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Tuesday, July 22

Food Network Addict Review: Road Tasted With the Neelys

Pat and Gina Neely just seem like people who should be on TV. The husband and wife team's seemingly simple story of running a family-owned restaurant and becoming Memphis barbeque sensations is well known to the many who watch (and vigorously comment on) their daytime "In the Kitchen" show Down Home with the Neelys.

Now, the playful, flirtacious couple is hitting the road in the latest installment of Road Tasted, taking over for Bobby and Jamie Deen as hosts. (Jamie claims the excessive travel and his desire to be closer to family as his reason for not returning to the show.)

While similar to other travel shows, Road Tasted typically highlights specialty stores and family-run businesses. Viewers can then go online and order what's showcased—a somewhat more economical way of experiencing unique food items, compared to, say, a visit to D.C.'s uber-expensive Citronelle like Giada De Laurentiis on Weekend Getaways.

Pat and Gina obviously love each other. In the first episode, "Minneapolis: More Than You Imagined!", Pat gets "upset" when the beekeeping outfits they've donned to learn about single-source honey prevent him from "getting any sugar" from Gina (i.e. - a kiss). While sappy and sometimes excessive for a weekend morning show, the Neelys flirting seems to work a little better in primetime when the mood is more "fun road trip for the parents" and not "yuck, mom and dad are making out in the kitchen while making me dinner."

In the premiere episode, Pat and Gina also visit Laura’s Candy to sample homemade marshmallows, Faribault Dairy, and a barbeque spot for good measure. Some good stuff here, but nothing that made my eyes pop out of my head and get me onto that computer to start ordering.

The show is nothing new. Nothing we haven't seen before. Your enjoyment of it will be based primarily on how you feel about Pat and Gina Neely. They're unlike anyone else on Food Network, that's for sure. And, to me, that's a good thing.

Food Network Addict review: C+

Road Tasted with the Neelys premieres tonight at 9:30pm ET on Food Network.

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At 7/22/2008 4:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please...Someone in authority end this show and fire these stupid people...

At 7/22/2008 4:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

their flirtation is over the top day or night. it just doesn't fit. they can be a happy in love couple who don't go there on tv. it would be more fun and interesting to learn more about them as people and not watch them try to out flirt each other. btw, i hate when women call their men "daddy". UGH!

At 7/22/2008 5:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

agreed...I really can't stand them at all on either of their shows...

At 7/22/2008 6:09 PM , Blogger Matt Brown said...

They do tend to be annoying, don't they? They know how to make good barbecue, though. I ate at one of their restaurants in Memphis in May, and the brisket was incredibly delicious.

At 7/22/2008 6:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't like them at all!! To me, the Deen Brothers had more class and seemed more interested in the places they visited. The Neelys just seem to be into each other and wanting everything to be about them. Take this show off the air please!!!

At 7/22/2008 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fame whores, especially Mrs.Insatiable.

Pat is an All American wimp who needs to hang out with more men and get his man card.

At 7/22/2008 7:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will FN learn to stop grabbing on someone, overexposing them and squeezing every ounce of interest out of them until we all want to run screaming from our televisions every time they appear on screen? The Neelys are especially annoying. We get it - they're in love. BIG DEAL.

At 7/22/2008 8:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

robert I agree with you. Especially on the overexposure. Paula Deen is a prime example. Rachel Ray also. They have become netwerkized.
They have lost what was good about them in the beginning of their respective shows.

At 7/22/2008 9:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, I can't stand this show, or The Neeley's! They need to either tone it down, or get off the air! Not one person I know, likes them. Yucky yucky poo!

At 7/22/2008 9:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be a degree more watchable if they taped Gina Neely's mouth shut.

At 7/22/2008 10:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet Gina wears a strap on! OOH Give me some sugar.. Gina..

At 7/22/2008 10:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly tried to watch tonight but it was hard to do!! They don't seem to let the people that are being showcased talk, they always interrupt and turn it into getting honey from each other. Gina needs to be quiet period!!! Her voice gets to you really fast.

To me Road Tasted was much more watchable with the Deen Brothers. As said earlier, they at least were interested in what the people were doing.

At 7/23/2008 1:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been absolutely BORED by this couple from the beginning. Now I have another show on FoodTV NOT to watch! Please fire them soon FoodTV, PRETTY PLEASE?

