Monday, July 21
What Happened to 1-hour Dinner: Impossible?
Despite announcements by and Michael Symon himself, last night's sneak peek of Dinner: Impossible with new host Michael Symon was NOT one hour long.

So, as you know, after that whole Robert Irvine scandal, Marc Summers (Exec. Producer) hired Michael Symon to take over the show, which was to expand to a one-hour format. The new DI officially premieres on Aug. 20 at 10pm ET.
The info on the TV schedule and DI's own page on Food Network's website make it unclear if the show will eventually hit the 60-minute mark. Until then, guess we'll have to settle for a half hour.
I fell asleep, but what were everyone's thoughts?

So, as you know, after that whole Robert Irvine scandal, Marc Summers (Exec. Producer) hired Michael Symon to take over the show, which was to expand to a one-hour format. The new DI officially premieres on Aug. 20 at 10pm ET.
The info on the TV schedule and DI's own page on Food Network's website make it unclear if the show will eventually hit the 60-minute mark. Until then, guess we'll have to settle for a half hour.
I fell asleep, but what were everyone's thoughts?
Labels: Dinner: Impossible, food network, Michael Symon
I didn't care for Michael Symon. His narrations were very hard to understand at times with his "growling" and he just didn't come across as someone who was having all that much fun.
That said, I liked Robert Irvine on D:I and miss seeing him there.
Michael Symon was extremely boring. Robert Irvine had a great tv presence!
Having seen the show, I have a feeling they decided that people might not be able to take a full hour of Symon's cackling-, or look at his food for that long
Nope-didn't like the show at all.
he isn't Irvine.
Can't stand the laugh.
Awe! I Love Michael Symon!!
Theory: Michael Symon is a witch.
Why? His shrill cackle bubbling throughout conversation with Iron Chef judges indicates his culinary skills are actually grounded in witchcraft. Long ago while learning "the craft," he developed a laugh that is the signature of most witches.
This Dinner Impossible reboot is like welcoming All Hallow's Eve early this year.
Trick or treat!
I absolutely love Mike Symon. Was giddy watching DI last night. He's not nearly as scary as Robert (although I did like him too). Last night's episode was promoted as a "sneak peek" which is probably why it was 30 mins, not 1 hr.
This was so friggin' boring. FN made a huge mistake getting rid of Irvine. My guess is that the ratings are going to go down the crapper.
I love Mike Symon as well. He was my clear favorite to win TNIC and I am happy he is getting another show. While I did enjoy Robert Irvine, I think Symon will have a good show if given the chance.
Irvine is a total clown. Symon obliterated that dope.
I always enjoyed watching Irvine on DI and didn't care for Symon on TNIC and I was all prepared to not like the new show. But, after watching last night's sneak preview I thought to myself, "not too bad", but the jury is still out! I'll give myself a few more weeks of shows before I say "yes" or "no."
Now... if Symon would just lose that giggle.
YES! The high-pitched, fingers-on-a-blackboard giggle. *shudder* I cannot STAND Michael Symon.
(I'm still bitter that Chef Besh didn't win TNIC.)
I love me some Chef Symon!! A real chef with integrity, great innovative ideas and he has fun doing what he loves. His passion and respect for food is evident in the dishes he creates.
I thought this version was much more entertaining than the Irvine version. Irvine always bitched and complained and created phony drama. Symon seems to revel in the absurdity of the situation and had a lot of fun with his chefs. I thought the whole episode was hilarious (Symon's chef dropping his tongs in the deep fryer is not something I will soon forget). I found Irvine incredibly dull -- Symon, on the other hand, has the perfect personality for this.
I liked Robert Irvine and will sorely miss him! Michael Symon is not my favorite.
I like Chef Symon a lot. That said, I think he is too nice a guy for DI. Part of the fun of the show was watching Chef Irvine boss people around to get the job done and I just don't think Chef Symon has that in him.
I'll miss Chef Irvine. Not to mention George, George and the inept but lovable David.
I liked Robert Irvine on DI and seeing him on other things. That being said, I though Michael Simon did a great job. I enjoyed DI with him at the helm. His laugh can be a bit much sometimes, but I thought that he had fun with it. that is something that can't be said of RI. He never seemed to have a good time with DI.
I never liked Robert Irvine. I thought he was weird and had a bad sense of humor.
Irvine was an arrogant prick who lied to get ahead. I can't believe some of you liked him! I couldn't stand the show because of him and his rude antics! Symon is a breath of fresh air. I truly enjoyed his version 100% better!
Aside from his ridiculous school gorl laugh, the guy's distorted Midwest accent is enough to make you immediately turn the TV off.
You would think Tuschwipe would get the man to a voice coach.
I hope Irvine is sitting somewhere laughing his nuts off.
Chef Lopez. "Get me some Chef Symon" ??? You try to hard . You are starting to embarrass yourself.
