boom!" Its almost like its a regular part of his vernacular that someone saying "uh" or "um" all the time and I find it to be extremely annoying . . .

At 8/15/2008 5:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate all ask-the-chef shows like Rescue Chef, Food 911, and now Ask Aida. Give me more shows like Everyday Italian and Barefoot Contessa!

At 8/16/2008 2:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another 3 million down the pipes!!!

At 8/16/2008 12:42 PM , Blogger FNAddict said...

3 million to turn off the viewers you already had,...GOOD JOB...NOT!

At 8/16/2008 7:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally don't care for either of these shows.
But - I do love Susie! Why won't she do a show!!!

At 8/16/2008 11:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see how spending that amount of money - or even double that - is going to draw any significant number of new viewers to these shows. They would have to be very special shows to create the buzz they're hoping for, and they're simply not that. Not even close.

At 8/17/2008 12:36 PM , Blogger Elle said...

You know I fit the target range and I can't stand either show! Give me Ellie Kreiger anyday. She has great personality and offers so much - why is it always some other 25,000 women who are surveyed and never those of us who really do care. Oh well . . . at least Ellie's still on Sat.

At 8/17/2008 1:51 PM , Blogger Charles said...

I agree with anonymous @ 5:23pm. These question and answer shows suck. I, too, want more Giada and Contessa!!! Although Sunny's show isn't like Aida's, it's still not a very good show IMO. I agree with someone else's post too about losing viewers they already have. All this tweaking going on, taking Contessa off I mean, seriously, WTF?!!

At 8/17/2008 9:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Food Network trying to promote more boring shows...

At 8/18/2008 2:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaawwwwnnnnn.... Missed Fogelson missed the boat.......

How does the statement "The risk is that they may not like the shows, but we feel strongly that they’re going to love these women, and will want to tell everyone they know about them,” says Susie, make any sense? It is nothing more than a convoluted press release. Uh yeah, Sufog, we'll be tellin everyone we know! Hon, have another martini........................

At 8/18/2008 2:43 PM , Blogger Little Ol' Liz said...

I find Sunny to be nothing but LOUD, and I'm not falling for her. As for Aida, even my kids think it's a goofy show. They really blew giving this format to anyone other than Adam Gertler. (Were we too stupid to think Adam had a chance when the Aida promos started running?)

I'm with everyone calling for hot chefs. If I want to see a woman, I'll switch the channel and catch Martha.

At 8/18/2008 6:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aida's show is AWFUL.

At 8/19/2008 11:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear I read this blog more than I watch FN these days. They are killing themselves slowly with these awful new shows. I only tune in now for Ina, Alton and Iron Chef. Everything else sucks. I'm pissed that they're reducing Nigella's airtime even more. Jerks.

At 8/22/2008 9:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aida doesn't do a thing for me. And, the guy with her is about the stupidest person in the world.

At 9/24/2008 3:21 PM , Blogger Olga said...

I agree with the other posts about reducing Nigella's and Ina's air time. I cant believe the crappy shows they have on all the time now, like sunny, aida and neely's. I used to watch food network, now i turn it on for like a minute and change the channel. What makes sunny and aida interesting for women? I dont get it.


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