At 7/23/2008 1:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somewhere, someone with a ratings box is watching the overly fawning Nelleys, Guy Fieri eating disgustingly huge bites of food and Paula making (not funny) off-color jokes, but it's not me. Food Network has almost fallen off my channel list, with the exception of watching (the rare) new "Barefoot Contessa" shows. Ina is the only one I will still watch (and enjoy). Otherwise, the dumbing down (and elimination of any level of classiness) of FN has made me migrate to other channels.

At 7/23/2008 8:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not care for them at all. They flirt excessively and it comes across as fake. (Really they're flirting with the camera) It is all very off putting.

At 7/23/2008 8:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like them. I thought Gina was over the top at first but I guess I got used to her. I think Pat is a doll. I'm glad they took over for the boring Deen (Our mom is Paula) brothers.

At 7/23/2008 9:02 AM , Blogger theminx said...

Why does the Food Network think they need yet another show focused on eating other people's food? It's old, and it's uninteresting.

At 7/23/2008 10:05 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

''get ready fo' a chweeat!''
I hate the Neely's, they're awful. I agree with theminx about having ANOTHER show on other people's food, c'mon. Also about over networking the hosts, it really gets old. INA FOREVER!!

At 7/23/2008 11:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree with those that dont like the concept- I like what food places are out there that specialize in these kinds of things.

These two though are untolerable, cant believe Im saying Id rather see the Deens come back.

It makes you appreciate how good Alton Brown's travel show was- now that was real, these two have to go.


At 7/23/2008 11:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the show was good last night. gina is fun when she's talking normally and not in a high pitch. when she's normal, she's got a great tv personality. when's she acting and flirty, i'm tuning out.

At 7/23/2008 12:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to turn the channel...they make me cringe, and Gina Neely is over the top...word of advice...Tone it down! I'm definitely not a prude, but their borderline bedroom comments distract from the show and are embarrasing.

At 7/23/2008 12:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should become Swingers with Paula and Michael. Ugh.

At 7/23/2008 1:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a GROSS thought.

At 7/23/2008 1:42 PM , Blogger Alejandro said...

I thought the show was ok. I do agree about the overexposure of some of the FN stars, especially Rachel Ray. For cryin' out loud, she now has her own syndicated show. She's everywhere! The lovey dovey stuff between Pat and Gina is getting old. One definite overexposure I'd like to see would be Danny Boome, but it wouldn't be on a network show unless it was X-rated.

At 7/23/2008 1:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachael's Vacation starts in January. Talk about getting old.

I don't care for that Danny Boone show. I like Tyler.

At 7/23/2008 2:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I saw the Neely's as guest judges on an episode of TNFNS, i thought WTF . These people make BBQ which any monkey could do, make desserts with Coolwhip. mix BBQ sauce with pasta and think this is cuisine ???

Talk about low budget." Hey the Neelys are on the payroll.better find something for them to be on Doesn't matter what. Just get em on" . Kmart of the airwaves. The FN.
Tuschwipe: You need to listen to what your viewers are saying. I don't think the Neely's are gonna work out.

At 7/23/2008 4:05 PM , Blogger VAS said...

I COMPLETELY AGREE with the first comment. These people do not belong on the FN at all. Anonymous said...
Please...Someone in authority end this show and fire these stupid people...

At 7/23/2008 6:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

[i]Alec Smart said...
These people make BBQ which any monkey could do...[/i]

Tell that to all the people who are into Competitive BBQ. These guys and gals take it serious. It's more than just slapping some pork on the grill and coating it with some store-bought sauce... this monkey knows.

At 7/23/2008 9:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, so far I think there is one positive comment about the Neelys. I hope the FN people are listening. The Neelys are awful. Horrible. On so many levels.....why do all the real chefs get stuck with non-primetime slots, like Flay? What happened to Mario, they sent him over to Fine Living? Why isn't Tyler on at night? These are people who I can at least stand watching and who seem knowledgeable about food. Thank god for my new DVR.

At 7/23/2008 11:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hope the FN people are listening."

They don't like to, that's why they got rid of their message board's 2-3 years ago! *roll eyes*

At 7/24/2008 12:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Why do we have to see RR at 6 AND 6:30? Put in Ina, Giada, Bobby, Tyler, or someone else in one of those spots. Change it up a bit.

At 7/24/2008 2:01 PM , Blogger s. said...

