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Sunday, November 23

Cat Cora Speaks Out on Prop 8

Cat Cora, who's lived with her partner of 10 years Jen Cora in California, spoke out against the disappointing results of Prop. 8, calling its passing "shocking and stunning" in a recent interview:

A lot has been said about this recent historic election that with the passage of Prop. 2 (protection for farm animals) and of Prop. 8 (amending the state constitution to restrict marriage to a union between a man and a woman) that Californians care more about chickens than human beings. What do you think?
We’re all disappointed. On a good note, it was close. But it’s shocking and stunning to think this happened, given how progressive we think Californians are. It’s sad this issue is even on the ballot in this day and age.

Did you and Jen walk down the aisle before the election?
No. We’re domestic partners. We were legally advised not to rush to the altar, because once you get married, your domestic partnership goes out the window. With another child on the way, a health-care proxy is absolutely necessary to have. But I support everyone who has gotten married.

Did you ever fear that some of your adoring public might view you differently?
Jen and I have never hidden the fact that we’re together. Our kids are important to us, and we want them to know we’re proud to be their mothers. You have to stand up for who you are, because you are basically standing up for them. We’re just an all-American family living the all-American dream.

While she's upset over Prop. 8, Cat still has other reasons to be happy. She's opening her first restaurant CCQ (Cat's take on global BBQ) soon in Costa Mesa, Calif. and is expecting another son (Jen's and Cat's 3rd together) in April 2009.




At 11/23/2008 2:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen is a cutie and they make a lovely couple! How tall is she?

At 11/23/2008 3:35 PM , Blogger Yolanda said...

I love it when couples who have been together a long time start to look alike. these two look like sisters.

At 11/23/2008 3:55 PM , Blogger Prohomemaker.Com said...

Good for her!

At 11/23/2008 3:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were just an All American family living the All American Dream ??

At 11/23/2008 4:29 PM , Blogger Susan said...

It's great that Cat Cora is bitter. I live in CA and couldn't believe Prop 8 was passed. However, it seems like she has her life and priorities in place.

At 11/23/2008 4:38 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Haven't seen a couple who look so much alike since Mick and Bianca.

At 11/23/2008 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, anon. 3:57 -- they're just an all american family living the all american dream.

At 11/23/2008 6:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And someone's an arse, living the anonymous dream.

At 11/23/2008 7:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for Cat Cora. I am sick of closeted celebrities not speaking out and hiding. But man, I was shocked to see that 75% of black Democrats voted to strip gays of their right to marry on the same day they voted in Obama. Don't understand that one at all. I thought civil rights were for everybody.

At 11/23/2008 7:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lifestyle is not a civil right, and no civil rights are only for those who are just, not Americans but something American. Thats like discrimination it only belongs to the few and not the many. But this is a area that can become very political and very biased. Some things would be better left alone and not broadcast, I for one find most people likable, but if you push your lifestyle, your belief, your religion in my face then it becomes a problem because now your treading on my rights, where I have not tread on yours.

At 11/23/2008 7:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how the people who feel that way are also the one who can't write coherent sentences.

At 11/23/2008 8:03 PM , Blogger Alejandro said...

Anonymous 7:45pm...It's not a "lifestyle"...And being "anonymous" can assure you that you can publish any vituperative remarks and get away with it.

Anyway, enough of the negative remarks...I love me some Cat Cora. Every time she's on Iron Chef in competition, I am right there saying "Kick their a**, Cora!" he he he. She's a good chef and a good person. I hope when I'm over in CA again I can go to her restaurant. Peace out.

At 11/23/2008 8:09 PM , Blogger marge twain said...

I voted No on 8 and am very disappointed in my fellow Californians. I've been pleased to see Cat Cora come out publicly, along with Wanda Sykes, George Takei, and other celebrities. Those of us who have never had our right to marry, let alone our right to exist, questioned, need to take a hard look at ourselves and realize what a privilege it is to be straight in this country.

At 11/23/2008 9:31 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I had no idea that Cat was family - makes me like her even more now :) It's really good to see the celebrities really coming out in full force (no pun intended) to speak up and put a human face on GLBT issues. Opa!