Alec...what you talking about? I said "I love me some Chef Symon"..and what's wrong with that. He is a real chef, with integrity for food and a passion to cook. He is innovative and a hard working person...I have the same traits...trying to get ahead by your own good merit, being original and driven...that's a bad thing?? that's trying too hard?? ok, I'll sit around and eat bonbons on the couch while others hustle....whatever!!
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LOVE MS! Thought the show was great and even better if you consider how new he is the the network and to the show. Go Michael!
mayb since it was a sneak peek they only did 30 min. mayb 4 the real show they'll do 60.
alec smart-haha i bet ur rite. i loved irvine he had that special characteristic that made di fun to watch. symon was really idk just not cut out for the show di. i don't think he has as much humor as ri. plus he doesn't have the muscles that everyone made fun of and the accent. that added interest. lol
Awww, alec, nothing wrong with that goofy midwestern accent. I love FN showing a little Ohio love!
Chef Lopez,
I was just giving it to you for your choice of vernacular and phraseology from another socio-economic group. "Get me some Chef Simon"??? Uh. You've been watching way too much Gina Neely.
As for Symons "accent" ,it doesn't really fit his current image of shaved noggin and is sort of nullified when we pipes up and speaks.
I am waiting for him to introduce some Midwest staples like "casserole on a stick" or "beef on weck" in his twangy lilt. It would scream Cleveland.
Michael Symon's laughs sounds like he has a lobster attached to his balls, and he's trying very hard not to start bawling. That laugh of his is horrific!
I flipped channels the entire time it was on, and in the end, (I stopped flicking when the bacon went through the chocolate shower) settled on Law & Order: SVU.
I won't be watching the "new" DI again. Bring back Robert Irvine, then I'll watch it.
Alec...beef on weck is from upstate New York...hmmm. Why do you trash talk people?? Back off you bully..
Alec..that was a very racist thing to assume about Chef Lopez. Leave her alone you ASS!!!
Um..Alec..I have not ever watched the Neely's..not sure what you are talking about..and yes, beef on weck is from Buffalo, New York, not Ohio where Chef Symon is from..check your facts.!
Have a grand day :)
PS. Midwestern cuisine is very rich in culture, diverse and not "casserole on a stick".
Alec, you're an idiot. The classism and regionalism in your comments in the posts on this blog are ridiculous.
Alec, you're coming across as a ridiculous bully, who keeps messing up his quotes and facts.
I feel cheated. What made Dinner:Impossible compelling was the British dry humor and James Bond Esque style. With Chef Simon I get a Chef who wants to concoct his style of strange dishes instead of blending to the challenge. I would have been horrified if Chef Simon would have tackled the Puerto Rican quinceanera.
Irvine's food was slop...Symon's food is more playful and colorful...too much damn blah, brown food on Food network already...
too much damn blah, brown food on Food network already...
Like chocolate covered bacon? ;) Now that did sound good! chocolate... bacon... sweet... salty...
I'm going to have to try making some of that myself... except with toasted chopped pecans on top.
i'm slightly confused. wasn't dinner impossible already an hour long?
Shrimp corn dogs or whatever you call them. That is just so cool!!! I just bet that beats the hell out of a veggie or "meat" corn dogs.
I wish chocolate didn't hurt my teeth, I would go for the at least trying the bacon chocolate strips. Hey, how about prosciutto instead of bacon?
Irvine's food never looked very much better than cafeteria or even cheap catered wedding food. To add to that, he was a liar. That should not be rewarded. So I'm glad he's gone. This show does not need to be an hour long anyway. I always liked Symon from his Melting Pot days, so I'll give him a chance on this show.
Robert Irvine was really the one that MADE the show great. His food always looked great and his imagination was spectacular!
Robert had a personality that made D.I. enjoyable to watch. I'm not condoning his lies, but in todays world were are candidates lie to get elected to the highest office? Its not surprising he embellished his credentials to get the job. The truth is he lied, yes he did, but that being said, He was a much better Host of D.I.. Nuff said
So okay, Robert lied but the show is SUPPOSE to be entertaining, the new guy sucks, bring Robert back-PLEASE!
Robert Irvine was the heart and soul of Dinner:Impossible. Replacing him with Michael Symon was like replacing Tom Cruise with Howie Mandel on Mission Impossible. DI has officially jumped the shark.
I'm sorry, I tried to watch the new DI and couldn't take 30 minutes of it. Symon seems like a very nice man, but the show was so boring and disjointed it was sad.
Also the Neelys drive me crazy. I do not understand their appeal. it's like a bad, bad caricature.
Michael Symon may be a good chef; but, he has zero personality. I watched one show and that will be it. The Food Network is in the entertainment business. Symon is the wrong person for the job. The series is going to crash and burn without Irving; and, that's really too bad. Wake up Food Network.
Love Symon..keep doing what your doing!
Irvine was a failure because he was exposed as a liar. If he had a regional American accent instead of his English accent, I doubt that any of his tight fan club here would still be defending him. Irvine came across as arrogant, and his food was not that great.
Chef Symon was a major improvement, with more personality and culinary innovation. The people railing on Chef Symon are merely bitter that Irvine got fired for lying. Get over it.
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