Thursday, January 1
Tyler Florence Blasts Back at Andrew Zimmern Over "Momma's Boys" Appearance
What an exciting chef fight to kick off 2009!
Some of you may have caught Tyler Florence's appearance on this past week's episode of Momma's Boys. In it, Tyler helped the contestants cook some of the "Mommas'" favorite recipes and picked a winner.
WELL, after Andrew Zimmern (host of the Travel Channel's Bizarre Foods) posted a scathing blog post about the Ryan Seacrest-produced series -- calling Tyler the "least talented TV chef" among other things -- Tyler hit back, unapologetically, via his Facebook profile, with a post of his own:

Hi Guys, good morning and Happy New Year. Normally I have pretty thick skin when it comes to blogs and what people think. It is a free country after all, But this guy Andrew Zimmern, the guy who eats dried camel cock for a living, has decided to dis my life's work because I did, my personal friend, Ryan Seacrest, a favor and helped him out with his first big television production, "Momma's Boy's" It was a big hit for NBC and something I had a fun time doing. It's bubble gum reality, who cares. It was funny. I guess it hard to have a since of humor when you're on your 10th take of eating Yak testicles, smiling to the camera, wondering where your life went wrong......... mmmmm, Delicious!
Go get'em guys.
Let's put an end to Chef on Chef violence in '09. It's a nasty way to start out the year, plus, I'm sure the next time Ben Silverman has a project, his name will be on the top of the list. ( Who ? )
Something tells me Tyler enjoys what he refers to as "chef on chef violence" just a little bit, as he doesn't mind bad-mouthing Zimmern right back ("dried camel cock"). Not saying Zimmern doesn't deserve it, though.
Getting attacked for what he does isn't new to Tyler, though. He commented on the Anthony Bourdain antics back when I spoke with him in February, saying "that salacious, chef attack thing that Gordon Ramsay and Tony Bourdain do all the time is a shtick" and that "people are tired of hearing it."
So what do you think? Did Tyler's appearance on Momma's Boys deserve the criticism?
Some of you may have caught Tyler Florence's appearance on this past week's episode of Momma's Boys. In it, Tyler helped the contestants cook some of the "Mommas'" favorite recipes and picked a winner.
WELL, after Andrew Zimmern (host of the Travel Channel's Bizarre Foods) posted a scathing blog post about the Ryan Seacrest-produced series -- calling Tyler the "least talented TV chef" among other things -- Tyler hit back, unapologetically, via his Facebook profile, with a post of his own:

Hi Guys, good morning and Happy New Year. Normally I have pretty thick skin when it comes to blogs and what people think. It is a free country after all, But this guy Andrew Zimmern, the guy who eats dried camel cock for a living, has decided to dis my life's work because I did, my personal friend, Ryan Seacrest, a favor and helped him out with his first big television production, "Momma's Boy's" It was a big hit for NBC and something I had a fun time doing. It's bubble gum reality, who cares. It was funny. I guess it hard to have a since of humor when you're on your 10th take of eating Yak testicles, smiling to the camera, wondering where your life went wrong......... mmmmm, Delicious!
Go get'em guys.
Let's put an end to Chef on Chef violence in '09. It's a nasty way to start out the year, plus, I'm sure the next time Ben Silverman has a project, his name will be on the top of the list. ( Who ? )
Something tells me Tyler enjoys what he refers to as "chef on chef violence" just a little bit, as he doesn't mind bad-mouthing Zimmern right back ("dried camel cock"). Not saying Zimmern doesn't deserve it, though.
Getting attacked for what he does isn't new to Tyler, though. He commented on the Anthony Bourdain antics back when I spoke with him in February, saying "that salacious, chef attack thing that Gordon Ramsay and Tony Bourdain do all the time is a shtick" and that "people are tired of hearing it."
So what do you think? Did Tyler's appearance on Momma's Boys deserve the criticism?
Labels: food network, Tyler Florence
Tyler Florence looks like he's forever walking around on his tippy toes with a corn cob up his rear end .
You spelled Andrew's last name wrong - Tyler spelled it correctly in his post.
It's "Zimmern" ... not "Zimmerman" ...
Zimmern "The Bug Muncher" has an unwatchable show that his network has tried to ram down our throats for a few years now. Apparently he has to criticize others to get anyone to pay attention to him. He has no idea what he's talking about.
At least Bourdain's show is interesting, at times funny, at times thought provoking, whether his brusque personality is your cup of tea or not.
I've learned plenty from Tyler's shows over the years. All I've ever learned from The Bug Muncher's show is that Zimmern is a stooge.