At 11/23/2008 10:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being anonymous is a civil right, and as for reading a coherent sentence you can continue into higher education, that is your right to do so. As for Cat I happen to like her, and interested in her cooking, what she does in her PRIVATE life is her business and relay does not interest me, but when you make your private life public, it becomes the publics life not yours anymore. As I said this can be very controversial.

At 11/23/2008 11:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the controversy! Food Network Addict is no place for homophobes ...

At 11/24/2008 12:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lesbians Rock

At 11/24/2008 8:13 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

Anon 7:45. I am a straight married woman. I know that I broadcast my heterosexual *lifestyle* everday.

Everytime I walk down the street holding hands with my husband, when I kiss him goodbye when he leaves for work and when I proudly wear my wedding ring. I am loudly broadcasting my *lifestyle* choices. Why can't gay people have the same rights?

Don't act like heterosexuals aren't pushing their lifestyle and beliefs on the world!!

At 11/24/2008 8:31 AM , Blogger Carol said...

OMG...An all american couple living the all american dream...excuse me while I vomit ! I'm not sure how she can say that 2 women sharing each others spit & other bodily fluids is considered an ALL american couple!!! There IS a reason God made male & females bodies differently.....they go together like legos. Anyone that views gays & lesbians as normal have mental issues that seriously need addressed ! There aren't ANY decent values or morals left in this God forsaken country ! On a side note.......I think Barack O'sama needs to have the same respect that all you liberals gave Pres. Bush the last 8 yrs. (McCain*Palin)

At 11/24/2008 8:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol, Yeah that is mature rational logic...we are supposed to be straight because men and women fit together like legos!

Wow! You should teach a course in human biology!

At 11/24/2008 8:57 AM , Blogger Carol said...

I figured I would explain it in a way all the liberal freaks would understand.
Obviously they think how they live is "normal" And we should all embrace it.Sorry...but it's against all of the morals I was taught & I will never except their way of living.
And no I wouldn't teach a human biology class because I couldn't lie to my students & tell them we all came from apes !

At 11/24/2008 9:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perception is reality babe. Define Normal.

At 11/24/2008 9:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelly 8:13- Good points!

At 11/24/2008 9:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carol,

As a happily married gay man, let me invite you out for coffee, so I can explain to you exactly all the ways my husband and I can "fit together like Leggos" :) Since that seems to be your rationale for not approving of same-sex marriages, it should solve the problem.

Meanwhile, I wish Cat and her wife all the best with their new baby.

At 11/24/2008 9:27 AM , Blogger jacob said...

Oh Carol... you're sweet.

At 11/24/2008 10:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To bad that with all the "morals" Carol was taught, nobody filled her in on respect, kindness, or compassion.

I had no idea that so many people were so afraid of how others love one another. What a shame that with war, famine, global warming, and homelessness surrounding us everywhere, there are still those that choose hate and ignorance to discuss. Shame on you Carol. You have a lot of growing up to do.

At 11/24/2008 11:27 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Legos? I knew I was doing something wrong...

On a good night it is somewhere between lincoln logs and a playdo fun factory.

At 11/24/2008 11:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do it Hungry Hungry Hippos style!

At 11/24/2008 12:06 PM , Blogger Susan said...

I don't understand the negative comments about Cat Cora. She's a kind, loving and talented individual. Who can argue that? Stop this nonsense.

At 11/24/2008 1:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Carol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 11/24/2008 2:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are such a smokin' hot couple! YAY Cat !

At 11/24/2008 2:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes a spicy couple!
It's nice to see the idea that Cat is looking at the results positively--and that there WERE quite a lot of people FOR the marrage idea.

Congrats on the new expecting baby and the BBQ Rest. Cat!!

- Christel f. Canada

At 11/24/2008 3:16 PM , Blogger rebekah said...

People like carol make me lose all faith in humanity.

At 11/24/2008 3:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol sounds like a real idiot.

At 11/24/2008 4:30 PM , Blogger Carol said...

anon 9:05
Let me help ya out on the definition of "normal"

1.Conforming to a standard; regular; usual; typical.

