Monday, September 8
Giada at Home Premieres Oct. 18
What a birthday treat!
Giada De Laurentiis' new series for Food Network, Giada at Home, will premiere on Oct. 18 at 1pm ET -- my birthday!

The new show, which Food Network Addict first told you about back in May, expands upon her Emmy-winning Everyday Italian series with a "broader lifestyle focus" (Italian had been done to death!) and will showcase Giada's other culinary specialties.
"Giada has a huge fan base that has learned to cook accessible Italian dishes, but she has so much more to teach our viewers” said Bob Tuschman, Senior Vice President, Programming and Production for Food Network. "Giada at Home will showcase food that speaks to her other culinary interests and also her creativity; she has tons of fantastic lifestyle and entertaining ideas."
There have been a lot of comments hatin' on Giada lately, but I still really enjoy her shows. They are BEAUTIFUL to watch. I'd rather watch and rewatch her cut peppers and fill them with orzo a million times before sitting through another shaky camera, badly lit episode of some Gordon Elliott production.
Giada De Laurentiis' new series for Food Network, Giada at Home, will premiere on Oct. 18 at 1pm ET -- my birthday!

The new show, which Food Network Addict first told you about back in May, expands upon her Emmy-winning Everyday Italian series with a "broader lifestyle focus" (Italian had been done to death!) and will showcase Giada's other culinary specialties.
"Giada has a huge fan base that has learned to cook accessible Italian dishes, but she has so much more to teach our viewers” said Bob Tuschman, Senior Vice President, Programming and Production for Food Network. "Giada at Home will showcase food that speaks to her other culinary interests and also her creativity; she has tons of fantastic lifestyle and entertaining ideas."
There have been a lot of comments hatin' on Giada lately, but I still really enjoy her shows. They are BEAUTIFUL to watch. I'd rather watch and rewatch her cut peppers and fill them with orzo a million times before sitting through another shaky camera, badly lit episode of some Gordon Elliott production.
Labels: food network, Giada De Laurentiis
Her shows (camara work) are so well done. Her food is easy to cook and she explains everything. I agree Jacob she is one of the better chefs on FN.
Yea!!! I love Giada! :D
I love Giada ... I hope we get to see Baby Jade !
I've never made a Giada recipe I didn't like! Her recipes make it seem as though I spent hours in the kitchen. I'm glad to hear she'll be sharing her other recipes besides Italian.
I love her....can't wait for the new show!!
Cool! Can't wait for the show! Giada rocks. She puts Paula and RR to shame in the self respect dept.
SO excited!!
It's definitely time for her to switch gears.
She makes all the other idiots at FN look horrible.
for ONCE Tuschie is so right!
Love Giada
love her show
can't wait she is my fave on FN. Her show are well made. And she makes tasting food an art form. PD & RR are overexposed and over the top. It's hard to like there shows anymore....
Her shows are beautifully done. But she is still a bitchy talentless rich girl who has been given numerous chances to get things right.
if anyone seems to know about bitchy
it seems to be you!!
do you have anything solid other than your misguided opinion, to back up what he just said?
do ya?
I always enjoyed her shows and made many our her recipes. They are very very good. I love watching the way she puts everything together. She as well as her show is so very wholesome appearing. I just hope she covers up for this season as it IS uncomfortable having to look at her exposed body to learn a new recipe. Yikes!!!!
I agree with Anonymous 10:59.
"if anyone seems to know about bitchy
it seems to be you!!
do you have anything solid other than your misguided opinion, to back up what he just said?
do ya?"
Although I am not the one you are referring to, uh, YEAH, all the evidence to back up what that person said has been seen on The NFNS. On every season, she's been a total bitch.
She only has a show because of her last name. She's an elitist asshole.
I think it's funny how all of you think that the "chefs" (and I use that term loosely) actually come up with all of the recipes showcased on their show.
They don't. They have STAFF to develop those recipes. Give me a break.
Blarrrghh. That's the worst picture of her I've ever seen. She looks like her face is melting. I hope this skull-face isn't what she looks like in real life.