Everytime I see that Zimmern idiot ont the tv I want to barf my guts up. Every time I see Tyler Florence on tv I want to sit and watch and then cook what he's cooking. Andrew Zimmern is nothing but a big fat Fear Factor wanna be.
changed... thanks! must be still drunk from NYE. ;-)
every recipe I've ever used of Tyler's has been awesome--and his recipes are always very do-able--even for a 'home cook' such as me--
I feel as if I've watched him grow and mature on the FN--
thanks, Tyler---
Camel cock and Yak testicles. MMMmm good. I have never watched "Bizarre Foods", you know I never wanted to. I feel bad enough that the guy seems to be from Minnesota, I think I heard that on a commerical for the show.
I've seen Tony Bourdain eat some weird stuff on his show and that is enough weirdness for me. Most AB food is what is normally eaten by the folks where he is visting, well as far as I know it is, not having been to any of those places.
I just happened to watch "How to Boil Water" this morning, roast lamb and fennel. I like Tyler's folksie style on that show or it could be that Jacks tight hot pink jeans this morning made me think of things beside food.
Tyler, seems like he is one of good guys and I am glad that he shot back. I can say that I would make things Tyler prepares.
Paula Deen was in a movie so was Emeril, why can't Tyler be a a TV show, LOL. I think that they almost have to do it. What should matter is that they are credible in the role whatever it is.
OMG: "Andrew now serves as Target's own meal adventure guide, the international spokesman for Procter and Gamble's Pepto-Bismol quoting off Zimmern's site makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, but what do I know I watched 3 episodes of the History Channel's "Machines of Malice" yesterday.
I am not a fan of Zimmerman but Tyler does not have a thick skin. Every time I see him outside of a scripted appearance he comes across as an arrogant ass. The world would be better without either of them having a TV show.
Is this really true? Bizarre on both ends-that Andrew would dare to attack and that Tyler would bother to respond.
Andrew Zimmern is a loser. Tyler is so far beyond him talent-wise it was almost a waste for him to response, but I guess it's hard to turn down the opportunity to unleash a "camel cock" slam.
And just to back up what others have said, I've made dozens of Tyler's meals and there hasn't been one failure in the bunch. I've always felt that he was the best chef on the network, as far as providing good advice and make-able and realistic meals. There are many recipes from his show that have become constants in my kitchen.
I am upset that Andrew Z. dis'd Tyler I mean Tyler - what's not to like????
I am from Minnesota and Andrew was a great chef on our Morning TV program and he also has a foodie column in our local magazine, but I can't watch his Travel channel show - I just can't do it....yuck! It takes away all his credibility to comment on the flavor of anything to me...
andrew can't
hold a candle
to tyler
he's a big fat liar.
i am repulsed by his stupid " let's see how much disgusting crap I can shove down my gullet with not immediately puking it back out" show.
I don't think Zimmern can pull-off chef bashing the way Bourdain or even Alton Brown can on their shows. Both of them bring a little more to their shows and, by extension, TV personalities than Zimmy does.
What I want to know is if there are gangs at culinary schools that follow different chefs, and if their kitchen fights are f-ing awesome.
Tyler does not have thick skin
That 's bull about being close friends with RS...
And, Tyler makes terrible choices....
Shaq show
Now Mama's.. PLease!
Who the hell is Zimmern ? and who would watch such chit as someone eating donkey dick ? Go Tyler, I would be arrogant to, if decided to trash me because I work for a living.
This just seems odd. I understand being upset at being attacked, but his response seems a little immature and it really surprises me. It seems made up.
I did not watch Momma's Boys, nor do I intend to. But I have met Tyler Florence and I have served up many of his dishes. Meeting him in person was one of the best moments of my life. He was kind and gracious and took plenty of time with me as well as the line of fans before and after me. His recipes are amongst my favorite and he is the chef I always refer friends to when they are looking to get started in the kitchen. I love Tyler and think unconstructive criticism has no place in 2009.
LMAO @ "camel cock" go, Tyler!
Tyler's latest cookbook is one of the best I have ever seen, ties with Ina's, IMO. There is not one single recipe in the book I wouldn't try. Tyler gives an air of being warm, kind, and inviting, he seems genuine and you can't help but smile when you see him on t.v. in action. Over time, I've become a bigger and bigger fan of his, I think he's fabu.
They need to change the name of "Bizzare Foods" to "Hey Get a Load of Me."
I like Tyler's food and his shows enough that I can even get past his association with Applebees and Ryan Seacrest.
