Thursday, October 30
What Rachael's Magazine Tells Us About Who She's Voting For
This will surely stir up the blogosphere's collective feelings! (Let's just hope those feelings were left out overnight to come to room temperature, like Ina says, before stirring.)
The political party photo spread in the Nov. issue of Everyday with Rachael Ray mayyyyy slightly favor one candidate over the other, says TMZ.

The gossip site found the following items of note:
1) The first page of the spread contains two buttons -- the text on the Obama pin is perfectly readable, on the McCain button, John's name is cut off!
2) There are two cups bearing political stickers on the second page of the spread -- the Obama sticker is clearly readable, complete with a link to his website; the McCain cup is turned, so only the letters "McCa" are legible PLUS his website is blurred out of focus.
3) There are two more buttons on page three of the spread! They are both partially cut out of frame ...BUT the Obama pin is clearly identifiable; the way the light hits the McCain button, it's impossible to read.
Hmm... kinda fishy, although could just be a case of a photo editor overlooking things. What I'm worried about is what to drink: Blue Moon or Red Stripe? They're both turned!
The political party photo spread in the Nov. issue of Everyday with Rachael Ray mayyyyy slightly favor one candidate over the other, says TMZ.

The gossip site found the following items of note:
1) The first page of the spread contains two buttons -- the text on the Obama pin is perfectly readable, on the McCain button, John's name is cut off!
2) There are two cups bearing political stickers on the second page of the spread -- the Obama sticker is clearly readable, complete with a link to his website; the McCain cup is turned, so only the letters "McCa" are legible PLUS his website is blurred out of focus.
3) There are two more buttons on page three of the spread! They are both partially cut out of frame ...BUT the Obama pin is clearly identifiable; the way the light hits the McCain button, it's impossible to read.
Hmm... kinda fishy, although could just be a case of a photo editor overlooking things. What I'm worried about is what to drink: Blue Moon or Red Stripe? They're both turned!
Labels: Rachael Ray
I knew there was a reason to like Rachael beyond sharing our upstate NY roots.
Rachael Ray rules! McCain is more like Giada's choice...haha!
I can see Sandy voting McCain. In fact, she kind of resembles Cindy.
She does resemble Cindy McCain! I thought I was the only one who saw that. Cindy looks like she tips back the martini glass one olive too many as well; her and Sandy would probably get along great. lol
I believe Rach is for the big "O". She has enough money not to be hurt by him or anybody for that matter.
OBAMA - BIDEN 08 !!!
McCain/Palin 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone had too much time on their hands.
The HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I noticed that in RR mag too! Subtle but obvious! I for one can NOT wait till the election is over so all the Celebs can shut the hell up and go back to entertaining! OVER Celeb's and who they are voting for!
Amen anon. 3:37
All the rich celebrities could give a shit how Obama will affect us regular people. We'll be paying bigtime for his so called "change"!
I don't think Rachael was there when the photo was shot.
Anon 3:58 I totally agree. Wait until everyone sees BO's so called change. In all the history books when you have economic problems you NEVER RAISE TAXES. I guess we all wait and see. Scary!!!
Hope all of you Obama supporters are ready to start REALLY paying taxes!
hmm let's see. Rachael Ray Inc is basically Oprah owned and operated. So who do you THINK it's going to be biased towards??
Hey anon @ 9:17pm, guess you'd rather have us be taxed on our health benefits. How's it feel to make a quarter mil a year btw?
I'd rather be taxed a little on our health benefits, than wait 3-4 months just to get a checkup!!!
Actually Anon 8:59, in you must speak of history, no president had ever cut taxes at a time of war until Bush and his Congressional enablers. And look how great that worked out. Cuts that McCain used to be against, but now is for making permanent. Maverick!
Rachael is obviously a liberal democrat. She loves Bill and will definitely vote for Obama. Too bad she isn't smart enough to understand what it means.
I wonder why all the rich celebs are Democrats? Maybe cause the Democrats take care of the RICH and Screw the Joe Plummers....? I wish all the celebs will Shut the F up - and go back to mindless entertainment that they are paid way too much for - and stop using TV as a forum to spread their beliefs- personally I don't give a rats ass who Rachael or Ellen or any other overpaid "Self absorbed Star" is voting for and they will not be telling me who to vote for.
