Thursday, November 20
Robert Irvine Coming BACK to Dinner: Impossible... What?!

I NEVER thought this would happen, but it did!
Production of six new episodes starring Robert Irvine will begin this month, reports the AP.
"Our audience has continued to demonstrate its interest in and support for Robert. He has taken responsibility and made a conscious effort to clear the air, rebuild the relationship with Food Network and apologize for the earlier inaccuracies," said Food Network spokeswoman Carrie Welch said in a written statement.
Guess this really means: Michael Symon was a ratings loser. Sorry Mike!
I personally didn't watch the show that much--didn't matter if it was a Robert of Symon episode. But from what you fans tell me, Michael Symon just wasn't cutting it.
New episodes starring Irvine will begin airing March 2009.
Labels: Dinner: Impossible, Robert Irvine
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FN needed to "Bring out the Big Guns", What other chef on TV has biceps like Roberts. I still think he is dorky looking. I like the Michael Symon version. No reason they can't have both. Back in the old days if M:I (yeah I am that old to remember Peter Graves), they had teams that changed from show to show.
So I guess I will be happy if it is Robert or Michael, how nice.
Yaaaaaaayyy!!!! I heart Robert!! He was so much fun to watch-- my favorite line of his was "I won't put my name on that".
Symon is BORING all around. Long live Dinner: Impossible starring Robert Irvine!!
I'm really glad they're bringing him back. That was such a silly thing for him to do, but it showed he really wanted to impress them and was willing to do whatever to do so. (Even lie!) But he definitly makes the show. I love Michael Symon but he is just too nice. Roberts got the spunk.
That is amazing news. I tried to give Symon a chance but I stopped watching very early on. I missed Irvine a lot.
I prefer the Robert version. Glad it's coming back.
I prefer Michael. He's cuter. Who couldn't love the Crayola episode?!
so I guess not having integrity and being a cheat gets you airtime on FN..!! go figure.
I love Dinner Impossible and Michael Symon. However, I did NOT love the two together.
I'm really, really glad to see Robert coming back. I do hope they find another show for Symon, though.
This is great news. Michael Symon is really entertaining on Iron Chef but he didn't work for me on Dinner Impossible. I really liked Irvine on that show and I never cared if he cooked for the queen or not.
i think this show sucked no matter who hosted it......
I prefer the Irvine version as well, but I still think this is a disappointing decision as it is yet another example of FN not standing for anything in the realms of character or integrity anymore. If I want to see clowns (Adam G. and Guy) and big-time liars (Irvine), I'll watch C-Span.
Let the JAG comeback begin...
Not a big fan of any show that features so much fake drama. If the consequence for him not getting the meal done were a public stoning, I would watch...but the actual consequence is a shrug of the shoulders.
I hear that during his time off, Robert got a doctorate from Harvard and killed a Sasquatch.
Wow-I am surprised but really happy to hear this. I am watching less and less Food TV. I think it's because I hated the new show with Symon and missed the old one.
This is the BEST news! I get it, he was dishonest. But frankly aren't most people dishonest to an extent on their resumes. He made a human error in judgement and has since apologized. I liked Mike Symon, but Robert Irvine IS Dinner Impossible. So excited to know hw is coming back.
I am glad to hear Robert is coming back. I find myself watching FN less and less lately. Dinner Impossible worked with Robert and not with Michael.
I will once again look forward to tuning into the program.
Glad to see Irvine coming back. I watched 5 minutes of the first Michael Symon episode, then stopped and deleted the show from my DVR list.
That's awesome news. Mike Symon just wasn't doing it for me in DI.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I never liked Robert Irvine to begin with, Michael Symon is much more enjoyable to watch.
I guess the drama factor is just too much for FN to resist. That's all Robert Irvine is...drama. And not in a good way.
The bottom line for me is that there are only two shows left for me to watch... Anne Burrell and Alex G. Way to go, FN...
i wasn't crazy about the show either way, but after michael symon spent an entire episode whining about tofu and bashing vegetarians (while working with one several feet away no less), i was pretty much over him.
some people enjoy soy protein you know. heck, some make their living off of it! no need to mock them for an entire hour.