I have no clue who this Andrew person is, have never seen his show, and likely never will since I can't stand shows where people eat, well, gross stuff. But, I guess it is his constitutional, freedom of speech right to bash Tyler and since he puts his name on it that makes him gutsier (no pun intended) than those of us anon types who do our share of bashing here. And Tyler has every right to bash back if he found the comments that upsetting.
However, I do find it a little silly to see what some of the FN stars (including Tyler) end up doing in the name of exposure. But personally, I find Tyler one of the more likeable people on the FN. More on the low key side without being dull, boring, and nap inducing. While some of the other personalities are TOO OVER THE TOP with their antics - you know we all have one or two or more that we feel that way about!
I agree with him about this bald bozo, but I for one will never get tired of anything Bourdain says. Never.
"camel cock and yak testicles."
I don't blame Tyler for hitting back, but I do wish straight boys would find ways of insulting each other that don't involve veiled jabs about each others sexual orientation. it's so cliche and homophobic and silly.
I don't buy that it was a veiled gay jab. He was talking about DRIED camel cock. And Tyler can't be too homophobic if he's a close personal friend of Ryan Seacrest.
Didn't see Momma's Boys, and I don't care one whit about chef-on-chef violence nor blog-bashing of celebrities and personalities. Here's the deal ...
There's plenty of room on TV for everyone to find something - from eating / preparing bugs & animal genitals to mac & cheese to fine cuisine.
There's also plenty of room for all these personalities to make a buck doing shows or commercials for whoever they want - Seacrest, Applebee's, TGIF, Wally World, Target, whatever.
I'll never begrudge anyone making a buck however they can or however they want. I like to call it "freedom to work."
As for "freedom of speech," fine. But know that when ya blast someone, it just shows yer true colors, eh?
*big sigh*
p.s. I'm much more angered by Zim's statements about "trashiest girls the producers could find".
Misogynist anyone?
Andrew Zimern(sp) is a Bourdain wannabe without the intelligence, wit or talent.
Tyler's show is watchable and the info/recipes are useful and good. He has moments of assholitude but mostly seems like an everyday fun guy. I'd rather watch that than a dry-heave laden gross-a-thon.
Sorry Tyler, you got it wrong.
Andrew doesn't eat dried camel cock,
he just looks like one
Tyler is adorable and does a good show
Andy has been eating maggots and pupae too long. The varmints have obviously taken over his brain cells
if zimmy wants something REALLY repulsive to munch on try some dried up old paula deen clit.......
if theres any left...
They're all in it for attention, no matter how they can get it. Get a life fellas. boys will be boys. It all seems a little elementary school to me. Isn't there more to worry about than this drivel. Happy New Year All!!
They're both annoying and Ty Ty seems like a d!ck anyhoo!
Altho I don't love Zimmern's show, I took a couple of classes from him back before he was a TV personality and can attest to him being an excellent teacher. It's too bad that his show doesn't use his talents. As for this whole argument, it all just seems like a waste of time.
Least talented chef? Shouldn't that title be for Sandra Lee?
SHE'S NOT A CHEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AZ is just a Bourdain wannabe - without the looks, charisma, or wit. Sad.
8:45 it should be Giada bitchy big head. she can't cook but love to call herself a chef.
8:45 it should be Giada bitchy big head. she can't cook but love to call herself a chef.
8:45 it should be Giada bitchy big head. she can't cook but love to call herself a chef.
This is like seeing to nerds fight in high school. You don't care who wins but it is always entertaining.
1. Zimmern has balls. He has stupid show where he doesn't cook. He should really cook something first.
2. Tyler's a pussy. Fay little pretty boy. He got called out for being a stupid show. Accept it and move on. It takes a real brave man to attack on face book.
Perhaps these two ladies will calm down after their time of the month has passed.
Florence is just sore he was called out by Zimmern for taking part in just another deplorable crappy reality show intended to entertain retards. At least the bug guy features interesting and different stuff.
Go back to DoorKnock Dinners TY, you were so less anoying then. Maybe you and your good bro Seacrest can collaborate.
Tyler seems like a really nice buy, but his favor to Seacrest didn't do his profession any favors at all. Zimmern - who also seems like a nice guy in general - should have attacked that decision not Tyler's credentials, but Tyler should have maintained his thicker skin policy. I.e. if you choose to do bubblegum reality shows, don't be surprised when the camel cock eating guy questions your credentials.
Uh...that "buy" was meant to be "guy" ...sorry...
Lol! A lot of you had some rather entertaining responss to the post, to say the least! I agree with anon @ 12:40pm, how nobody cares who wins but it is entertaining. I like both guys. Zimmerman's show and Bourdain's show are completely different from anything on FN which is a good thing. There's room for both of em. Zimmerman shouldn't have started it but Tyler didn't have to respond. Kinda catty actually.
