Thursday, September 18
Rachael Ray Acknowledges Voice Problem, Doesn't Smoke
Most people have noticed a change in Rachael Ray's voice in recent years. The bubbly, strong-voiced, energetic Rach that burst onto the Food Network scene several years ago is beginning to exhibit some of the signs of non-stop work.
She's hoarse and husky now!
Luckily, (according to her publicist) she is not smoking... at least not anymore.

"My problem is: I talk and get overly excited," she says (her publicist later confirmed Ray does not smoke). "I'm breathing wrong. I’ve bruised my vocal chords. And I never shut up long enough for that to heal. They’re going to try to teach me how to speak properly. I don’t know if an old dog can learn new tricks, but I'm going to try."
According to the article, Rachael is trying echinacea, antacids, and herbal teas.
In addition to not smoking (and let's hope that other one isn't anymore, either) Rachael will probably need to back off some of her projects and include more recovery time (vocal rest a la Celine Dion!).
Rachael has a two-year deal with Food Network that includes, among other things, 120 episodes of 30 Minute Meals. And while she can bang out four per day, I have a feeling she'll cut down--or eliminate altogether--the 30MMs after she completes this two-year contract. She needs to be at home not talking!
[Thanks Madeline for pointing me to this one!]
She's hoarse and husky now!
Luckily, (according to her publicist) she is not smoking... at least not anymore.
"My problem is: I talk and get overly excited," she says (her publicist later confirmed Ray does not smoke). "I'm breathing wrong. I’ve bruised my vocal chords. And I never shut up long enough for that to heal. They’re going to try to teach me how to speak properly. I don’t know if an old dog can learn new tricks, but I'm going to try."
According to the article, Rachael is trying echinacea, antacids, and herbal teas.
In addition to not smoking (and let's hope that other one isn't anymore, either) Rachael will probably need to back off some of her projects and include more recovery time (vocal rest a la Celine Dion!).
Rachael has a two-year deal with Food Network that includes, among other things, 120 episodes of 30 Minute Meals. And while she can bang out four per day, I have a feeling she'll cut down--or eliminate altogether--the 30MMs after she completes this two-year contract. She needs to be at home not talking!
[Thanks Madeline for pointing me to this one!]
Labels: food network, Rachael Ray
I think we should all pray that RR shuts up for a while. It may cause world peace to occur.
It has nothing to do with breathing; she just screams everything at the top of her lungs, like the obnoxious person she is.
I hope she quits everything BUT 30MM. She's best on that show. She's not very good with people.
The antacids would leave one to assume something more than vocal strain -- like gastric reflux. And that's going to take more than what you can get OTC.
A little quiet would be nice. Connect with her hubby-what's-his-name and make a baby.
Has anyone been watching those old "How To Boil Water" episodes FN throws on at odd hours (they air at 4 a.m. on the east coast)? This has to be the most awkward show they ever produced. Those two couldn't have hated each other more. She obviously detested playing the "dumb" role and Tyler had no interest in her stupid questions and asides. Every time I watch it I can't believe Tyler never hit her in the face with a frying pan. They have such lousy chemistry that it's almost hilarious.
I think this wreaks of denial.
" I bruised my vocal chords. They're going to teach me how to speak"... Cmon Rach.
it was the butts. Plain & simple.
Good on you for quitting though.
I've been wondering how long Rachael can keep coming up with 30 Minute Meals. While I hate to see her go, she needs to. The dishes just aren't as diverse as they could be if she had a show with another format (as opposed to only doing it in 30 minutes).
Kelli in TN
She has staff that come up with those recipes...she doesn't do it herself.
If Rachael doesn't cut the crap with the screaming and non-stop talking her voice is going to up and say "I'm done! Later!" and all will be silent then.
I've seen her smoke!!!'s spin. I doubt she quit...but I really hope she did!
Wow - I guess you have to watch her show to notice all of this. It was news to me she had a problem ;)
Let's hope she takes their advice and "shuts up for a while".
....."bruised my vocal chords" bwaaahahahahaha
Rachael Ray is a bitch, she's fat, she's stupid, she's boring, blah, blah, blah. Learn a new song already. You don't like her? Fine. It takes all kinds. Improve the quality of your life immensely and forget she even exists. Move on, already.
Here we go with the hating again.... Why do you people watch FN, read blogs about it, and claim you know what goes on behind the scenes if you hate these people so much?? This blog is "Food Network Addict" - when did it become a haven for bashing its stars?
She really needs to take it easy. It's hard for someone like her that goes non-stop but it will be good for her in the end. Maybe she could go hide out at the Garten compound.
I wish her staff came up with the recipes instead of the crap she comes up with. I admit she has a few good recipes but the bad ones out weigh the good ones.
Is there anything that DOESN'T annoy you people??? (commenters).
Damn, its just downright depressing to read what people spew everyday... will stick to the posts, and forget finding anything worth reading in the comments section.
That's what posts are for. You take the good with the bad. I like to read all the diverse comments. How dull and boring if everyone agreed.
