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Tuesday, August 4

Don't F*** With Duff Goldman

Ace of Cakes' Duff Goldman didn't take too kindly to a Time Out Chicago writer who recently insinuated that Grape Juice Records, the label that Duff's band soihadto is signed to, scored a Charm City Cakes cake for its upcoming anniversary party thanks to some insider backscratching.

"Nick Rush, who runs Grape Juice, is a sound guy on Ace of Cakes. Which, of course, explains how Grape Juice scored a cake from a bakery that hasn’t taken a new order in years—and, according to its website, won’t be taking orders until late October. You scratch Duff’s back, he’ll scratch yours," wrote Time Out's David Tamarkin, who later crossed out the untrue "hasn't taken a new order in years" statement and added "that has been booked solid for years."

Not happy with that semi-retraction that still had a tinge of snobbishness to it, Duff fired back to the Gourmet Glossary:

We've been signed to Grape Juice Records. You know, there's some fucking dickhead in Chicago who wrote a mean-ass blog, "How do you get a cake from Duff? Sign his band and get him to play a show," said Duff. "That Time Out guy! That FUCKING ASSHOLE! If you know that guy tell him he can suck my nuts."

Yikes! It sounds like Duff does not like anyone talking smack about his band or his bakery. It's naive of Tamarkin not to realize that CCC, whether they truly are booked solid for years or not, chooses to do special requests on a case-by-case basis. If Obama called up Duff tomorrow and asked to get a cake for Malia's next birthday do you think he'd simply hang up, apologizing that they're booked solid? I don't think so.

The staff you see on TV is the staff they have, so if CCC chooses to fit another cake into their week, then it's their choice. It's not like they call up some bride & groom who booked 3 years in advance and cancel, saying they have to instead do a cake for Duff's record label.

But I'm still kind of surprised about how upset Duff got over this. I'm sure if he had just ignored the issue, that Time Out article never would have gotten picked up by as many sites as it now has. Maybe all press is good press?

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At 8/04/2009 3:03 PM , Blogger Alec Smart said...

That guy at Time Out better watch himself or Goldmember might send over Manthorne to straighten him out. Or Mary Kay.

At 8/04/2009 3:52 PM , Blogger Nobody Important said...

If Duff gets angry enough, he might punch the HELL out of that reporter's kneecaps. You know, because he's a garden gnome.

At 8/04/2009 5:07 PM , Blogger Bill Koslosky, MD said...

Our tax dollars are paying for helicopter cakes?

Since when was the Army concerned about military assets as deserts?

At 8/04/2009 6:07 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

If dufus wants that guy to go down on him does that mean dufus will also, I thought he was a pole smoker. I guess his own words spell it out.

At 8/04/2009 9:11 PM , Blogger Charles said...

Wow, that writer really pushed Duff's buttons! It's easy to get fired up when someone attacks someone or something you love, and in this case, it was Duff's business. Duff may not have chose the best of words in response to the writer's attack, but I sort of applaud Duff for going after the writer the way he did.

I agree, Jacob, it is CCC perogative to add an order anytime they see fit. He started from scratch, (no pun intended), making his business the success it is. You go Duff!

At 8/05/2009 10:03 AM , Blogger Little Ol' Liz said...

I'm sick of The Press thinking they're golden. Good for Duff for laying them straight -- only next time, ease up on the naughty language, please. It's awfully difficult trying to explain to the children why mommie is bustin' a gut!

At 8/05/2009 11:17 AM , Blogger JMarler said...

If Obama called my bakery, I'd definitely tell him we were booked solid.

I wonder what his handlers at Food Network think about his profanity laden screed. Not exactly kid-friendly ... What a jerk!

At 8/05/2009 5:17 PM , Blogger Na Hoku Hele said...

Duff's bakery. Duff can do what he wants with it.

You run your own business, *you can decide who you serve or don't serve and in what order.

At 8/05/2009 6:18 PM , Blogger Dick Bronson said...

I can't remember what the issue was, but Duff showed some thin skin once before. Maybe a bad review of how his cakes taste? I don't remember, but he got all fired up about it. Seems like he's got the world by the balls, he just just relax.

At 8/07/2009 11:57 PM , Blogger paul said...

looks like we are all going to have to go to the grape juice records anniversary party to see if duff has the stuff!

At 10/20/2009 9:42 AM , Blogger george said...

what a no talent asshole

At 6/13/2010 7:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The post isn't snobbish, it's mean spirited gossip and speculation.

Apparently if you're in the public eye your not allowed to express your displeasure in direct terms when someone takes a shot at you in print. As a public person, he's supposed just shrug this stuff off so people like many of the above commenters don't take unjustified on and off point pot shots.



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