Monday, August 11
Will Bob and Susie Be Back Next Season?
Could this be true? Are Bob Tuschman and Susie Fogelson (TUSCHELSON) the ones getting the ax next season on The Next Food Network Star?

Food Network is already working hard to get top advertisers for the next season of The Next Food Network Star in 2009. But take a look at the show's description, specifically its "prominent committee."
From Food Network Ad Sales:
"Selected by a prominent committee– Bobby Flay, Giada De Laurentiis and former winner Guy Fiery [sic]—these ready to rumble challengers promise the most entertaining competition yet."
This makes me think the selection committee will be Bobby, Giada, and Guy. Are Bob and Susie not big enough "names" to continue as judges on the network's top show?
The naming of the three celebs could also just be a marketing tool to attract advertisers, with the writers knowing Giada and Guy will "appear" on the show in some capacity, despite having Bob and Susie stay on as judges. I'm not sure.
Would you miss Bob & Susie if they were gone next season?

Food Network is already working hard to get top advertisers for the next season of The Next Food Network Star in 2009. But take a look at the show's description, specifically its "prominent committee."
From Food Network Ad Sales:
"Selected by a prominent committee– Bobby Flay, Giada De Laurentiis and former winner Guy Fiery [sic]—these ready to rumble challengers promise the most entertaining competition yet."
This makes me think the selection committee will be Bobby, Giada, and Guy. Are Bob and Susie not big enough "names" to continue as judges on the network's top show?
The naming of the three celebs could also just be a marketing tool to attract advertisers, with the writers knowing Giada and Guy will "appear" on the show in some capacity, despite having Bob and Susie stay on as judges. I'm not sure.
Would you miss Bob & Susie if they were gone next season?
Labels: Bob Tuschman, food network, Next Food Network Star, Susie Fogelson
I could take them or leave them. Bob can be a little melodramatic at times. e.g. The face he was making when he said "This will change one of your lives forver."
It sounds to me as if Bobby, Giada and Guy are participating in the casting, and not necessarily judging the "ready to rumble challengers" *eyeroll* once they're chosen to participate.
On the other hand, I certainly wouldn't miss Tuschelson at all.
I would miss them and would prefer them not leave, and of course there "big" enough to judge the NFNS. It makes total sense to have the other two newer chef's be added in some capacity. I hope BOB and Susie stay!
Nope, won't miss them one bit. But if it came down to them or the overgrown frat boy (Guy Fieri), I'll take them.
But that is assuming they come up a good reason (ie cash) enough to get me to watch.
I think I'd miss them. I mean, as TV personalities they're kind of annoying, but this is a Casting, after all! I mean, if you were auditioning for Broadway would you audition for the diva who's already had a successful run...or for the director? (Don't get me wrong - I like Giada, Guy and Bobby, but I'm confused as to why they're qualified to pick the NFNS. They are presumably very good at their own niche, but what would they know about a NEW niche that would require a NEW show?)
In a word...NO.
Honestly, they kind of sucked as judges. They changed the rules a lot and were just annoying at times. I am glad to see them go -- as for whether it was celebrity factor -- FN is really pushing its stars so it makes sense for the panel to be all FN stars. Too bad Giada is very mean to people whenever she is on NFNS
No I wouldn't they need some outside judges like they have on top chef. But seeing as how I dont plan on watching that farce of a show anymore. my opinion does not matter.
The show would be so much better without them. They constantly filled the contestants' heads with vague direction and made them overthink. Plus neither Bob or Susie is a chef and they have no practical experience in what the contestants are doing. It's better to have people who know the ins and outs of what these people are going through. We also don't know how sophisticated their palettes are. Get rid of them -- they were annoying and negatively affected the contestants.
I wouldn't miss either of these nut jobs one bit. Then again, this whole show has proved pretty much ineffective at producing an actual star, so I am guessing the temporary ratings are the remote reason for even doing another season. I say bag the whole thing and stop wasting everyone's time.
Great get ready to see a bunch of doofs and alot of , well not camera ready women Giada and her big head will NOT be replaced.
They should have "The Next Food Network Executive" next year. Tush and Fog were horrible judges. They said to do something and the next week were criticizing the contestants for doing what the judges wanted.