Depressing? No way. War and Poverty are depressing. Not a bunch of posts. Go get yourself a life.
"That's what posts are for"????? Bashing people for things like how they look, or how they sound, or whether or not they used to smoke?? Why does that have anything to do with what you get out of her show? It doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, but all this petty BS is ANNOYING!!!!
i would never bother reading the comments if everyone was just a cheerleader for whatever/whoever the post is about. i like the diversity of the comments as well. i love FN but i can't stand some of it's stars (Giada, Guy, and Rachael occasionally). quite frankly i like reading other peoples' opinions on Giada's giant lollipop head and Rachael's cracked-out voice!
Geez, grow up! Conversation isn't always gonna be nicey-nice. Sometimes it's fun to trash talk a little bit, it helps relieve stress. If you don't like it, pop in "the Sound of Music" and re-arrange your doilies or something.
i'll be HAPPY for RR to Shut her yap for a while.
Rachael's voice is shot because she has been screaming for years. There are lots of professional singers and actors who never lose their voices because they talk normally when they are not performing.
It would be a gift to the world if Rachael would shut her trap for a few years. I know I'd appreciate it.
I remember seeing her first talk show and thinking all she does is yell and scream. I even emailed them about it. So I guess it has caught up with her.
Her problem is smoking and yelling
at the top of her voice for years.
And her overexposure and multiple
shows haven't helped, it was just
too much for her vocal cords. I
wonder if her smoking may account
for the overly spicy food she makes
all the time? It would be nice to
have some things that aren't screaming hot but if you are a smoker it must have deadened your
taste buds over the years. Perhaps
a time out would be a good thing for Rachael and all of us.
Her problem is smoking and yelling
at the top of her voice for years.
And her overexposure and multiple
shows haven't helped, it was just
too much for her vocal cords. I
wonder if her smoking may account
for the overly spicy food she makes
all the time? It would be nice to
have some things that aren't screaming hot but if you are a smoker it must have deadened your
taste buds over the years. Perhaps
a time out would be a good thing for Rachael and all of us.
I also cannot stand to watch Rachael any more. I sometimes want to watch her daytime (oprah) show, but after about two minutes of hearing her strained voice trying to scream at the audience I just can't stand it and turn the channel. I don't like the 30MM any longer because they are just over the top. She is all about trying to create a catch phrase/word (evoo, stoup, etc.). It makes you crazy after a while. With the pace of the show and her screaming it wears me out. I actually watch tv to veg out and she makes me stress.
She does need a break from all speaking. During that time someone who she will listen to needs to tell her that she is SCREAMING at everyone and maybe show her a tape of a show. Also, the cigs were a surprise, didn't know that she smoked.
Take a chill Rachael.
I really don't think she smokes. It has to be the strain on her voice because of all the TALKING and SCREAMING, She will figure it it eventually.
But everyone smokes in Europe. And she looks to be in Europe in that photo...pretending to not be a tourist, even though she's got a camera crew running around behind her. When in Rome, and all of that BS. But I'm sure she does talk a lot.
It could be drinking and talking (yelling). This causes me to lose my voice at times. I don't smoke either.
People, remember. She goes to nightclubs(Is that what they're calling them these days?)to cheer on her husband and his band.
(Can't she just wave or something?)
I think its all the above and it has caught up to her. Hopefully she realizes it!!!!!
Rachel certainly is an "old dog". More like an old lush.
OMG I saw Rachel Ray dog food in the grocery store today! WTF?!!
YEAH! I saw it too it's called Nutrish. How much money does one person need?
WOW! I cannot believe how many haters are on this blog. I'll bet half of you couldn't even up with RR on a regular day. And, for those disbelievers in the voice issue, I happen to know that it can happen and the antacids and breathing are the remedies they try before surgery, which is probably what she'll have to get. It disgusts me to read your comments so...peace!
YEAH... if you hate Rach taking your bitching off her board... LOSERS!! Rachael ROCKS
Why don't all you haters get the hell off here and spew your crap on RRSUX board- oh wait they seem to all have gone away!! YAY!!! Rach, you go on and on being FABULOUS!!! You ROCK
Let's hope she shuts up for a long time. Can't stand this woman, her voice or her damn "recipes." And she gets fatter with every show. She's a short little fat twit.
Rachael is Beautiful!!!
I watched her daytime show today and I thought to myself..bless her heart..take a drink of something. Her voice is really starting to give out bad. It's time to take a rest. I love Rachel, but her voice is awful.
About her dog food. I think it's a great idea. She's always been a pet lover and she claims that she will give some of her profits to the Humane Society. Good for her!
Nobody can be that bubbly with all those programs. I agree, the little catch words, "In the Hottub", "EVOO", etc. make me want to throw up. I don't watch her FN show or talk show. Voice and attitude grate on my last nerve. Hope you take a break. OVEREXPOSURE
I would f*ck Rachel Ray, right in her Joker's smile.
Hey, isn't that a cigarette she's holding?
