Tuesday, September 30
More on 'Giada at Home'
Giada's got a lot going on these days. Her new book, Giada's Kitchen, comes out today, she's in New York to appear on the Today show, she's starting a book tour, and her new Food Network show Giada at Home premieres in a few weeks on Oct. 18.

My questions were mostly about her new show. I didn't bring up the Page Six article, as this was a conference call with other journalists. (Not that I consider myself a "journalist." It was mostly a time issue; I only got about 5 minutes to ask questions.)
For the new show, Giada will not be limited to cooking Italian food (although it will still play a big part, says Giada). She'll also be out of the kitchen more often, showing viewers how to plan a beach party, California BBQ, or family dinner.
You can expect a lot of "California cuisine" on the new show. "We eat a little lighter [in California], a little more local," says Giada. Thanks to the numerous farmers markets across the country, Giada says anyone will be able to prepare the new dishes--not just Californians.
Another big change from Everyday Italian will be the use of an actual set, as opposed to a rented house in Los Angeles. "I'll have a lot more room to move around," says Giada.
With a new focus on getting out of the kitchen, it's no surprise that Giada is using the same production company as her other FN show Giada's Weekend Getaways to produce Giada at Home.
It's also a brighter show, according to G. "Everything is shot on a white background with white plates," says Giada. Expect the focus on the food to be ramped up even more.
And while I didn't ask these questions (someone else on the call did), Giada says the top two questions she constantly gets are still: 1) How do you eat the food you make and stay so thin? (Portion control, exercise, etc.) and 2) Will you pronounce spaghetti or pancetta for me?

My questions were mostly about her new show. I didn't bring up the Page Six article, as this was a conference call with other journalists. (Not that I consider myself a "journalist." It was mostly a time issue; I only got about 5 minutes to ask questions.)
For the new show, Giada will not be limited to cooking Italian food (although it will still play a big part, says Giada). She'll also be out of the kitchen more often, showing viewers how to plan a beach party, California BBQ, or family dinner.
You can expect a lot of "California cuisine" on the new show. "We eat a little lighter [in California], a little more local," says Giada. Thanks to the numerous farmers markets across the country, Giada says anyone will be able to prepare the new dishes--not just Californians.
Another big change from Everyday Italian will be the use of an actual set, as opposed to a rented house in Los Angeles. "I'll have a lot more room to move around," says Giada.
With a new focus on getting out of the kitchen, it's no surprise that Giada is using the same production company as her other FN show Giada's Weekend Getaways to produce Giada at Home.
It's also a brighter show, according to G. "Everything is shot on a white background with white plates," says Giada. Expect the focus on the food to be ramped up even more.
And while I didn't ask these questions (someone else on the call did), Giada says the top two questions she constantly gets are still: 1) How do you eat the food you make and stay so thin? (Portion control, exercise, etc.) and 2) Will you pronounce spaghetti or pancetta for me?
Labels: food network, Giada De Laurentiis
Awww, lil' Jade is SO cute! She definitely looks like her mama!
Saw the today show self indulgent as always. And crappy as ever on air.
i still like her
i think most people are just envious. she is attractive, smart, has a husband who adores her, a new little baby and some pretty cool jobs.
ENVY.... if not, judgments no one should make about someone else anyway!!
I really like her too!
Was this Lisa Garzza's idea for a show?
i still like her
i think most people are just envious. she is attractive, smart, has a husband who adores her, a new little baby and some pretty cool jobs.
ENVY.... if not, judgments no one should make ...
I'm not envious. I have all of that, minus being attractive, smart, a little baby (well 11 mth old puppy) and cool job. Outside of that we are equals.
This sounds pretty much like Barefoot Contessa to me. Although I could be interested in the California lighter foods. My husband was raised on meat and potatoes and that gets old quick.
I think Jade looks like Todd but still a cute baby.
I'm sorry to say it, but you're right, why you were included with "journalists" is a good question. Of course the publicity call is an opportunity for sycophancy, but unless you're only looking to ingratiate yourself with Giada (or the FN by proxy), it wouldn't have been out of bounds to ask about the Page 6 piece, especially since it dealt with other TV cooks. I guess we know now, if we didn't before, what the real purpose of the blog is -- maybe we should just stick to the FN press releases for the pablum, it would be quicker.
Actually, no, Tom. I read the full article in Page Six magazine and didn't feel the need to ask about it. She said the things she said and that's that. Lidia's show IS boring compared to Giada's. Mario Batali IS not sensual and romantic compared to what a majority of people consider typically romantic and/or sensual. So what was there to ask about?
Anthony Bourdain is allowed to go into interview after interview calling Rachael a "no talent hack who can't cook" and Sandra Lee "Betty Crocker after a weekend of huffing crack" and no one complains. In fact, people cheer him on for calling out other female chefs as talentless, worthless, and undue of respect or all the money they're making.
I'm allowed to like Giada and her show. That's not an attempt to ingratiate myself with her and/or Food Network. People who actually read this blog know who I do and do not like. You don't see me writing sugary sweet odes about Guy Fieri, do you?
Nice try, but that doesn't cut it. It's your blog and you're entitled to write what you like, but 1) you do go on at much greater length about the things you like, and 2) your criticisms, other than the single piece about Follow productions, are relatively mild. You come off as a huge FN booster, and that's OK, but don't make it seem as if there's any serious journalistic reason behind it.
Enough of th love fest for this bitch!!
I happen to love Giada. I think she is upbeat, fun and I have learned a lot from watching Everyday Italian and am super excited about her new show and cookbook.