The Fog and Tush are out of touch of who is a good cook and contestant. Their golden boy, Aaron, winner this year is the worst of the contestants, and maybe of all the previous contests. Nervous in front of the camera much, Aaron?
In addition I think that they are intimidated by the French, or something. Every time someone wants to do a slightly upscale show they are eliminated. Amy, gone. Shane, gone. Lisa, gone. The winner ends up being a mash potato and hamburger expert. Give me a break.
Lastly Food Network, when we said we wanted more variety of culture on your channel, we meant the kind of food, not hiring a bunch of people of color that ALL grill EXACTLY the same food.
Amen to what Jimbo said.
I wouldn't miss Bob and Susie a bit. However, I couldn't stand Giada as a frequent judge.
Her b*itchy comments toward the other women drive me insane. She seems to have forgotten how BAD she was in the beginning, and that she got her FN deal with NO audition, just because of her last name.
They were probably used in the first place because they're part of the upper management. Since the whole show was supposedly to hire a new star they would have been logical choices as judges. Maybe now that NFNS has taken on a life of it's own they're changing the format a little.
We did think that Bob may have been asked to smile a little more this past season to make Him seem a little more likeable.
the way they put the fix in on this last season, i hope they go. there is precedent that any type of television contest is supposed to be a contest. this last season was worthy of investigation.
I think if they are leaving to be being replaced with better judges, then that's great BUT of they are being replaced with current FN "stars" than I say leave it alone. I don't like that they can change the rules at their whim to accomodate a pre-ordained winner. A new judging system needs to be implented and fast! Maybe one similar too - but not exactly like - the one used on Iron Chef. It needs to include some percentage value for audience participation...after all aren't we the ones who will watch the show???
Fire their asses. They have stunk up the network for far too long already.
i wouldn't miss bob, but i'd miss my sweet, sweet susie. love her!
Agreed with anonymous' "Her b*itchy comments toward the other women drive me insane. She seems to have forgotten how BAD she was in the beginning..."
True story. On NFNS, Giada is a condescending presence, and her comments force me to remember the early days of "Everyday Italian;" talk about uninspiring gloom.
She would not be an asset as a frequent judge.
Agree wholeheartedly with what's already been said: Giada is an insufferable bitch on TNFNS. So bad I won't watch Everyday Italian and will never buy one of her cookbooks!
Giada was so snobbish on TNFNS I couldn't believe it. Wow, the mask came off bigtime. Bob and Susie. Hm. Nice? No. Entertaining? Not really. Articulate? Yes. Insightful? Yes. Smart people? Yes. I watched just to see how network suits think and operate. Forget the contestants-- I got a lesson in TV marketing and programming. Liked Bob especially.
While Bob & Susie are far from perfect, I would hate for the show to be without them. And I would REALLY hate to have Giada and/or Guy as regular judges. I don't think of either of them being thoughtful (as in thinking something through). I don't think Guy takes anything seriously.
Who really gives a shit after this season's debacle of dogcrap ?
You sheep that would watch a next season of TNFNS need to be be insulted more ? Wasn't this season enough to insult your intelligence ?
At least the voice of reason has spoken and indentified Tuschwipe as a weak link. Not sure about Fogelberg though. She was tolerable.
I think Fee'Nasty and Princess Giada would be totally underqualified to pass judgment at a county fair pie contest, let alone trying to unearth a TV star.
These people are giving specialty station TV a really bad rap. They should be ashamed.
Ugh Giada as a judge! It just brings out the worst of her. I think Bobby Flay is an alright judge. I think Alton Brown and Tyler Florence were good too. As much as this pains me, Sandra was better than Giada!
I've got to agree, somewhat. But they need judges who know food, programming and TV production. Alton fits the bill well, but is probably too smart to have his reputation and resume sullied by too much involvement in this show. I'll bet his ICA contract (which has nothing to do with his Bee Square production company) stipulates that he make so many appearances on other FN specials/shows.
Kermit and Medusa are not on this show to find TNFNS - they want to be TV stars. They, too, sit around and think, "If Sandra Lee can have her own show, why can't we?"
If this show is to continue, they need to change the way it is judged by getting rid of these corporate idiots and engaging some real chefs and/or soliciting viewer input to direct the outcome of the show.