Got it backwards Anon. 2:37...
Redumblicans = BIG MONEY
Democrats = Middle Class
I don't think Rachael was there when the photo was shot.
4:10 PM
Ya think? LOL.
And thank you so much for brining the election into one of the few places that one could gotten away from it.
PS anyone ever seen Sndy and Cindy McCain in the same room?
to the people clamoring about raising taxes when the economy is in turmoil.. listen, all obama wants to do is go back to the tax rates that existed under clinton. remember the 90s? the economy was the strongest it's been in modern history, rich people were still rich and we had a huge surplus.
when are people going to wake up and realize republicans only care about the companies that can do them favors. the big oil companies contribute thousands to the republicans and guess what, in return, the republicans pass laws that benefit the oil companies. it's give and take, plain and simple. then what do you think happens to independent energy companies or competition that's not exxon or shell? they can't compete! is that capitalism, is that a free market? NO. obama wants to put an end to lobbying and special interest groups getting favors from the government. if he can successfully do that, this country will be better off than it has been in decades. the government will start passing laws that actually benefit the PEOPLE, not just the huge corporations that can afford to buy favors.
when are people gonna realize that dems are people who only want things for nothing? they want government to come and provide for them what their lack of drive and will cannot.
Political banter and commenting should be banned from this blog.
Except anything from Charles. He is the best.
He is the most insightful blogger ever.
Go Chuck. Charles for President.
Perhaps people will cook more at home now than ever/ get ideas from FN or recipes from th FN web site?
Anon 1:21 ... Agree with you about the politics and the blog ..... But , Charlie insightful ???
NOBAMA!!!!!! Can't wait to see his BIG CHANGE. And talk about Clinton, Clinton, ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Where were you people when he was in office for 8 years!!!!!
Just being facetious about Chuck.
He really is not insightful at all. I think he needs to go and have sex with someone for the first time and this might straighten up his skewed thought processes.
What's with you people and hating Clinton?
I was right here for the Clinton years enjoying the peace and prosperity. Where were you?
I loved Bill and Hillary Clinton ! It was great to have a SURPLUS not a DEFICET ! It was also great to have a Rhodes Scholar in the White House !
Palin in 2012!!!!!!!!
But, lil ol' Rach has embraced her inner redneck ... Guess she forgot that NASCAR is all Republican ...
"Asphalt Chef" competition at TMS on Saturday evening after running in his first Nationwide race of the season. Montoya will be paired with celebrity chef Mario Batali as "Team Burning Ravioli". The dynamic duo will compete in an Iron Chef-style competition against NASCAR drivers Carl Edwards and
Bobby Labonte who will be assisted by chefs Rachel Ray and Tim Love
respectively. Similar to the famous Iron Chef competition, a secret
ingredient will be unveiled prior to the competition. Montoya and Batali will have five minutes to come up with a recipe and 20 minutes to prepare it. The private event begins at 6:30 p.m. CT at the Lone Star Tower Clubhouse at TMS.
Rach is not a redneck!
Palin is the political equivalent of inspector Cleuseau ... She makes George W.Bush look like a professor !
Anybody hear about Palin's "interview" with Nicolas Sarkosy ? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Now that just about says it all.
I think Joe the Plumber would make a better running mate.HAHAHAHAHAHA
Nice try though .HAHAHAHAHAHA
I just can wait for BO's BIG CHANGE coming to all of us!!! Biden is just so excited to become our new VP!!!!! HA!!!
Palin has an IQ of 83...THAT says it all... She's a MORON...
Palin in 2010!!! Rock on Sista!
Maybe by 2012 somebody will teach Sarah Palin about the Constitution and First Amendment and what the Vice Presidential duties really are about ... That woman has a skull that's a foot thick ...
RACHAEL RAY FOR PRESIDENT IN 2012 !!! Now thats a great idea- A pres that is hot and can cook !!! NICE!
I voted for Mayor XXX Bro Herm of Hoohahville. Rachael told me to.
Rach is cute but the recipes aren't. Don't we already have an obesity problem in this country?
Hooahville SUCKS!
A little birdie told me that the only show that McCain paid more for advertising than Obama on was the Rachael Ray Show.....(however, that has much more to do with Rachael's audience than Rachael's political views herself).
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