I love Giada! So what about her comments, everyone has them just not for all to read!
Sooooo excited about her new show -little Jade is gorgeous!
They are both boring but I like them both and their recipes too.
It's all about opinion. Mario could be sensual to some people. There's someone for everyone. Plus I believe it was taken out of context. She would never say any thing negative about him. In public anyway.
It would have been interesting to get her "take" on the article. I mean that's what "sells".
I guess it was a missed opportunity.
And I love AB but you're right about the double standard thing. People are now calling Giada bitchy but if she were a guy it might be called confident or a little cocky but hey she has a right to be.
Lidia's show IS boring compared to Giada's
I suppose if all you're interested in is eye candy and T & A, Lydia might seem boring...but she cooks circles around Giada, and her "family & friends" sequences are a lot more realistic than Giada's fake parties.
Sorry, I'll be too busy watching "Spain: on the road again" and reruns of Lydia's Italy to be bothered with another lame FN "lifestyle" show.
Matt Lauer is such an ASS !
Like all shows on FN, I watch the first 10 minutes and decide if I want to learn how to make what they are pitching or not. Personalities does come into play a little but not a lot. I will sit through an Aunt Sandy show if I really want to learn how to make a cocktail.
Personally I love Giada for the same reasons Jacob stated he doesn't like the fellows produced shows. I like the nice low key personalities like Ina, the Hardy Boys and G. I look forward to her new show.
Geez, I cannot believe how rude some people are on here!
Tom is right. Jacob's sucking up to the FN. Gag.
Well, Jacob, I was a little harsh, and I apologize for it, but I'm disappointed to see that you decided to reiterate Giada's criticisms of Lydia and Mario. Which, by the way, have nothing to do with their food. And yes, Anthony Bourdain spent a lot of time spewing venom about others, but even he apologized for the personal nature of his earlier comments (like about Emeril) and now sticks to talking about the food. Giada ought to do the same. IMO, she doesn't hold a candle to either Lydia or Mario as a cook. She could have found a much better way to say that she interjects a different personality into her show than others do. After all, the girl has been extensively media trained by now.
You're right, you're "allowed" to like any show you want, and say anything you want on your blog within reason. I don't say this as a criticism, but the blog screams "hire me, please, FN!" I hope it works for you; heaven knows it's easier than trying to be a contestant on TNFNS, but really -- the interview with Giada does nothing to dispel the impression, and all you had to say in regard to not asking her a tougher question is that you didn't want to. She is, after all, a public figure, with more press experience than Sarah Palin.
That's enough rambling from me, and I won't be submitting any more comments. Best of luck to you!
Hey Jake ,
If you do get hired by the FN, I certainly hope you listen to what the loyal viewers have to say.
You seem to know what goes on much of the time and you certainly know good from bad, so when you make the jump, tell Tuschwipe to start watching PBS to see how culinary TV should be done.
Giada looked like a total novice today making her kiddie food.I guess a kiddies cookbook is next up for her.
Did any of you see those whacko women on before Giada with Matt Lauer ?
The women who played with the dolls and pretended they were real ? Maybe Giada fed the dolls afterwards?
Why's Jacob sucking up to FN??? Just because he likes Giada - gimme a break! I like her and I'm not sucking up to shitty FN!
"Did any of you see those whacko women on before Giada with Matt Lauer ?
The women who played with the dolls and pretended they were real ? Maybe Giada fed the dolls afterwards?"
Haha.... I saw the promo for it, but didn't catch the segment. Those dolls are scary.
Giada is really a nice lady. I have been to one of her book signings and she was so nice. My nephew loved her. She knows how lucky she is and appreciates it. Loosing her brother to cancer, well trust me she is real and a very nice person. So people lighten up!!!!!
Alec I saw those women on there with those dolls LOL lawd hammercy they paid $1000 a pop for them babies. That was just weird! That one woman was gung-ho on her love for her fake babies and even said her husband likes to hold them hahahahahahahaha! Did anyone see Reeg and Kelly today? Their contestant at home over the phone was a smart ass to Reegis and a total perv to Kelly it was very awkward. Anyways, (sidetracked, my bad), I'm going to her signing tomorrow I think she is so fierce. I love Lidia and don't find her boring at all. She makes some real, authentic, and delectable meals. So that's my opinion.
Saw the segment seemed it was all about Giada as opposed to the food. Bad on camera as always. What else is new?
I love this blog but sometimes the obsession with Aunt Sandy scares me. That is the worst show on the FN.
I like Giada!! & her family...
I've been watching Giada on the Today Show and she's great, fine , wonderful. Nothing bad about her.
Anon 11:37...newsflash..most of the stuff written here is likely to be glowing of FN..the title of the blog IS "food network ADDICT" afterall..check your browser, please!
I just went and met Giada at a book signing in MN, and she was quite lovely. Much, much tinier in person, and yes, all those teeth and super gleaming white. She was super sweet with this little three year old girl in front of me who kept yelling her name. GIADA! GIADA1 GIADA!!
I love Giada but I can't help noticing how hard she tries to ennunuciate every word and tone of voice on Today. It's kind of cute. Nothing bad - I just notice it. Makes me smile.
there's a preview of the new show on her website in case you didn't notice already.
Giada is cute, but she needs to learn the vocabulary of cooking. She thinks that when you turn the food processor on and let it run, it is "pulsing." She thinks that a graham cracker crust is flaky. How did this uneducated person get her own show? I certainly don't expect to learn anything from her.
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