Who wants to watch Bob and Suzie pick a winner; that's basically just watching a long, boring job interview, yuck!
so sick of tuschie
She wasn't pregnant last season and she was just as bad then. And I, too, remember her early shows, they were deadly dull and now she is so nasty to these people. No reason to treat people like that, Giada.
remember Giada is a child of privilege, all of her accomplishments stem from the head start she received from her famous and wealthy grandfather. so of course she is snobbish and bitchy and looks down on others, she resides on the hill while the peons attempting to make it on their own steam should be worshiping at her feet.
Giada was pretty bitchy, but no way could I watch Guy for an entire run of the show. He is nasty and really has too high of an opinion of himself. It seemed like he was threatened by Adam as well. I'm just wondering if maybe Giada was threatened by Kelsey.
It would be very interesting to see how it would have turned out had the viewers done the selecting. Not only at in the finals, but all season long. Guess we will never know.
Laura>>> are you serious these real chefs being threatened by Adam.. Mr.. raw food, and Kelsey? ..Miss easy bake oven.. get over it.. move on.. we need REAL QUALIFIED CHEFS WITH COOKING KWOLEDGE, LIFE EXPERIENCE AND PERSONALLITY...
Wow,Giada as a judge.I have mixed feelings about this.Will i be a blinded fanboy and agree with whatever she says or will i start to think that she's kind of bitchy and start *gasp* not liking her????
Guy.....he can go suck on some diner food for all i care.
Giada the bitchy little rich girl as a judge? Why not it'll get people watching to see how nasty she'll be. It'll be interesting to see how much she tries to rewrite history about her own 'humble beginnings'. She'll make herself seem like a poor Italian peasant girl, not the well to do daughter of the Hollywood establishment. I am surprised that FN continues to put her out there when she acts so bratty and spoiled then they try to promote her as this friendly wholesome little girl next door.
PS. The the shouter, who 'knows her' because they met her once(woo hoo) who tried to play the pregnancy card...SHE WASN'T PREGNANT DURING SEASON THREE WHEN ALL OF THIS STARTED!!!!!!
Stop hating on people because of the success they have should be inspired.. and not BITCHY!!
BTW.. Giada did not use her family name to leverage her, she actually wanted nothing to do with TV to begin with... Come on people do your research...jealousy is not nice... show some respect.. and yes Giada and Guy are cool people..
I'd like to see Alton - I think he gives the best constructive comments - he has an eye for what works with the camera and he knows his stuff.
The formula they've been working off of is stale. Frankly, if I hear "culinary POV" one more time, I'm done.
And also, does it really matter? Especially since it's pre-selected anyway?
Guy Fieri wasn't impressive at all on his one appearance on TNFNS. I don't think he could even judge a lemonade making contest. Bobby and Giada are fine. Having two people who are major decision makers I would think would be important in such a competition. However, this past TNFNS appeared to be a case of their having made up their minds long before the competition was over. Who knows.
In the Judge role, Bobby came off as petulant and not very helpful. it did not show off his friendly side. The other two execs are probably much better at their day jobs.
Greta had a great suggestion with Alton; he's very familiar with the food aspect, as well as the direction and behind the camera stuff as an actor. he is very constructive. Gordon (the producer) would also be a good judge as he's friendly, helpful, and knows a star and how a producer could work with the contestants. Finally, perhaps a new exec to round out the 3.
I agree that last season the judges gave confusing advice and were over-dramatic.
Finally, on Adam, how could someone with such low culinary skills even come close? he received the most damning criticsm of his food, and I thought the contestants were auditioning for a chef TV program, not an affable emcee.
I cannot understand why Bobby Flay turned into such a colossal dick during this show.
Cmon Bobby. You're Jackie Malouf days weren't too long ago. How about the Jack McDavid days ?
As for Princess Giada's dark side.
This just confirms what many thought of her intially. Low talent, prima donna Hollywood wannabee. Maybe Gran Pappy can get you a role somewhere in one of his Kresge movies.
Heck yeah, I'd miss them both! Especially Susie, who I have a crush on. Even being a straight, married woman, she still makes me all a-twitterpated. *blush* Plus she just seems really sharp and intuitive. And Bob is a sweetie who really knows his job.