Please don't bring him back! Michael is a real person and Robert is a farce. The food network is becoming a "reality show cry fest". I'll stick to Guy, Alton and Iron Chef.
Hurrah - I loved when he did the show - Michael was not bad but I think Robert was the best.
As K A said "Robert Irvine IS Dinner Impossible". So glad he's back!! No one else can do the show like he can.
Why isn't anyone villifying Mark Summers and HIS production company for NOT doing a thorough background check BEFORE they hired Robert for the show?? Summers is the one who sold the network & viewers a faulty package of goods ...
Having said that ...
I'm glad that Food Network is ... in their own demented way ... admitting that THEY screwed up ...
Of course, ratings are DOWN ... The show went from a fast paced half hour to a long, drawn out & boring hour show with a whiny voiced bald guy ...
I love the show with Robert ... I didn't think I'd like it in the beginning, but he hooks you in ...
The circus in NYC show was great ... Lots of cuisines as well as meat vs veggie eaters ...
Michael Symon can go hang out with RR on 30 annoying minute so-called meals ... LOL
YES !!!!!!!
This is what FN should have done in the first place. Slap him hard on the wrist, make a press release and make him work his ass off for charity and then forget it.
I watched the Symon version ONCE and never wanted to watch the show ever again.
Irvine was entertaining, could carry a show and was impressive as a chef and leader of a kitchen in every episode. He had a great personality AND could back it up with skills.
His resume might have been exaggerated in places but his talent was never in question. He's great talent for TV and right now FN needs good talent instead of idiotic rip off shows of Top Chef and Kitchen Nightmares.
I started to enjoy Dinner Impossible after Michael came on.
Robert was such a smug asshole. What a terrible TV personality. He's not a better chef than Michael Symon. I see no reason for this.
Lordy, just look at that mug. I could never watch a show starring such an ugly soul.
I'm glad Robert is coming back. I found the show to be much more exciting when he was on it. Symon is a good enough guy but give him his own show for something else. I mean besides Iron chef.
Great! Symon was okay enough, but Irvine yelling at everyone was always good television.
Wonderful news. I know they would eventually come to their minds. I'm sorry, but Symon can't hang like Robert!!! Looking forward to it.
YAY!!! Gotta get me some Robert!! BU BYE Michael Simon - you suck dude!
Symon was great, but the producers kept giving him boring or ridiculous things to do. It seemed like every challenge Symon had involved wasting six of the seven hours just getting the food to the kitchen. The best episode was the first, which featured a high-end version of boardwalk food.
UGH!!! I so dislike Robert Irvine! I don't like his attitude and I think he has no charm. I so so so dislike him!!!!
I like both versions, but Robert brought more personality and conflict to the table. With Symon, it never seemed a struggle where with Robert there was always that hint he might not make it.
I also think there is a certain demo that watched the show that didn't appreciate the younger, hipper, pork friendly Michael.
Let's face it...he's a lot more interesting than Michael Symon.
Yay! Like it was said earlier, people make mistakes. I didn't use to like Robert Irvine, but I warmed up to him and there is something very charming about him. "Dinner Impossible" was better with him. I do like Michael Symon and I am sure they can develop something that fits him better.
I am actually watching FN less and have ever since this past season of NFNS. Alton Brown I truly love and my husband is ok with that -- lol
YAY!!! Robert is so much better. I thought he proved his stuff on the show regardless of what some piece of paper said about it.
NO!!!! I so completely hate Robert!!! I can't even stand to look at his weird messed up face!!!
He looks like a rat on steroids!
Absolutely the right thing to do.
I guess the proof is in the ratings.
This guy deserves a second chance as much as anyone in the culinary world.
I think Tuschman made a wise decision.
SOOOOOOO glad Robert is back. Love Michael S., but the show belonged to Robert.
I read somewhere that Robert made his claims while sitting on a bar stool - so really, who hasn't made stuff up from there? I like Robert better - I think it's good FN agreed to forgive and forget, even if it was financial.
