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Thursday, May 21

Giada Says There's No Feud With Rachael, to which I say "Did Anyone Think There Was?"

Giada De Laurentiis is on the June cover of Redbook magazine, and while the cover's tagline is about her sharing some easy entertaining secrets, the story that's floating around the net (p.s. "Internets" is done) is all about Giada "dishing on Rachael Ray Feud."

Once you read the stories, Giada basically reveals there is no feud. So am I missing something? Did anyone ever think they were feuding?

"Do we hang out all the time? No. Are we best friends? No," says De Laurentiis. "But if you're not best friends, people assume you hate each other."

Do people think that Food Network is like a high school, with all the stars roaming the hallways every day, gossiping, catching up, and swapping stories? Giada has always been based in Los Angeles and Rachael's always been in New York. They tape their shows on opposite coasts. Why would they be best friends?

Giada also opens up about her revealing outfits:

"I think it's okay to cook and be sexy. Why not? I do get a lot of emails from women, saying to me, 'You don't have to show cleavage to get the male audience.' I don't [need to], [but] that's just how my body type is, and I'm very comfortable with what I have."

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At 5/21/2009 10:30 PM , Anonymous Gen said...

Oh good God, Giada! Please get yourself a huge helping of humble pie and shut the hell up. My boobs are nice, too, but I don't feel the need to thrust them in EVERYONE'S face 24/7.

At 5/21/2009 11:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do think a lot of people think the Food Network stars hang out together. I never heard of any feud either.

Christine ;)

At 5/22/2009 1:29 AM , Anonymous DrPhillips said...

That does seem sort of out of nowhere. Sometimes people in the public will embellish or exaggerate certain things to have more celebrity quality.

At 5/22/2009 8:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giada is known for being very catty and mean.

A what kind of body type requires that someone has to ware a low cut open blouse?

And much airbrushing on that cover?

At 5/22/2009 8:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


It wasn't that people assumed that you and Rachel hated each other everyone thought that you hated Rachel because you are so insecure and nasty...And that he beat you on Iron Chef.

Some you I don't think rachel give Giada much thought

At 5/22/2009 9:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachael did showed a picture of Giada when her talk show featured "celebrity look alike" segment when Paula Deen was on. She commented that Giada is so beautiful and who doesn't want to look like her. I only heard Rachael Ray said good things about her. When Rachael Ray won Iron Chef....Giada rolled her eyes. I DVR it and repeat it again and again to be sure.
Giada, I really like your cooking but you gotta shut your mouth sometimes. It's very catty of you....

At 5/22/2009 9:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did see how Mario and Rachael won. I don't think I have seen Mario loose a battle at least what I have watched with him in it.
I just in this new season started recording Giada's new show and she seems to be her own worst critic. She is a perfectionist as well as she should be to an extent.She seems that if she got something wrong she would beat herself up until no end. If Rachael did something wrong while cooking or whatnot she would giggle it off and there is nothing wrong with that either. People do make mistakes. They just have different personalities and I am sure Giada is kinda intimidated they are both Italian and she has a culinary degree, Rachael does not but lots of people love her anyways.

At 5/22/2009 10:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now readers, you can see the type of people that leave their comments here. Has anyone ever heard of "spell check" or proper grammer?

Giada keep the tits coming and Rachel get over yourself and pay your bills.

At 5/22/2009 10:42 AM , Blogger AJohnP said...

I used to be a huge RR fan, but now I'm at the point where I can't even watch her. I do love her magazine though!
As for Giada, I've always enjoyed her show(s) and I'm all for her dressing the way she does. I realize that sometimes she's a bit 'reavealing' but I say "Why the hell not??? If you got it, flaunt it!!!"

At 5/22/2009 11:40 AM , Blogger alexlind said...

J, uh yeah! Not seein' every FN host spend holidays together, or anything. Weird comment for G to make.

I agree with AJohnP, with one additional comment - wearing a low-cut top on EVERY episode just gets ... well ... tiresome? to the point where Giada has become a parody of herself, ya know?

Heck, she's got a nice figure, but wouldn't a nice sweater once in a while be just as attractive? I mean, a gal can kinda mix it up now & then, hmmm?

Just sayin'.

At 5/22/2009 12:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Has anyone ever heard of 'spell check' or proper grammer?"