I can't stand her but she looks so much better without the orange tan. The red lipstick and pulled back hair make her look very elegant. This is the first picture where I can detect some real beauty. She should drop the cleavage and the skin tight outfits and go for a more elegant look; it does suit her.
I'M SO SORRY TO THOSE WHO LOVE GIADA. She is the only host that I change the channel on--I never feel like I learn anything from her show. But good luck to her
Without a doubt, Princess Giada is one the better personalities on FN.
Her cooking skills are beyond average, her looks beyond average, communication skills beyond average.
When she decided to go " Hollywood" and when she thought her celebrity outweighed her culinary contributions, perhaps this when she fell into disfavor with many.
That is how I see it. Her image took a beating when she started rolling her eyes in superior splendor during TNFNS . I guess some people think they holier than thou.
She looks like a lollipop with boobs(that are ALWAYS just about to fall out of her shirt)
ug. no tanks.
Get that broad to a tanning salon quick.
She makes Caspar look like Gina Neely.
Does anyone ever consider that Giada is encouraged to act a B on NFNS? They've got to do something to create some drama on this boring show!!
Love Giada!!!! Can't wait for her new show. Hope it truly is new and different unlike Paula's Best Dishes which is more of the same.
"Her cooking skills are beyond average, her looks beyond average, communication skills beyond average"
Uh, Alec Smart, did you ever see Giada on Iron Chef? Her cooking skills were pretty lousy. The only time her cooking skills look good in on her slickly-produced show.
Yay I'm moist like Dunkin' Himes with anticipation of Giada's new show. Her show is crisp and clean and she always makes me want to make what she's cooking up. I particularly like when her mum and her aunt are on the show with her they are just darling.
I have always loved Giada and am looking forward to her new show. She's gorgeous and talented. She's great with the Italian cooking, but I would love to see her do other stuff.
Thanks for sharing this information about her new show. I've been wondering when it's going to air.
I love Giada. I think she's a great chef, she's beautiful, and she's articulate. Three attributes that are hard to come by on FN these days.
And, yes I agree that her show is beautifully produced as well.
I am Italian and can agree with most , that Giada is such an amazing cook. She has taken Italian food recipes to a level where any American can appreciate, follow and succeed. Her recipes inspire us all to be in the kitchen!!!
I love Giada's shows. They are such a feast for the eyes. I love how everything about her show is so clean and elegant.
Giada does not develop her own recipes. Most of the FN chefs don't.
So I don't know where you all get the "amazing cook" part. Did you see her on Iron Chef? Terrible.
I find Giada to be elegant, engaging and a source of inspiration.
That's not to say that I haven't noticed her sometimes bitchy side however. There have been times where I've raised my eyebrows and opened my mouth at some of things she's said to people. The way that it comes out though makes me wonder if she just doesn't realize the way her choice of words sound to everyone else. Clearly she isn't meaning to be like that but it sounds that way. She made the woman on the baby shower episode of EI feel fat, she created an awkwardness with Katie Couric on Today and basically called one girl stupid on some other show where she was demonstrating something. Those were all incidents where she meant well but her choice of words seemed like a jab. As far as TNFNS, they probably do encourage the judges to be harsh. I was turned off by Giada after she insulted Kelsey who was just trying to do a good job. That's all in the show set-up though so I feel it's different. Plus, all public personalities are going to have qualities to scrutinize.
On a good note however, Giada works her butt off and is very serious about her passion. She is knowledgable about her craft and she tries new things. For coming from a prominent family, that is rare and something to appreciate about her. Giada's way of doing things is approachable and one can learn a lot from her show. I'm looking forward to watching Giada at Home and trying out the cookbook as well. For me, Giada's good qualities are GREAT ones to have and they outshine any bad ones that may arise. sorry for going on and on.
Is that what blogdicking is???
Oh Charles, I am glad you have a damp foo foo for Giada, but I think you might be moist like Duncan Hines. Don't teach too much pop culture in rural PA ?