Homosexuals are NOT typical, nor are they usual....they are a minority for a reason...because it's AB-normal. God did not mean for 2 of the same sex to "lay" together. It's a sin. This is what I believe & the last time I checked, this IS a free country with free speech...thanks to John McCain & all of the other brave, courageous soldiers that have fought & continue to defend ALL of you & I.
John McCain is a pretty nice guy....as Cat Cora probably is....but all the liberals have slammed McCain (along with Palin) so I guess I have a right to slam Cora now don't I ????
As for ripping on the original Anonymous poster(3:57)...we are ALL anonymous if were not listing our full name & social security # so don't try to use that card.

As for Carey....I HAVE grown up...I'm not the one out sleeping with a woman....disgusting to say the least! As for war, famine, homelessness & ha ha ha ha Global warming LOL......what does that have to do with the comments on gays & lesbians. Most liberals have said I continue to say worse about President Bush & that seems to be just fine & dandy...well I'm sick of all the immorality that is spewing from all of the far left (and -funny thing the gays & lesbians are all in this category)
Oh I happened to read about Cat & her love-ee...that there is another child on the way.Hmmm....that's too funny....I guess one of em' had to break down to find some sperm somewhere huh?? Right there tells me....What they're doin' is weird, freaky & UN-Natural.
Thank God for Giada...she's at least one of the last normal ones on food network.

At 11/24/2008 5:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Carol!!

At 11/24/2008 6:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


A majority of the country's voters chose Obama over McCain. You are in the abnormal minority.

Seeing as his approval rating is like 22%, your views on President Bush make you weird, freaky, and UN-natural.

But I'm guessing that's not the be all and end all of you not being normal.

And, you can't convince me for one second that if Giada met you at the door in a frilly, satiny robe...that if you shared a bottle of wine with her and you could smell the berry behind her soft lips....that if she leaned forward, brushing her bosoms against you....

At 11/24/2008 6:31 PM , Blogger rebekah said...

you're fighting a losing battle, Miss Carol. and John McCain didn't personally hand over the right to free speech to you directly. I think you should take your hateful rhetoric elsewhere.

At 11/24/2008 6:32 PM , Blogger rebekah said...

oh an in my opinion hate and intolerance are immoral.

At 11/24/2008 6:51 PM , Blogger jacob said...

"On a good night it is somewhere between lincoln logs and a playdo fun factory."

Haha... hilarious.

At 11/24/2008 7:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if you have an opinion of the opposite view, then you are hate filled?
What has happened to this country?

I don't give a damn what Cat Cora does in her bedroom.I don't want to know about it nor do I want to read about it or discuss it.

What has this got to do about food and cooking?

At 11/24/2008 7:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at Kelly's comments. I liked them, as gay people we are not trying to promote our lifestyle. This is silly!

At 11/24/2008 7:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this got really ugly really quickly.

I am a conservative, heterosexual woman. I did not know that Cat was married to a woman, but it makes me no difference. I think she is a great chef and I like her style. As long as she doesn't try and change me it makes no difference to me who she is married to. I wish that we didn't have as much hate in this country, weather it is Bush-haters, gay-haters, etc. it is all wrong. I didn't vote for Obama, but he is my president and I will support him.

Bottom line is that she is a good cook/chef and that is all that matters from a viewers standpoint. Now, if she is going to try to talk sexual orientation on her next food network appearance, that would not be appropriate. lol

Finding someone you love in this difficult world is the main thing in life, not whether it is a man or a woman.


At 11/24/2008 7:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol.....go fuck yourself....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 11/24/2008 8:03 PM , Blogger rebekah said...

"So if you have an opinion of the opposite view, then you are hate filled?"

no, that's not what an opposite viewpoint means at all. What I mean by hate filled, is that she is willfully bashing someone simply because of who they choose to love. It is people like Carol that want to sit on the high horse of their perceived "morality" and pass judgement on everyone else. You can have whatever viewpoint you want, I don't care, just do NOT try to keep someone else down because you don't agree with theirs. That's what I meant by hate filled and trying to deny someone their basic civil rights is an act of hate.

At 11/24/2008 11:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous John,

Yes, Obama won. He's against gay marriage, so what is your point?

At 11/24/2008 11:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen up Carol! You think you are hot shit, but we know you like hotdogs where they don't belong. Hotdogs with little hairs.