You guys need to get over yourselves. The Neeley's aren't THAT bad. Sure, they're not everyone's taste, but they are doing what they are doing because it is them, and they are obviously pulling in the ratings if the FN has not only renewed their new show, but given them another. And no matter what anyone says, it's all about the RATINGS (e.g. Sandra Lee, who has gotten nothing but bad reviews but is in her, what, twentieth season!). Why everyone wants to believe that the FN is supposed to be all "pro-chef" all the time is beyond me. They have PBS shows that specialize in that. TFN has always been about entertainment as well as throwing in the experienced with the non-formally-trained. While I'm sure the Neeleys are not that way 24/7, it's good to see a little liveliness on the air every once in a while, and not some monotone drudge standing behing a counter and boringly demonstrating how to cut this or chop that. If you don't like them, turn them off.

At 7/24/2008 2:44 PM , Blogger Lord of Light AZ said...

This show would fly as a late night infomercial. Actually seen better infomercials. The Deen brothers did a better job and I didn't feel like all they were trying to do was have folks go to the f00dnetw0rk web$ite to get a link to buy stuff.

Oh by the way to whoever mentioned "Cool Whip" It now comes in an aerosol can, so you can take it to the bedroom. Can't you just see Gina and Pat with a can on their king size bed?

At 7/24/2008 5:00 PM , Blogger Doodle Whore said...

That's the FN formula. Send the "talent" to another town so we can watch them eat. Thrilling. I was excited to see more diversity on FN with the addition of the Neeleys, but I have to say their flirtation and lovin' is so over the top and sickly sweet it makes me want to barf. They're in love. I get it. Producers: please keep the focus on their artery clogging vittles, not their overactive libidos. It's embarrassing and unappetizing. Where have those hands been? Ew.

At 7/24/2008 7:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same place that Paula Deen's hands have been...EWWWWW...Let's not go there...

At 7/28/2008 9:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not mind pat on his own if he could step up his personality. However, Gina was a truly annoying, inept, and disasterous choice for television. It doe snot matter what show she is on, she is perfectly awful to listen to and apparently neither FN nor the Neely's have any clue towards appropriate behavior - we are there for food knowledge. DUH. Not to watch two cloying annoying and screechy people give junior league box-cake recipes. Stop it, please. I am done with FN, on to PBS.

At 7/29/2008 8:34 AM , Blogger s. said...

"Stop it, please. I am done with FN, on to PBS." said the above anonymous poster. GREAT! I'm sure FN will not miss you. As I've said before, if all you want is food knowledge, then PBS is where you SHOULD be. Their shows specialize in just that. The FN has tried that all food-all the time niche and it just didn't work. The ratings only began to soar once they let their stars' personalities shine. Some of you are so prudish! If you think the FN is porn, then I'd hate to see what you'd have to say about late night Cinemax!

At 7/29/2008 3:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching the Neelys the other night, my 13YO son spontaneously piped up to tell us a joke.

He, "Mom, whaddya call it when you cross a brown chicken with a brown cow?"
Me, "I dunno. What?"
He, "Brown Chicken Brown Cow!"
(Ya know...to the porny tune of brom chicka bwow bwow)

Coincidence? I think not.

NOTE TO FOOD NETWORK: Ya don't even have to cancel "Precious Tang and Her Daddy." Just please get some African-American hosts who are more indicative of our culture. If you don't know where to FIND any hosts who are black AND can actually cook without the necessity for a panty liner, get your producers down to my kitchen in Texas. I'll introduce you to my entire family of fabulous cooks!

At 7/29/2008 6:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not that posters are prudish... It's that they don't care for GRATING,ANNOYING & OBNOXIOUS hosts like GINA NEELY !

At 7/31/2008 2:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear Geena's horrible voice and I turn the channel. I am so sick of hearing "FN's favorite husband and wife team" That is BS! THEY ARE THE ONLY HUSBAND AND WIFE TEAM!!! I am excited for Aaron from the next food network star so we have some other ethnicities on this channel...

ugh watching Geena Neely and her husband is like watching a sugar infused ADHD kid and a rice cake of a man. So Annoying and the fake nasty flirting is OVER THE TOP!!!!

At 7/31/2008 4:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the Neeley's could have a really good show if they dropped their act. I don't think anyone is buying that corn pone "pass me the sugar-sugar" routine. Gag me with a porkchop.