Too bad you spelled "grammar" wrong, you moron.

At 5/22/2009 1:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


You really don't know Giada. She is her own biggest supporter and everyone else's biggest critic. She has no trouble being disrespectful to others. Giada is all about Giada. As far as the culinary degree goes-no one really knows what the deal is. She is the one who says she has a degree but it has never been proven. It is believed that she took a weekend pastry class in Paris.

Giada git where she is by family contacts, and breasts not by her cooking skills.

At 5/22/2009 1:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giada git where she is by family contacts, and breasts not by her cooking skills.

Great now I'm starting to write like Paula Deen talks.

At 5/22/2009 3:36 PM , Anonymous katy said...

I will contend that Ray-Ray only won the IC battle because she had Batali on her side. If it had strictly been Rachael vs. Giada, Giada would have blown her out of the water.

Either way, it seemed like Giada was a sore loser. I always did kind of thing she hated RR. Oh well.

At 5/22/2009 3:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giada is known for those low cut revealing tops and Rachael is known for those bodysuit snap crotch tops.

At 5/22/2009 3:59 PM , Anonymous Alec Smart said...

Princess Giada lost a great deal of her lustre when she turned on the bitch switch.

The icing on the cake had to be when she was called upon for her "expert" opinion on NFNS and she came off and acted as if she had won 50 Emmys. Her eye rolling performance still resonates with many viewers.

Jeez was it like 3 yrs ago she started out and was quite brutal in the beginning ? She herself was painful to watch and follow on camera. She hadn't brought out the girls yet at that point. They were part of Yr 2.

As for her "chef" training, you would think Cordon Bleu would pipe up and support her if she attended anything more than the casual tourists cooking clinics. But as we know, she likes to make things seem more glamorous than they really are. Right Todd ?

At 5/22/2009 4:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alec Smart, I love reading your posts. Dude, you are always spot on. I found her acceptable--not great, but watchable-- until TNFNS. Now I can't change the channel fast enough.

At 5/22/2009 5:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember in the beginning when Rachael and Giada were just getting started that there were stories circulating about them not liking each other. So yes, I do believe some people thought that was the case and Giada probably gets asked about it all the time, that's probably why she addressed it.

Love Rachael and Giada!

At 5/22/2009 7:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giada comes from rich stock and Rachael comes from working stock... so my guess is Giada has the turned up nose towards Rachael and not the other way around. Rachael does not seem intimadiated by any chefs. Nor has she claimed to be anything more than she is and I for one respect Rachael for that. "Celeb Chefs" like Giada and Martha Stewart who hate Rach can just go to hell!

At 5/22/2009 8:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alec Smart, you make me laugh! That was priceless!

Christine :)

At 5/22/2009 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 7:33

You're exactly right...it is your guess and that's all it is.

At 5/22/2009 11:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Rachael, Giada, AND Martha so go to hell to you too.

At 5/23/2009 8:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:46 needs a life!

At 5/23/2009 12:12 PM , Blogger anonymous said...

When Giada's mom was once on her show with her and mentioned that in Rome, noone cooked a certain dish without A or B, xince Giaga used neither. Giada went nuts and was so disespectful. You know she wished her mother was back Rome.
Giada, if the words "really, really" were gone from the vocabulary, what would you do? I really really wonder. I once clocked about 20 really's in a few minutes time!

At 5/23/2009 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever see Giada on the Today Show? Talk about self righteous and egotistical!!!! I don't think Matt Lauer likes our Italian 'Chef'

At 5/23/2009 4:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


You absolutely right except you forgot one thing. When ever she's on she can never complete the demo. because she always screws things up.

I also think that Lauer doesn't like her. There seems to be tension. She wants to talk about herself and he needs to keep the show moving.

I also think that one of her conditions is that they have to refer to her as a chef.

At 5/23/2009 8:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a life and I still like Rachael, Giada, and Martha. You can have Pauler and Aunt Sandy. LOL.

At 5/23/2009 10:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giada is just as trashy as Paula and less talented than Sandy.

At 5/23/2009 10:52 PM , Anonymous Ben said...

Sorry ... But NO ONE on the FN is as trashy as Paula Deen ... She revels in it !

At 5/23/2009 11:16 PM , Blogger Charles said...