SENSE of humor.
These shows are REALLY BAD. AND the ones FN has on right now are lousy also. The Neeleys, Ask Aida what the heck is she about and that goof on the laptop!!!! And the Neeleys its like a porn cooking show. Oh my everyone just watch PBS they have great cooking shows on with NO COMMERCIALS!!!! and you actually learn something.
Andrew Zimmerman is the one of the best shows on air. Tyler works off a script and has a very dull personality compared to Andrews.
Also, Andrew is Jewish.
I really love watching Andrew, I glad I found out he is Jewish also.
Compared to Tyler, Aida, and the loud mouth Neeleys, he is 100 times better than them.
Yes, Andrew you do deserve to be Jewish!
You make the Jewish people proud!
Zimmern was in the wrong but Tyler made things worse by responding. I doubt many people have heard of Zimmern before but the reference in Tyler's Facebook brought publicity to the insulting blog post.
Tyler's message allowed his true personality to seep through and it's that of a petty and easily offended egoist.
You have to love the one Andrew fan who came on here to defend him... and had only his Jewishness to do it with.
Tyler Florence is in trouble if the Volcano at Yellow stone erupts !
Slightly off-topic: a poster just mentioned Ask Aida -- will someone PLEASE tell her to do something with her hair???!!! She needs a water softener or some volumizer or something. It is really distracting! Jeez I thought the worst hair on FN was Robin Miller (until they made her style it), but Aida's may be a tad worse. She is beautiful but ... THAT HAIR! Thank you.
Who gives a crap if Zimmern is a Jew ? That only tells us he is clipped.
This only serves to expose Florence as a total jackass that will do anything for a buck.
Good buddy Ryan Seacrest? You might fool some of the retards watching Momm'a Boys, but it makes you look like a stain for saying this.
You know, if we really want to talk about celebrity chefs trying to distinguish themselves on mediocre reality tv, this is nothing compared to Rocco DiSpirito's shot at fame on "Dancing with the Stars."
The problem is that chefs are now celebrities and with a food network and lots of other cable shows, they're all out there trying to stand out in the crowd. First TV then books then merchandising deals....what happened to the days when a chef's primary vocation was to cook?
You people are hilarious. You know why Tyler and Guy do commercials for crappy chain restaurants and Alton sells grape jelly? MONEY. RR might make 14 mil a year and Ramsey might be printing cash, but that doesn't mean Tyler and Guy and Alton and the rest of them are rolling in dough. If some POS restaurant said they were going to give you a bunch of money to appear on their commercials, what would you say? You'd say yes, because the money was good. And being on there doesn't change the fact that you can cook. If some NBC reality show wants you on and will get your name out to millions of people, who might then buy your books and watch your shows, what the hell is wrong with that? It's not like Tyler was on the show as one of the guys looking for a wife. I'm not going to attack a guy for making a little coin. It's ridiculous.
The people saying Tyler is a jerk are just flat-out wrong. Jacob has actually interacted with the guy and said how nice he was. Jacob saw him standing for hours signing autographs. I also know someone who worked a party with Tyler while she was in culinary school and she said he was incredibly nice. So stop the bullshit about him somehow being a jackass.
I 100% agree with Anonymous @ 10:36am re: Ask Aida. Her show is so terrible. I've tried like 3 times to watch it but it's boring and lifeless like her nappy head LOL And are people seriously emailing her with such stupid a** questions?! WTF!? That guy on the show with the pc said they got like 7,000 emails recently. I can't imagine that many people are watching it.
You people are hilarious. You know why Tyler and Guy do commercials for crappy chain restaurants and Alton sells grape jelly? MONEY. oh my god. you're so brilliant and savvy and we're all so terribly naive. Thank you ever so much for setting us little morons straight. what would we ever do without your insights?
By the way, I hear Alec Smart mixes dried camel cock in his trail mix, along with with cranberries, granola and chocolate chips. It keeps him regular.
If it was so obvious, then why haven't they figured it out, douchebag? And your joke sucked. You are a complete failure at commenting on blogs -- and life.
I don't cut my trail mix with dried camel cock, I just make a tea and get my fill that way.
It makes you virile and desireable to woman. Doesn't work for gay men so you are SOL.
And yes that joke sucked. YUK YUK YUK. Stop it you crazy guy comedian. You are killing me.
The show is a hit? Please say it ain't so. I would have never known Tyler was on it if it wasn't for this blog. Tyler has always been one of my favorites. I will forgive him.