Check out the photo on the right.
for me, finding out that RR smokes would be like finding out Paula Deen is a crack addict. Now that you think about it, it makes sense that her voice would start to go. I love RR, but she does need to take a rest on the old voice box
The voice problem is really getting annoying. she needs to take some time off to get her voice back...exceptionally harsh today...i cant breath when i listen to her.
I find Rachael Ray's voice so annoying lately that I can't even watch her shows. I think that Food Network and CBS should pull her off for a while.
I'm happy to know I'm not the only one feeling this way about her voice. It's like nails on a chalk board. I can't stand it. Please Rachael, stay home for a while....write a cookbook!
Also...about the dog food....ALL the proceeds go to CHARITY, so she is not making ANYTHING on it....I'm not saying you have to love Rachel Ray, but seriously, at least get your facts straight before you start lambasting someone.
Why not admit to smoking and this is what is causing her voice to sound like a man. She needs to take a break and get to a doctor and have this checked...I think it is more than just a strain from talking too much it might be something more serious and should be checked. Quiet time would be good we could all use the break.
You can tell she hates doing 30MM now. She looks angry, forced, never looks at the camera. She's always been annoying and cooks unappealing food. I'm also tired of Giada (using the low salt chicken broth, eveything is "perfect" "here we go" and "creamy"), Tyler constantly slurs his words as he speaks too fast, and Ina constantly says "I'm just gonna.." before everything she does and "how bad can that be"...FN needs some new people!
Voice therapy! My son at age 14 was doing the exact same thing, yelling too much and using his voice wrong and too much. We sent him to a voice therapist and was better in 4 months. Rachael please take note!
I was kind of wondering about her voice, so I had to look it up. I can't stand watching her actually, as she comes across too rehearsed for me, but I can only imagine how busy she is...yes, rest those vocal chords Rachel!
In this photo - duh! She's holding a cigarette!
Many people have this problem and are difficult to listen to; Neil Cavuto is one. Another cause is too much cola! Coke and Pepsi can cause acid reflux which can burn the esophagus!
That's so funny that out of all the pictures you could have added to this story you chose the one that shoes a cigarette in her right hand.... I got a good laugh out of that! :)
I think Rachael Ray scream to much when her man is doing her that's why she loosing her voice lol and she thalk to much on fn.
R-R have a dick on her troath lol haha
rachel is just having problems with her life...she doesnt need to be spending time cooking on t.v. she should be worrying about what can be better fine at home and worrying about her voice and if she should have surgery or advice she should go through surgery!!
Check out this link about a benign cyst Mrs. Ray had removed from her vocal chord. You folks are way too hard on people!
Whatever happened to $40 a day? I loved that show.
En mi opinión, es desagradable que tengamos que seguir escuchando esa voz tan ronca, se escucha muy feo. Debe retirarse por un tiempo y estar bajo un tratamiento médico. >Puerto Rico<
Has anyone ever told you that God loves you and that He has a wonderful plan for your life?
If you were to die this very second, do you know for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you would go to Heaven?
Let me quickly share with you what the Holy Bible reads.It reads "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" and "for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord".
The Bible also reads,"Forwhosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved".
And you're "whosoever" right?
We all are.
If you would like to receive the gift that God has for you today, say this prayer with your heart and lips out loud to God.
Dear Lord Jesus,come into my heart. Forgive me of my sin. Wash me and cleanse me. Set me free.
Jesus, thank you that You died for me. I believe that You are risen from the dead and that You're coming back again for me.
Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Give me a passion for the lost, a hunger for the things of God and a holy boldness to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I'm saved; I'm born again, I'm forgiven and I'm on my way to Heaven because I have Jesus in my heart.
As a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I tell you today that all of your sins are forgiven.
Always remember to run to God and not from God because He loves you and has a great plan for your life.
Get into a full Bible teaching church that believes every Word is for us today...even when it was written 2000 years ago. We do not want religion. We need churches to go beyond the four walls and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and dying world out there that may never hear about the Love of Jesus.
Jesus says come as you are, I Love You. Jesus does not condemn us, only religion does that. We know that Jesus abides in us, by the Spirit which He has given us. The Spirit will always lead us towards Jesus not away from Him.
Suggestions: Get a King James Version or New King James Version of a Bible and another more English friendly Bible(Amplified)(or other)to use as a reference to the KJV or NKJV Bible.
1 John 1-3
1. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3. And every spirit that confeseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it chould come; and even now already is it in the world.
Romans 10:9
If you shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Psalm 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.
Pray or Ask anything in the name of Jesus.
Ugh Tebow fan, enough with the regressive god talk..
If you buy it for one minute that she no longer smokes, then can I sell you some lovely swamp land in Florida?
She's just capitalizing on her fame. Face it, she's cute and people want to see her, so she's burning the candle at both ends while she can. At 40+, she doesn't have too many years left, and then she can kick back and enjoy her money.
Look it up, she made around $6mil in 05-06; $18mil in 07-08, and $15mil in 08-09.
She clearly started to go down-hill as soon as she started working non-stop, but I really can't blame her. FoodNetwork basically built their brand on her work (well, really on Mario, Bobby, and Emeril, but Rach helped after the network really "took off.")
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