Monday, April 12
Ellie Krieger Blogs for Huffington Post about School Nutrition

My favorite healthy nutritionist television show host former model Ellie Krieger is going to be in my neck of the woods this week to speak with members of Congress about updating the national standards for school food.
Check out the great post Ellie wrote for Huffington Post about.
Ellie writes: In order to implement needed changes, schools need more than just guidelines and calls to action. The fact is, it's cheaper and easier to buy, store and prepare overly processed, sodium-laden, artificially-flavored food than the fresh, additive-free, unprocessed food our children deserve. Not only do we need more money to purchase better quality food, we need the facilities to store and prepare it and the staff training to do so healthfully.
In addition to keeping tabs on Ellie's visit, I've been faithfully watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution every week on ABC (Sign the petition.) Anndddddddddddd... even though my favorite school foods growing up were chicken nuggets and pizza, I agree that something needs to be change. Go Jamie... and Ellie!
Labels: Ellie Krieger, food network, Jamie Oliver
As a school teacher, I couldn't agree more!!! The government needs to change food regulations in schools, as well as fund all aspects of education to a greater degree. It is a shame we are feeding the future leaders our country such garbage.
The problem is money. We spend way too much funding and subsidizing garbage. Lobbists run the country, and that includes what our children eat (and think).
When's the last time you met a Lunch Lady that actually cooked -- not opened, reheated and plopped food in troughs? Even after all the years of parading food and technics to the masses via Food TV, schools have been stripped down to reheating stations. There's very little cooking going on. No wonder the kids migrate to chicken nuggets and pizza -- it's the only things they recognize.
If Mrs. Obama were truly working towards the childhoos obesity problem she'd take the 10 million dollars earmarked for her "Let's Get Moving!" program and directly put it in the Food Program. Her children get restaurant quality meals at the fancy-pants school they send them to. Every child deserves the same.
I have long felt that FN's message about getting kids to eat fresh & healthy (Guy, Jamie, now Ellie ... others have spoken up too, I'm sure) would be much more meaningful IF they would include nutritional information with their recipes on
Until they do that, the message is just so many words, yada yada.
Say Jake, your buddy Tuschman should take more responsiblity as Head Programming guy at FN to spread the message of this whole obesity thing. He has a duty .
Oh wait.A duty would take some sort of principle or integrity and Herr Weaselman has none that we know of . His sole purpose is to give us more shitty reality shows.
I could not agree more that schools need to change what they are feeding the kids. However, I think as usual, many parents don't even realize what their kids are eating. Even worse, many are feeding their kids the same junk at home as they are getting in school.
I believe that a change in school menus needs to be accompanied by classes educating both kids and parents on how to eat healthier. Eating healthier does not necessarily mean you have to spend any more money, you just need to know how to make the changes within your budget. Both at home and school.
Sadly, many schools do not even have the ability to cook a meal. They have nothing but reheating elements in the kitchens. No stove tops, ovens or prep facilities are available. It makes it difficult to make changes to non processed foods, with out a way to cook healthier, fresher options. I would like to see some of these chefs travel to schools such as these and make suggestions.
I really like Jaime Oliver's new show on ABC. I think it speaks volumes to the fact that any change, even a small one, is worth making if it is for the better.
I really admire this, I mean it really looks interesting! Very nice write up. Anyways, its a Great post.
How about Amy's Kitchen food service for schools?! Their food is so delicious, wholesome, easy to prepare and nutritious! Someone should really talk to them about being a part of this food revolution in schools...
Yes I agree. Something needs to be done! Yes, I signed the petition long ago.
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