I could care less about Zimmern, but I will buy WHATEVER Tyler is selling. Yummers.
loooove tyler, and clearly he's hilarious. zimmern? lame.
Zimmern ... Down to earth & CALM ...
Florence ... Walking on tippy toes hyperactive kitchen frenzy ...
Zimmern - sitting down to eat & possibly in a meat coma.
Florence - used to running his ass off in a kitchen.
That's the difference between people who WORK and people who smirk.
Zimmern is very kind ...Florence is a hyperkenetic fathead.
I've met Tyler once, he was nice enough in person, but his latest book (Dinner at My Place) has quite a few errors in it, and that has to be Tyler's fault for not personally proofing it. I have spoken to quite a few cookbook authors who tell me how arduous a task it is, one I guess Tyler didn't feel was important enough for people spending money on his book.
As far as mama's boys, it was dumb. Did Zimmern need to say it the way he did, no -- but Tyler's response was totally stupid. He could have just as easily called attention to it differently, and would have shown it for what it was. Instead, he looks just as bad. I'm amazed his PR people (or FN) let him do it.
Why won't they pull that guy off the network? Maybe "Bizarre Foods" would be better with another host. I mean, the concept is interesting. Man, that guy annoys me. At least Tyler's engaging; Tony's witty - but that Zimmer dude is just plain painful to watch.
And I'd sooner keep to myself if he was just that - boring, unoriginal, and coma-inducing. At least I can use that show remedy for nights when I have insomnia. But(yes, I paused on that show during my channel-surfing, only to start feeling nauseous and to continue onto something more intelligent - perhaps the Home shopping network?) watching that guy trying to act cute, shocking, even rude(perhaps a lame attempt for wit?), while displaying his limitless ignorance makes me want to first throw up, then kick myself in the head. No one makes the hair on my neck stand up as much as watching that guy's face whenever I'm passing through the Travel channel...except perhaps hearing Barbara Walters yammer on, and maybe some nails scratching on the chalkboard.
As I read the comments there seems to be more negativity towards Zimmern than Florence.
One possiblity is that Zimmern, being a large and not terribly attractive man garners more loathing for just those reasons. Tyler Florence is younger, handsome and doesn't get into outrageous foods. Ya think??
So, the BOTTOM line is: Is Tyler Florence GAY?
This is crazy. Just to clear this up, I love Bizarre Foods and have no problem with Tyler. Both are talented chefs with watchable personalities. I love the comment about Zimmern being a "Fear Factor Wannabe!" The whole premise behind Bizarre Foods is expanding our palate. Zimmern eats that which other cultures eat in an effort to understand that culture better, to break down some of the barriers between our cultures, and to prove that many of the aversions we have to others' foods is purely preconceived.
Andrew's show is one of the most entertaining food shows on TV, his show is entirely different from Tyler's and any one that tries to compare them is just comparing apples to oranges, or maybe camel cocks to hamburgers.
STFU....Both shows are targeting two totally different audiences! Andrew targets funky, ethnic and foreign country foods that the masses would NEVER think of eating and Tyler makes food that everyday douches make with a spin! If you look at the two of them....Andrew Zimmern has been on TV a whole lot longer than Tyler! He has had several shows that flop further than his homemade flapjacks! I watch them both, but most of you are whining to the "who cares" club!
(cont) I meant to say that Tyler has had many shows that never last and flop further than his homemade flapjacks. Andrew Zimmern is showcasing foods that I would have NEVER of know existed on this planet! I mean, bug egg omlets, fried crickets, chicken ovaries and intestines.....Please...I GUARANTEE Tyler Florence would NEVER let that food past his peter sucking piehole!
I have the travel channel on my tv pretty much whenever I am watching it and I have never even heard of Tyler Florence. I love Andrew Zimmern and Anthony Bourdain. I dont understand why people are bashing on both of them. They have tv shows that get lots of attention and both Andrew and Tony give me something to think about, unlike Tyler who probly just gives amateur cooks something to cook, because after all thats all he can make, amateur dishes. By the way, Andrew Z has been recognized many many times for his cooking.
Love Andrew Zimmern show. He appreciates ordinary folks' food. If a chef haven't tried those things, then his food is going to be boring.
Zimmern's show is on the travel channel not the food network so it's not about him giving great recipes it's more about the places he visits and the people that live there than it is about the food. His show is also not about eating the grossest things he can find…he just eats what the locals eat which much of it to most American pallets happens to be disgusting and bizarre. He also tries a lot of food on that show that I would try myself and I have a weak stomach.
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