I also think that the Food Netowrk realized that they were "Deen heavy" with three shows attributed to one family. This also gave too much engotiating power to the Deen's come salary time.

At 8/05/2008 9:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Neely's are annoying, someone please spare us. Take this show off the air and put the deens back on. I can't stand this show. Need I say more, anyone who has seen this show will understand. They are probably really nice people but have no talent for TV.

At 8/05/2008 10:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read all the comments on this show and none are positive, this has got to be a red light for the food network, come on guys get rid of the Neely's PLEASE.

At 8/06/2008 6:12 PM , Blogger s. said...

i hope the Neeley's read this and laugh. They are entertaining. If you want boring drudge then watch pbs. If you don't like the show then TURN THE FRIGGIN' TV OFF WHEN THEY ARE ON! It's not that difficult. Why begrudge someone by begging TVFN to take them off when all you have to do is change the channel? The same has been said about Sandra Lee for years and she's still on. Wake up, folks! If they continue to bring ratings then they will never be off, inspite of people's constant whining about "they're too THIS" or "they're so THAT." They are doing something right if they have two shows.

At 8/06/2008 11:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya don't even have to cancel "Precious Tang and Her Daddy." Just please get some African-American hosts who are more indicative of our culture. If you don't know where to FIND any hosts who are black AND can actually cook without the necessity for a panty liner, get your producers down to my kitchen in Texas. I'll introduce you to my entire family of fabulous cooks!

At 8/09/2008 2:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but I don't know of anyone who is a serious cook who has time to do all this kissy kissy dancing and singing ALL the time?? In the kitchen?? Talking cooking together singing is ok sometimes (company friends family visiting) but they are TOOOO SILLY to be taken seriously. And WAY to much pork! Spice fairy my A__

At 8/09/2008 9:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the show and thought it was cute. Gina was a bit over the top and Pat was very nice. Of the foods showcased, the chocolates and smores kit looked the best. They were made w love. I kept asking myself how come they arent really overweight eating like that. I gained two pounds watchimg the bananas foster segment alone. The wierdest thing though, not that it matters, is that i got a gay vibe from Pat Neely. I thought he and the pecan cake guy were going to steal some sugar. All in all, i liked the show and thought it was cute. Ive never seen the Deens on the show so i dont have anything to compare it to

At 8/20/2008 12:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE THE NEELY'S! They are that special kind of insincere, mono-toned, gushiness that just makes me sick. I can't stand them and all their gross flirting! Take them off the air already!

At 8/25/2008 11:02 PM , Blogger Charles said...

THe Neelys came to a lil' ole cupcake biz in lil' ole Newark, DE back in June and it's going to air tomorrow night or a week after that. I emailed the shop re: The Neelys and the owner replied stating that they are very genuine people and spent hours with them at the shop and showed a genuine interest. Don't watch if they make you gag, sick, vomit, your fed up, etc.....the negativity on this site is horrendous.

At 8/31/2008 5:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This show is as bad as the pathetic Food Detectives is. The Neelys are not made for TV, are not entertaining and I have to question the cooking skills as well. Please Food Network, for the love of all that is holy stop trying so hard to be hip, trendy, or edgy. Shows like this are a huge waste of resources. I mean when was Jamie Oliver ever, I mean ever, ever relevant? I must go poke my eyes out now.

At 9/12/2008 5:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a Memphian, I am too familiar with the Neelys. I feel like their attitude - mainly Gina's - is incredibly unfunny and annoying. She's just got to be the loud, in-your-face kind of person. When I saw a promo for the first time for their first show, I thought maybe she didn't know she had a mic for her voiceovers and thus didn't know she didn't have to scream. Sadly, I was mistaken.

Oh, and the retort is that I shouldn't watch it if it bugs me? No worries, I don't. :)

At 10/26/2008 3:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with all the comments about Gina Neely being annoying. May I add "phony"? That spice fairy routine is obnoxious with a capital O.
One of the first shows I watched was the one where she made a BIG deal about getting her mother-in-law's "secret recipe" for a cake. IT WAS A FREAKING CAKE MIX!! Give me a break!!
And, as for Pat Neely.....he always looks like he can barely open his mouth.
The sugary sweetness between them is more than I can take. When they come on, I change the channel. Quickly.