At 11/25/2008 1:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for speaking up against the bigots. Here's wishing you and your family all the best.

At 11/25/2008 8:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks Carol is a troll...

At 11/25/2008 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Cat Cora. Best women chef on TV though we are no lulcy to have Anne and Alex too. I'm a straight female but I think she is gorgeous and she seems like a terrific person.

At 11/25/2008 8:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol, per our "God forsaken country" people's ideas of God, taken from a book pieced together in slap-shod, piecemeal manner is the largest problem in the world and precipitates all others.

Per the rest of what you've yammered on about, I can't hit a sitting duck, it isn't fair and being an atheist, I have morals and standards to uphold to not shame "my kind".

At 11/25/2008 8:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and Carol, BGL have to reside on the left because neo-con "Christians" (most, not all) won't have anything to do with them not to a point of choosing not to associate with "them" but as you have so beautifully illustrated, to the point of hate-filled exclusivity. Since you won't accept "them" into your flock, where do you suggest they go? Pluto? That far enough for you?

At 11/25/2008 8:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenna...I feel really sorry for you.

At 11/25/2008 11:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh god, why? Let me guess, it has something to do with hell, right? Hmmm yep, bet it does. I don't need pity, thanks.

At 11/26/2008 12:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the West,
I don't condone hate on either side. Many of us can be friends, work together, etc. but not agree on lifestyles.

I do agree with Carol that this world is falling farther away from God. If we don't repent and listen to the Spirit that will direct us to God we will not prosper in this land.

The great battle is Satan vs. God. Ask yourself, which side will you be on because God's side will win. God made man and woman for a reason, I mean...

It makes clear sense since babies come from heterosexual relationships and not homosexual relationships.

At 11/26/2008 2:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Food Network.

Not God Network. Not Bigot Network. Not If You Aren't Like Me You're Wrong Network.

If we can have a separation of Church and State, can't we have a separation of Church and Food?

At 11/27/2008 6:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol said:
"Sorry...but it's against all of the morals I was taught & I will never except their way of living.
And no I wouldn't teach a human biology class because I couldn't lie to my students & tell them we all came from apes !"

Since when did anyone invite your personal opinion? Take the stick out of your bum and lighten up. Only conservatives with bad judgement come-out with un-related comments like that. Go back to the hate-blog you came from.

"LIBERAL FREAK" [your words]

At 12/01/2008 8:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carol. Stop being such a judgmental ass or I just might laugh at your stupid notion that there is a sky fairy that idiot paranoid losers worship

At 2/20/2009 2:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

one day every knee will bow

At 2/26/2009 9:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carol says...
Come on up to Northern New England and I'll show you what a good old fashioned head bashin' feels like.
Have a nice friggin' day you idiot.

At 3/10/2009 12:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The poor children have to grow up in a confused, Lesbian household. They're the ones people should be feeling bad for.

At 3/11/2009 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is good luck to Cat and Jen!!! I hope both of your little additions are born healthy!!!

and as for children growing up in a household with lesbians as mothers... well I think I turned out alright and I don't need anyone feeling bad for me because I have two moms. Speaking from someone who has been in those kids situation, I know they will be fine!

At 3/12/2009 12:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Wonderful to see all these Real Americans speaking out for the 'Rights' that their Personal Superstitions and Private repulsions apparently have when it comes to trampling all over someone Else's Rights to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

At 3/13/2009 8:18 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Cat should start a new show...THE DYKE VAN DICK SHOW What a SICK LESBO!!!!! BAN HER FROM TV!!

At 3/14/2009 10:56 AM , Blogger jacob said...

So you want her to start a new show and ban her from tv? Idiot.