But I agree with others' thoughts that Alton would make a perfect judge, though he's always working himself too thin as it already is. (Disclaimer: O.k., if Susie's my girl-crush, he's my guy-crush.)
"At 8:57 PM , grannymelissa said...
Heck yeah, I'd miss them both! Especially Susie, who I have a crush on. Even being a straight, married woman, she still makes me all a-twitterpated. *blush* Plus she just seems really sharp and intuitive. And Bob is a sweetie who really knows his job.
But I agree with others' thoughts that Alton would make a perfect judge, though he's always working himself too thin as it already is. (Disclaimer: O.k., if Susie's my girl-crush, he's my guy-crush.)"
Brooke Johnson is that you, I told you I am straight. Leave me alone.
Signed Susie
p.s. Iron your dress for this years NFNS so you do not like we just got out of bed. It was pretty embarassing.
"BTW.. Giada did not use her family name to leverage her, she actually wanted nothing to do with TV to begin with... Come on people do your research.."
You're WRONG. Her famous last name is the EXACT reason she got her show. Bob T. ordered her show without even seeing a demo video of her, based on her famous family. It was either on her Chefography or I read it somewhere.
I can't beleive people think Giada was a bitch on FNS. What she told Sandra about Kelsey was the absolute truth- she wasnt real or "owning it". Sandra has no place on the network or as a judge on FNS, but I'd gladly watch Giada as a judge- she knows what shes talking about.
I would miss bob and susie, and i think the best panel would involve Alton in some capacity.
And how i wish Ina would come out of her hermit shell in the hamptons to do something like this.
It's not just this season that Giada's been a bitch.
Wasn't it last season she said to a female contestant, "You're cooking in heels? I usually just wear flip-flops" in a VERY condescending way. Really Giada, you would wear flip-flops on a nationally-televised contest? Ugh.
She's shown her true colors, and they are ugly. I no longer watch her show.
She was a bitch last season too and I love her recipes. snot
It's funny how some people form their perception of someone based solely on EDITED video ...
The producer/director had the edit job done to make certain people look / sound / act certain ways ... Maybe they wanted Giada to come off looking like a beotch ...
TuschieFogle added NOTHING to the show ... They are not painted in a good light & maybe it is how they are ... Bobby's involved with the show because he's been at the network since Day One and wanted to be MORE involved with what's on the network ...
Guy shouldn't be on the show since his own cooking show is a disaster ... He's better on DD&D ...
Aaron & Adam should NOT have been given shows ... The real winners should've been Shane & Kelsey ...
No thanks!!!
AND lets not forget she took the name (her mothers maiden) and made a point of working in Hollywood. She could have gone anywhere but she chose the one place her name would get her noticed.
There's nothing wrong with using connections to get ahead. But don't lie about it own up to it.
Giada you're just not that good even now to be where you are without your family connections. So perhaps a little humility.
I like Bob and Susie. I hate Giardia, she makes me sick. :-) I don't care if she got her show through connections, I just can't stand her stupid prissy manner. That's why I so loved the look on her face when Rachael beat her at Iron Chef. I wish I had it recorded, I'd watch over and over....she just couldn't believe that the lowly RR could possibly beat her! I think watching her make "ravioli" with WONTON WRAPPERS also contributed to my opinion of her.
NFNS is my favorite show, please please don't ruin it with Giardia!
Why does he pronounce his name Guy "Fietty" as if it had a t instead of an r?
As far as B&S, I think that they've been too biased based on what they want to see on Food Network rather than how the competitors performed. It hasn't been a fair competition.
They made a crappy, phony show even worse, by being on it!
Guy Fieri will not be able to particapate as I anticipate his head will be swathed in bandaging due to bleach intoxication and pus filled lesions invading his scalp. He shall be quarantined to a burn unit. EEEuuuwww.
This past season of "Food Network Star" was bad. The "judges" said some of the most inane things I have ever heard.
I used to tune in to FN frequently. Now, the only time I tune in is to watch Alton.
YES! YES! They're actually getting rid of Bob and Suzie. Maybe now I can bear watching the Judge's Table.
Alton would have made an infinitely better third judge than Guy. When he was a guest judge, he gave the most insight.
"Judge's Table" is Top Chef...a show none of these idiots dare to go near.
I won't miss them. They both suck like a young Madonna at a record producer's convention.
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