I think this is great news. Michael is a bit hard to watch. Everytime I watched an episode with Michael, I always wondered how Robert would deal in the same situation ... I'd rather see Robert.
Whew. I am glad to hear that. I like Michael Symon, but Robert Irvine is better in that vehicle.
I am glad that they have patched up their relationship and are moving forward. RI was a great personality and I have missed him on DI.
I liked Dinner Impossible with Robert Irvine, and stopped watching it with Michael Symon. People tend to forget that this is television and all about entertainment first. Given I can't actually taste anything these guys cook, this ability takes a back seat to how entertaining they are. (This was sorely overlooked on the Next Food Network Star).
So while Irvine deserves some embarrassment over his resume embellishments, he still proved he could pull off that show. Anyone who watched could see his obvious strengths and his obvious weaknesses as a chef. Regardless of what he did in the past, at least on the show, he always represented the Food Network in a positive way, even when he lost his challenges. So this is a good choice on FN's side.
Michael Symon needs to be matched up better. He's fine as an Iron Chef, and he might be a good fit for a rougher type of a show. I'd like to see him in a show like that Diner's and Dive's show (or whatever it is called) instead of Guy (who always seems to come off as disingenuous to me).
WOO HOO that means I can start watching it again. Did NOT like the Simon shows at all, and tried. The Alcatraz one was somewhat Irvineesque but none compare to his worst show. I think it was a really really bad call to pull Robert and banish him like they did. Glad he's back.
This was my favorite FN show when Robert was the chef. I look forward to his return.
"Kids, lying to get ahead is always wrong, except when people really really like you. Then it's ok. If you say you're sorry, no one will give a shit what you do, and you'll get even get your job back. Ain't life grand?"
Symon knew going in it would likely be short-term:
Very pleased that Robert Irvine is coming back to host this show. He is a natural for it and very good and entertaining.
I don't eat pork and I'm trying to incorporate more vegetarian meals into my diet (including soy protein, which I like). So, I cringed at Symon's kosher and vegetarian challenges. BUT, I still love Mike Symon on DI. He has a great attitude toward his staff and he is an amazing chef. Just ask Bordain, Ruhlman, or any number of hardcore "professional foodies". Great link from annon 12:01 above. I look forward to more Symon vehicles.
Having said that, I really liked Irvine on DI, too. He obviously has great skills in conceptualizing AND executing gourmet dishes. Although I've never had the guts to embellish my resume, I can't believe the extravagance of Irvine's lies!
YAY! Yeah, Howie Mandell just didn't cut it. Robert Irvine is the only one that could do that show. I'm glad he's coming back. Now if only they'd can Fogelson and Tush Tush.
YAY! Robert was great. I've stopped watching Dinner: Impossible since they replaced him. I don't give a flip what he did or didn't do for the Queen of England. He entertains *ME* and that's all I care about. WELCOME BACK, ROBERT!
for those questioning Why Chef Irvine was on the show to begin with, it was a production he pitched to FN...not the other way around. Personally I am not a Symon fan on Iron Chef or MI, but with him MI was not watchable for episode and I was done.
Wow ...A Big Fat Liar gets rewarded
and the noobs cheer him on
Ain't that special
At least we don't have to listen to Symon's annoying little twangy voice and his hyena laugh. I hope I never have to see his Guy's Garage Mr Fixit Uniforms on a cooking show ever again.
I'll bet Irvine is laughing his bollocks off right about now. And he should.
Robert's accent is fake, but the hausfraus love it.
oh thank god. i can watch the show again without that weird ass giggle grating on my nerves.
I love Symon. He is a great chef, has a fun personality, and is a wonderful human being.
Everything that the Big Fat Liar is not
I was always impressed with the dishes Robert came up with, and his prep for the plates was at least to say interesting. Symon on the other hand well a good chef but not a showman when it comes to fixing food for many. I always felt like it was well inferior food he was preparing, not the top notch standard that I was use to seeing with Robert. I think this whole thing should of been handled without even going public, a little slap on the hand and gotten on with the show. If everyone had a perfect resume, most of the politicians, CEO's and high executives probably would not even be in the positions they are, it really all comes down to how good do you preform and get the job done.
