Friday, December 4
Anne Burrell Sued for Discrimination!

Anne Burrell's Food Network show is called Secrets of a Restaurant Chef. At the show's inception, Anne was the chef at New York's Centro Vinoteca -- an Italian restaurant in the West Village that recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
WELL--Anne isn't working for a restaurant anymore (guess they should change the title to "Secrets of a TV Chef"), but she is being sued by former restaurant employees.
Former employees at Centro claim she referred to them in derogatory terms like "slutty," "saggy," "ho," "whore," and "stupid dumb whore… idiot."
The plaintiffs also claim Burrell commented on their cleavage and harassed them with offensive remarks like, "have you f****d that [co-worker] yet? and "You must be tired today from f***ing all night."" They also claim they were fired in retaliation for complaining about Burrell.
I've met Anne a few times and she's been nothing but nice. Hell, Food Network just put her on the damn turkey float in the Macy's parade, so they must be backing her! Hopefully this will get worked out soon.
[Source and Source]
Labels: Anne Burrell, food network
I guess she will get her day in court uh ?
Heaven help her if she is she is found acccountable.
Heaven help Herr Tuschman and Frau Fogelson to try and make it go away.
Those cute little Xmas cookie swaps at FN between these little angelic bakers could make for a new program for Tuschelwipe. He needs something new.
Vagabond Bakers Swap .
Gosh - nothing says "You've Arrived!" more than a lawsuit from your peers. Just as Gordon Ramsay.
Well, either they are jealous of her fame, or she really said those things. I have heard that working at restaurants are nasty, but I don't know how true that is. If she DID do it, then she needs to be removed from FN promptly.
Anne Burrell-The Mark Mangino of restaurant chefs. Ask some of the old timers at Commander's Palace how pleasant Emeril was when he first got there. And I'll bet Bobby Flay is a joy to work with. This is a pure and simple money grab---she's making some and they want it.
Sounds kind of like a fun place. Loosen up people.
Remove her from FN ? That is a good question. If she is found responsible, do you think Herr Tuschman should take any disciplinary measures ? Not that they have any.
Annie is really starting to look like a Granny uh ?
She can call me anything she wants. :)
by all means we should be responsible for what we say, but when you get famous and a comment made earlier is taken out of context, lets just get rid of you, take your career away, fire you from you job, dissolve your marriage, take your kids and put you in jail so we can support your sorry donkey. I say we should take the accusers and put the greedy donkeys back to work washing the floor with tooth brushes, for minimum wage. Only thing wrong with this is it is to good for the greedy dogs.
I am not a big fan of hers on the food network. She needs to retake her Food Managers Liscense because she cross contaminates on a regular basis on her show. I can't watch her show with out gasping, WASH YOUR HANDS Anne Burrell everyone else on the food network does!!!!!
I am npt at all surprised. She has the least class of anyone on FN. I don't watch sick of hearing her say "clean the crud off the pan"..etc.
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