Sunday, August 24
Paula Deen Goes NASCAR
It's true--I give Paula Deen and her family members (who willingly choose to be in the spotlight) a bit of a hard time occasionally. Still, it's nothing compared to the treatment she'd get if Perez Hilton were posting about her. She better watch out, though; he probably will when her daytime talk show starts.
So when Paula served as Grand Marshal of NASCAR's Food City 250 this past Friday and said, "I feel like the people who enjoy this sport… they is my people!" I must comment.

I don't really care about the grammar error at this point. It's how she talks, or chooses to talk, so I'll just have to deal with it.
What bothers me is when another reporter from the same paper, Amy Hunter, goes and "corrects" Paula's language to read:
"I feel like the people who enjoy this sport are my kind of people."
Umm... those are not Paula's words. How ethical is it to change the wording and still quote someone? Especially the Queen of Butter.
There's even another instance.
In another report (with video), Paula is quoted as saying, "Do you know how ------ off I’d be if I fell down there and denied myself a pat of butter today? I’d be so mad."
Evidently "pissed" is a bad word. PISSED!
Hunter quotes Paula as saying, "You know how mad I’d be if I fell out on that track out there, and I hadn’t had that extra stick of butter?"
Are we that puritanical that we can't print the word "pissed" or quote a TV cook who happens to speak in broken English?
So when Paula served as Grand Marshal of NASCAR's Food City 250 this past Friday and said, "I feel like the people who enjoy this sport… they is my people!" I must comment.

I don't really care about the grammar error at this point. It's how she talks, or chooses to talk, so I'll just have to deal with it.
What bothers me is when another reporter from the same paper, Amy Hunter, goes and "corrects" Paula's language to read:
"I feel like the people who enjoy this sport are my kind of people."
Umm... those are not Paula's words. How ethical is it to change the wording and still quote someone? Especially the Queen of Butter.
There's even another instance.
In another report (with video), Paula is quoted as saying, "Do you know how ------ off I’d be if I fell down there and denied myself a pat of butter today? I’d be so mad."
Evidently "pissed" is a bad word. PISSED!
Hunter quotes Paula as saying, "You know how mad I’d be if I fell out on that track out there, and I hadn’t had that extra stick of butter?"
Are we that puritanical that we can't print the word "pissed" or quote a TV cook who happens to speak in broken English?
Labels: food network, Paula Deen
i saw her on tv shrieking.
gave me a migraine.
go away paula.
Somebody get me the freaking duck tape.
Having poor English is one thing, but being proud of not being very bright is another. Paula seems to delight in the fact that she is uneducated. It's also a crime that she didn't take much pride is seeing that her sons received higher education. There are many poor students able to get higher educations, schools work overtime trying to get funds for these students.
Paula, you are not a good example!!!!!
She KNOWS better ... And , she KNOWS how to speak ... She's putting on the BIG backwoods redneck hick act because she KNOWS it SELLS ... She's all about the BIG BUCKS no matter WHAT she has to do do get it .
It's funny how much people like these personalities when they first come out and how all of a sudden they hate them when they become popular. Paula seems like a sweet old southern lady. She worked very hard to get where she is today. To blame her for her sons not getting an education is a gross overstatement. It would be nice to see people trying to be positive on blogs, but I just don't think that's why people read them. I normally love this blog, but the decidedly catty spin lately has left me looking elsewhere.
Some things about Paula I don't like but then other times she's ok. She did work hard to get where she is at and I am happy for her or anyone else that makes it!
Can't stand Paula. I guess uneducated is the way to go. Aaron is proof of that.
i honestly don't care for paula. never did, never will. what i don't understand is why people would write a story and change a quote. why just not include the quote? maybe go with a different one?
anon 8:03- im not sure, but i think that jacob was criticizing the writers that changed paula's quote more than Paula herself.
We all work hard. Big deal.
She pulled her sons out of college to help her with her bag lady business.
I can see Paula and Groover and the Boys sitting around the rumpus room not only watching NASCAR races but WWE wrestling and really getting into it.
They would be her people too right ?
"She pulled her sons out of college to help her with her bag lady business."
I thought they were little kids when she had them peddling the sandwiches?
Nope...Read her auto biography...They were in their early 20's and late teens... No poor single mother with two itty bitty boys...
Jamie and Bobby were both in there 20's when she started her business. In her book she states her sons were NOT college material, what a horrid thing to say about your children, why wouldn't a mother want the best for her children of which an education is. She also made the comment in her book about her sons were not lucky like the rich kids who go to college, have a good time, and then get the good jobs. She has no idea what anything is. What an embarrassment to her sons!!!
What Paula has shown many times, it's all about her!!!!!
Ugh and Yeck
Not only does she come across as a dirty ol perv, her cooking is
so full of grease and crap, it is
You just know she is a millimeter away from completely clogged arteries
and hubby looks like he is at death's door
Wake up America. Don't go down her
unhealthy road
What is sad is the Deen lemmings who would cut your throat just to catch a glimpse of that fat-mouthed cow .
Let's turn this into a love fest as to not offend the delicate sensibilities of Anonymous 8:03.
This is the REAL world. "Personalities" choose to become so, therefore leaving themselves open to comments and criticism. I hate to break it to you, but not all of them are who or what they seem.
Paula KNOWS how to speak properly, but she chooses to dumb herself down to further her image.
You're right. It's all about the brand.
Paula Deen is like a small child who acts up because she gets attention and people tell her that she's cute . She's a REAL attention whore .
It'd not that we hate ppl like her because they become's because when they become famous they turn into loud obnoxious a-holes...
AMEN !!!!!
in her book paula made a big deal out of confessing to her fans she smoked cigarettes and she hoped people wouldn't look at her differently because of that.....
i got news for you PD your smoking is the least of what is offensive about you to people, tho it is a filthy stinking habit.....
I like Paula ...
She did a much better job with the "start engines" command than the woman who did it on Saturday night ...
The drivers / wives / girlfriends / team owners / etc all loved having Paula at the race on Friday night ...
I still want to know WHY they changed her CHEFography ... The first time they were airing it, she talked about being an abused wife & that's what led to the agouraphobia ... Then later it changed to a bank robbery ...
Miss Pauler's hard luck story just keeps on a changin' !
I thought she always said her agoraphobia was because of her parents early death. She often states that she developed a fear of death. The other things just added to it.
In her book she states that she started a lot of the fights, so how abusive was he? No one ever hears from him, it would be interesting to hear his side of the story. It must have been really hard for Jamie and Bobby, growing up with her.
Her first husband , Jimmy Deen , is a very nice and quiet man . And , Paula is the opposite . She's loud , mouthy , domineering ,and selfishly pushy with an incredible need to be the center of everyone's attention. No wonder the poor guy had a drinking problem .
Drunks have only themselves to blame
She didn't pour it down his gullet
No . He didn't have to turn to alcohol.But face it .There ARE women who drive men to drink . And living with THAT cow could do ANY man in.Michael Groover must just keep his mouth shut and go along with anything she says.
triple MOO !
She's OK and did work hard to get where she is. It's all about her publicity manager he runs the show. Same as Rachael. I think they are pushing Rachael too much she seems so stressed out all the time now and it shows in everything she does now. I can't stand Paul's Party Show turning into another Emril Live. Nothing but screaming (and its gone).
I have many dear friends who live in the South and have gotten quite used to their 'different' way of using the English language. The first time I heard someone tell me their dog "got gone" I had no clue what they were saying.
For all those who make fun of her grammar, I'm quite sure that if she were a black southern woman who talked similarly, no one would dare say anything negative.
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