I did not like the show with Robert and finding out he was a liar just sealed the deal. Love Michael and his version of the show made it something I could watch.
Will not be watching the very arrogant Robert. Didn't the FN let the "next food network star" guy leave the show for the lie about his past? I guess it is now ok to lie.
Irvine did more than merely pad his resume, as the rather extensively researched articles that ran in some papers amply demonstrate. For example, he also apparently skipped town without paying quite a few of his bills...which makes him not only a liar but also a cheat. As to the idea that he has now tended to all these things and it's behind him, I suspect he's only made amends for the things he was caught out for and not those yet to be revealed. I don't think someone his age caught up in that many lies suddenly becomes honest. Don't be surprised when new scandal rears its head down the road. I won't.
Now I'll start watching it again! Yeah!
He's a pompous, unethical con man with not a iota of character or humility. I.e. he belongs on TV! Yeah!...or maybe not...
Yippy! I am soo happy he is coming back. I like Micheal Simon as a chef, but he wasn't right for the series. Every assignment was cake comparison to Robert Irvines episodes. So my husband and I are excited to have our foodnetwork tv night back with Robert Irvine. Thank you Foodnetwork, I guess the ratings showed for themselves. Welcome Back Robert! -Kadybug (AZ)
I'm so glad Robert Irvine is coming back.
It was never the same without him.
Welcome Back Robert.
Yippeeee! Robert's coming back! Am I glad that FN is finally making some good decisions. It's been pretty boring watching FN of late - the old chefs showing the same recipes again and again supposedly with a different name (Giada, Paula, Tyler, etc.) The new ones aren't that entertaining as well - you seem to catch a new face here and there on FN and you wonder who the hell he / she is! Some of the shows which still rated good on my scale were the competitions like Iron Chef, Chopped, Throwdown and Ultimate Recipe! Well anyway now that Robert's back, you can bet I'd be in front of the TV watching FN's DI regularly! Good job FN - and please dont mess this up anymore!
This was definitely a Robert Irvine show from the start: it wasn't just about the premise, it was HIS personality that drove it, pure and simple. I, too, was disappointed in him when things went south, last season. But as much as I love Michael Symon, it just was NOT "his" show...
Irvine is a PRODUCT that is bigger than the details that made him imperfect.
I'm glad he's humbled himself and made apologies, and even happier he's BAAAACK! :-)
I'm SO surprised, and glad, that Robert's back! When I saw him on the commercial I thought they must be running re-runs, had to check it out to find out what happened! I loved the old show, found Michael to be too whiny and weak, apologetic and annoying. With Robert, even though you know he'll make it, at least there's some real tension there, he has to interact with the various people and their personalities (loved him with Chef Jeff, who I also love!), real-life problems like food not showing up, etc. I'm delighted he's back!
Symon's is an embarrassment to himself. He basically cries if he can't use pork, and is general douche.
Robert is a much better and like-able TV personality.
Gald he's back. I stopped watching Dinner Impossible when he left.
I was channel surfing and when I saw Irvine on the Food Network, I thought it was a repeat...then I did a little research and saw Food Network hired him back. He is a SCUMBAG! Forget the fact that he lied about who he was, he has financially hurt people by not delivering on his promises. If you knew the REAL Robert Irvine like I know him, you would not be a fan no matter how entertaining he is. Then again, what does my opinion matter? Channel surfing past The Food Network and pausing on his show for 60 seconds was the only minute I've spent on that station in years. I sell advertising and I can't give Food Network away anymore.
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That was a major screw-up.
I just finished writing a whole blog and got an error. So I went back to post by copying and pasting and this mistakenly was put up so please ignore and sorry about that
i am very glad robert is back i could not and would not watch michael this is and always will be roberts show dont think of swapping him out for anyone
Its being aired on british tv at the moment the man is an effing idiot and a fraud, somebody deep fry him please!
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