Giada, if the words "really, really" were gone from the vocabulary, what would you do? I really really wonder. I once clocked about 20 really's in a few minutes time!

Anon, you forgot to add the word "and". She says "and" like 30times an episode and she always stretches it out like "aaaannnnnd". LOL

I like Giada, though. Her new show format is sometimey but at least it's not as horribly scripted as Ina's shows of late. It's hard to digest the phony banter between Ina and her guests on the show.

At 5/24/2009 11:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giada is a fastitious chef. I don't trust neat chefs! Everything looks too anal. It doesn't feel inviting. And, what happened to her mother? Haven't seen her in any of the new episodes.

At 5/24/2009 1:18 PM , Blogger Alison said...

Oh leave Giada alone.

At 5/24/2009 2:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly could not see how Giada and RR could possibly become friends, they have nothing in common, except they both work on the FN. Giada can cook, RR just throws ingredients together and gives them dumb names, like stoup and sammies.

At 5/24/2009 2:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachael Ray is the Queen of the FN ! Let's face it!

At 5/24/2009 5:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Giada can't cook thats why she's so insecure.

At 5/24/2009 8:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She cooks better then RR

At 5/24/2009 9:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RR can cook live, mix things up a little, Giada is useless outside of her protective element. Plus Giada is the one going around calling herself a trained chef.

At 5/24/2009 11:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jacob - you quote Giada as saying "there's no feud with Rachael". She never said that. Get it right!

At 5/25/2009 12:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love Giada. She can wear whatever
she wants-what is the big deal? People are just jealous. Giada is hot

At 5/25/2009 12:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad Guy Fieri isn't flaunting his boobs. Cause you know he's got 'em.

At 5/26/2009 9:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, Giada's dishes on Iron Chef wasn't that good. The judges didn't LOVE it. Plus RR made more dishes and they prefer her cooking. Watch the repeat stuff.

At 5/26/2009 11:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you guys ever use Giada's recipes in your own kitchen? They're pretty terrific. Many people, including myself, believe she's got genuine skills and talent. And what's with the concern over the low cut tops? Pilgrim mentality anyone? Giada's clothing is pretty on-trend with fashion.

At 5/26/2009 12:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be funnier if there were this huge feud between them! Because it would make no sense.

At 5/26/2009 12:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt Giada is capable of creating her own recipes. There is a who;e team of people doing that for her.

At 5/27/2009 11:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if there was a feud between them then my money would be on Rachael Ray...haha


At 5/28/2009 3:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always had success with her recipes. Did't like her on NFNS and on her new show she seems to get "snippy" with the guests. Seem snotty.

At 5/28/2009 4:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe how stupid this site has become. It isn't even informative anymore.

At 5/28/2009 5:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not stoupid. I like this site.

I laugh when some people take everything so seriously and get really upset.

At 5/28/2009 9:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, someone else criticize someone's grammar and spelling and make a grammatical and spelling error and then someone else point that out! I love that! Almost as much as I love the 48 comments on the "nonfeud" between Giada and RR. I bet Giada's publicist told her to say that. Next Giada will deny the rumor that her baby is actually Bobby Flay's child! I do think he's kinda sweet on Giada for some freakish reason. Must be the boobs.

At 5/29/2009 10:10 AM , Anonymous Alec Smart said...

At one point,I think Bobby Flay did have a boner for Giada, as did Mario Batali. Being the "new" kid in school, she had all the right attributes to be hit upon. I remember one Christmas special when all the FN personalities gathered around the eggnog. The looks that Flay was giving off were very lustful.

And he is a player. Not as much a player as Florence though.

At 5/29/2009 4:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby has Stephanie March. She's hotter. JMO.

And Mario likes just about anybody. Not that that's a bad thing...

At 6/01/2009 4:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is Tyler Florence a player? People say this all the time but never elaborate. How would anyone know this --if it were true--except Tyler himeself? Is he out at the clubs evry night or what? I think he's so handsome and charismatic that people just *assume* he's a player. He strikes me as a real family guy, actually.

At 7/04/2009 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giarda (misspelled on purpose) is an idiot with a lot of granddad’s dough. She is not a chef. This 2009 season should be called the fuscia-fake-eyelashes-semi-home made Italian cooking show.


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