At 11/02/2008 2:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard that Pat Neely is gay but they decided to stay together for their kids AND their Food Network show. The excessive flirting is for the camera and make us believe they are in love. People will do anything for fame!

At 1/17/2009 11:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please remove them from Food Network. Not only are they annoying, they can't cook. Anyone born and raised in the south learned to cook everything they cook on their show at the age of 5.

At 4/02/2009 6:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ughhhh!!!!! My mom always watches this show and it gets on my nerves. First of all I think everyone knows that pat neely is super gay. It's just that gina doesn't know that he's seeing other men while she sleeping after eating her bbq pork ribs. And also I bet their kids is like our dad is sooooo gay. I kind of feel bad for them :((((. Also can they stop kissing and flirting. But if you don't think pat is gay jus watch how he moves and talks, he's GAY as HELL.

P.s. Trust me I know he's gay because my brother is gay and I know how they act and move

At 5/02/2009 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank GOD I'm not the only one who finds the Neelys to be terribly annoying. The flirting is so forced and insincere. And my gay-dar has gone off big time over Pat. I also suspect that Gina knows NOTHING about cooking in a restaurant. Pat clearly has skills. She is just annoying, pretentious, and just plain phony.

Please FN--bring back Emeril. He was the cornerstone of FN.

At 5/03/2009 5:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at a gay bar in Memphis the other day and who do I see in the corner...Pat and Gina! Pats beady eyes were glowing while he was watching one of the male go go dancers. He couldn't take his eyes off of them. This made me curious so I asked around and I heard that Pat is indeed gay and Gina is now is best gal pal. Apparently they are staying together for the show but behind the scenes they do their own thing. This explains a lot!

At 6/16/2009 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

this woman is an annoying big mouth and a disgusting PIG! she has ZERO class!!

At 6/21/2009 1:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick Neely seems kind of gay to me.

At 12/04/2009 8:50 AM , Blogger Jerseygirl said...

Ahh hello....this is a cooking show, not an adult night sex show, staring "Gina" the phony happy, sexy and overall disgusting to watch Tennessee whore....Pat....you could of done a lot better then that cheap pig!! This is a disgusting show and FN should take it off the air.....

At 1/02/2010 11:20 AM , Blogger loveswords said...

Best New Years' gift would be for FN to CANCEL this icky, phony pair.

At 1/12/2010 5:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get home from work at around 5 and the first thing I put on is the Food Network. The only reason why I turn it on around that time is to see if a new show has replaced the Neelys. I love the FN but I hate the Neelys!! I want to gage with all the lovey dovey. I turn on the FN to watch cooking not soft porn!

At 2/28/2010 1:18 PM , Anonymous Debbie said...

I've had my fill of the Neelys. Her voice gives me a headache (if I hear her do the "spice fairy" or "recipe REmix!" thing one more time my head will probably explode!) and even though I keep my TV on FN all weekend long, when they come on I mute the TV. It's cheaper than Advil. And what is this with calling renaming everything "Neely's" this or that? I'm just waiting for Gina to pour a glass of water and call it "Neely's water". If I wanted to see people wiggling and screeching, I'd watch American Idol.

At 3/17/2010 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sooooo glad that I am not the only one who HATES the "Neely's"!!!! My problem is Pat's laugh it makes me want to jump straight out of the nearest window and into on coming traffic!!! I also hate their lovey dovey bs it drives me absolutely crazy!!! Food Network PLEASE get rid of the Neely's!!!

At 3/20/2010 2:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can not stand the Neely's! Everything they say is like, "I'm gonna walk over here y'all and when the water boils y'all, I'm going to put the pasta in y'all.

Pat got waaaaaay too much botox! It looks like it is hard for him to open his mouth!

At 3/24/2010 8:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it just me or does Pat comes across as a closet case? Gina you best to watch your man. I think he may be on the DL!!

At 8/08/2010 1:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NAACP achieved removal a great television show, "Amos 'n Andy", in the 1950's. Netflix it today and you will probably see nothing offensive.

The Neelys? You get that embarrassingly exaggerated southern black accent (heh, heh, heh, hee, hee, hee).

We watch it to laugh, not for cooking tips. On-going game: how many times do you hear "yall") in one program. On 8-8-10, the answer is: 18.

Keep-um' commin' Neelys, yall. heh, heh, hee, hee, yall.

At 10/06/2010 10:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

they suck big time


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