Jenash = Blogdick
can anyone give solid examples of her bad behavior? so she rolled her eyes, off with her head!! come on.... she wasn't the only judge who was bitchy, what about Bubbles, my new drag name for Paula, telling whats her name she HATED her dish??? SHE was a bitch..... and she's an under-medicated bitch to boot.
The woman explains the most ridiculous things on her show. Sugar makes things sweet. Really, Giada, really? Her recipes are also so incredibly basic. Sometimes she makes things I've made a million times over. Also, she reuses the same ingredients constantly: mascarpone and Nutella. Whenever she says she is adding cheese, I say to myself, wait, ... don't tell me, mascarpone? I'm glad this show is dead, and I hope the next is better. At the moment, I simply don't watch her show. However, I still will probably skip the new show. Food Network chefs really are not very compelling t.v. for me. I can't think of a single one that is a must-see. I'd rather see an old PBS cooking show than Giada's show.
I love Giada -a dnthe 18th is Birthday too!
I bet people wouldn't be calling her a "bitch" if she was a man....think about it! ;)
Solid examples of her bad behavior? OMG...where have you been over the last month? Jeez...too many to list. And I couldn't care less about any eye-rolling.
It is not just examples of bad behaviour that hinders Princess Giada, but her attitude and air of superiority that are turning people off.
I love the PBS Cooking Shows also. Alot of Foodnetwork Chefs have moved on to PBS. AND no commercials!!!!!
People really need more examples. Lets see other than NFNS. Can't cook live at South Beach, Today show, and Iron Chef. On originality, goes to Paris and only eats Italiian foo. Can't speak without a script or multiple takes. Fake accent. Uses family name to get ahead (lies about it.). You right can't think of anything.
And for all you people who think she is a good cook Olive Garden still serving the unlimited bread sticks?
Amen Anonymous 10:19 p.m.
So true, if a man does anything like some posters are mentioning it is no big deal. However, if a woman says anything they are a bitch.
I think Giada is the best chef on FN. She is knowledgeable and has a very enjoyable show. I want her life, kinda like Ina. Cook all day, have a great husband, lovely home, create cookbooks.
Giada's shows are even ones I can get my husband to watch. All I have to say is Giada is on and he comes running to see what she is wearing. Switching to the low-cut tops a few years back was a good choice for the guys.
Good luck with the new show Giada, can't wait.
I don't think she is a real chef. yes she attended a chef school, but I don't think she can produce papers to cement the claim.
I thought she was a pastry chef if anything.
You know real chefs who have toiled in real schools get pissed when people like this claim to be chefs.
Giada a great chef? Give me a break...
Have you actually seen her cook live, or on a show that is not slickly produced, like Iron Chef or South Beach?
She stinks! WAY OVERRATED!
Iron chef she needed help and didn't really cook. Shouth Beach she claims problems with the equipment. Onece she simply sat down and talked at the audiance. On the Today show, unless it is pretaped, she is even worse a real disaster.
Some 'chef'.
She is so classy!!
Oh, give me a break people! Those of you who posted all the negative comments are simply J-E-A-L-O-U-S!
I like Giada's cooking show. It's very well done and the food looks delicious. I wish that the cable-TV description of each of her episodes identified the dishes, which it usually doesn't, because, believe it or not, when I watch that show, I watch it for the food. I prefer that she not flaunt her boobs on that show. If I want to see skin, I've got the Internet for that. Too much cleavage on a food show is just annoying. It distracts from the food, which is the primary star of the show. I think that Giada's fine as long as she sticks to the script. It's when she interacts with other people that she becomes unattractive. She revealed too much of her personality when she competed against Rachel on Iron Chef. It was more than I wanted to know about her. At least Rachel had the sense to act like an adult on that episode. As for the Next Star, that show is designed to make every judge look like a jerk. As much as I like Alton, my opinion of him dropped after seeing him on that show. I haven't seen Guy as a judge on that show. I assume that he would be respectful toward the competitors, having been one himself, but I don't know.
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