At 3/14/2009 11:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Loves you all.. He came to save us not to condemn us... he loved you so much that He sent His only Son to pay a cruel price on the cross at Calvary that we could never pay..He took our place so we could have everlasting life.. the just for the unjust.. by His blood he attoned for our sin.. the sins of the World.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
His word is truth.. Anyone who turns to Him and calls upon him will be saved. Roman 10:13 For all who call upon the Lord will be saved..Free gifts or Mercy and grace..He give us what we do not deserve because His purpose and plan was to redeemed us and bring us back to Him so we could know Him and his his unconditional love that endures for ever. He fill us with His Holy Spirit who changes us little by little to be like Him, Holy. We are all sinners... without accepting Father God's free gift of Jesus's sacrifice.. the shed blood of Jesus as payment for our sins.. the penalty is Hell for eternity and separation from God who is so very good. The devil has stolen what belongs to God but Jesus defeated him on the Cross. We are blood bought.. He is the (only) way the truth and the life.. The Bible is God's love story to his people..He wants to restore us and and reconcile us to God. Sin Separates us from Him but He will receive and forgive all who come to Him confessing their need for a Savior. He never rejects us He always recieves us
I am testifying to you (witnessessing) to Our Great God's unending love for his creation. If you doubt just look at pictures of a baby developing in the womb.
Sin is a violation of His laws and His ways of doing and being right.
All else comes from the Devil and He alone is hatred and decention, etc. all negative.

This is what God has to say about the one Sin of Homosexuality, you notice I said one sin, we all sin in thought, word or deed and the Bible is filled with His people who did many things wrong.. they were sinners like us who God used to bring about his purposes.

This is what God says clearly about the sin of sexually being with the same sex. He said it:

Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt notlay with mankind as with womenkind: it is an abomination.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed as abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

I Pray you will cry out for God's great mercy for salvation..for time is short. .. Hell is forever

You are all so loved but Satan is a lyer and a theif to keep you in the dark.. Jesus can set anyone free from Him, who confess
God Bless You

At 3/15/2009 7:11 AM , Blogger christina.rood said...

Hmmm wow. I'm only 20 and I'm still trying to undo the brainwash I've been given by society.
I loved Cat Cora before because of her cooking. When I found out today that she and Jennifer were a couple with kids, I told my boyfriend of four years with whom I have a two-and-a-half year old son with, that if I were a lesbian, I would so totally fall for her.
I get ragged on because I had a child out of wedlock. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to have people tell you that loving the person you do is wrong.
She's wonderful and I wish her all the best. I wish we could all just get along. Just be happy for others being happy, and if you can't...just go to your place of worship and keep your mouth quiet.
I learned in my Christian school that "Thou Shalt Not Kill" not only condemns acts of violence but words of violence.

At 6/01/2010 1:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Carol--- You know, you should seriously GROW UP. Barrack O'sama? Seriously?? If you can't respect people with different beliefs, religions, and sexualities, you are a believer in titles and that everyone fits in the same mold. I'm here to tell you, they don't. Secondly, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS about the choices other people make. There should be separation of church and state because of everything that America believes in. America is a place of freedom, probably the most free place you can go and still, people cannot be accepted. Simply because of people just like you, we (our country) is being dragged down. Is it your business that people are gay? Is it your choice, or their's to be public about it? Would you know a thing about it? No, because you aren't gay, you haven't had those thoughts in your head, and if you're straight, you will NEVER have the right to judge because you don't know know, you never will, and that's all I have to say.

At 6/01/2010 1:40 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

PS (It does not matter if it is a sin or not, they might know that, they might not, they might believe differently, they might not even care so WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE SO MUCH??? I believe there is a new generation appearing in our world. One that accepts and loves. I am gladly a part of it. I am not gay myself, and I Don't judge you for speaking out, but realize this: you are alienating the GLBT community just as Nazis did the Jews, as the whites did the blacks. Remember that next time you say something nasty about someone that's gay. What if it was you who was tormented constantly about something you truly feel. Dig deep and find the empathy that EVERY human has somewhere in their heart. Remember, they are people too).

At 6/08/2010 2:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol, Roger, and several of you anonymous writers need to SHUT UP. Leave people alone. Just because someone doesn't conform to your closed-minded ideas doesn't mean they're going to Hell. I HATE bigots! And in case you were planning to fight my comment with the Bible, I have 2 quotes for you: Matthew 7:1, "Do not judge or you too shall be judged" and John 8:7, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone." Grow up you terrible bigots. Cat's shows and career should not be boycotted because of her sexuality. :( Shame on you.

At 6/22/2010 3:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope adolf hitler returns to exterminate these dykes...


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