Tuesday, May 18
Paula Deen Partners w/ Savannah Public Schools, World responds, "Are you crazy?"

In what I'm sure elicited a collective "huh?" and a downpour of tears from Jamie Oliver, the public school system in Savannah, Georgia has partnered with Paula Deen to create a new culinary arts school.
Say bye-bye to you chicken nuggets, kiddies... they don't have enough butter in 'em!
"Officials say the school's curriculum will be based on state standards and the recommendations of Paula Deen, the television celebrity chef whose cookbook doctors named the most artery-clogging of the past decade."
Deen set the record straight with a beautifully worded statement: "There's a dillusion [sic] out there. What people see me having fun with on my show is totally separated from actuality."
I'll believe it when I see it, Miss D!
For all you parents out there, how happy would you be to hear Paula was your kids' new lunch lady?!
Labels: Jamie Oliver, Paula Deen
Will this idiot's 15 minutes EVER be up ?
You know, I don't think I'd mind. As far as "real food" goes, a little butter is not a bad thing, and I would trust her palate to put together meals my kids would actually EAT. When putting together recipes for her show, she's pulling together "special" stuff. I mean, seriously, who cooks healthy on a special occasion? Thanksgiving dinner, anyone? I really don't think she EATS that stuff every day!!
The Deen family in involved in creating an educational program...This is clearly a case of the lunatics running the asylum.
Clearly there are Savannah school trustees that are as mentally retarded as Bobby and Jamie Deen are.
I'll wager La Deen's menu will go down better with the kids than Jamie Oliver's menus have tended to go.
That's because most kids are used to eating trash ...Their not used to really healthy good food like Jamie Oliver's.
~sigh~ At least she's not in charge of grammar and spelling.
Great way to shorten kids' lives by contributing to the overwhelming obesity problem of this country. She's a disgrace. I used to like her until we saw the true Paula on her Paula's Party "show". I hope she and Mykul just choke on all that butter.
I am wondering about this issue. Very unique information provided about food addiction network in childerns which causes them obesity.
Read the article people. She isn't cooking in tne cafeteria, she is helping them create a curriculum for a culinary arts school. Big difference.
And would I be happy to have Paula involved in my kids education (and their cuisine)? Yes! She is a talented and delightful lady.
Bobbie and Jamie Deen are not retarded.you who wrote this is the retarded one. People are always jealous of others sucess.
Good luck Paula with the menues. JHheavory
Ohhhh noooooo! I simply do not understand the wisdom behind this decision. Are they trying to increase the obesity rate???? Where is Jaime Oliver when you need him most!
Yaalll! Listen up, just put my favorite butter and in the pot and fry it up, the kids will love it!!! YUMMO
What a nasty fat a-s-s family, I cannot stand her dishes with all that nasty sugar, frying and butter!
Anyone who defends her must be a big fat a-s-s like her!
Paula is the most annoying person on the food network. She laughs and sounds like a cackling hen. Also her English is a lot to be desired. I am so tired of yall.
I love Paula and love her cooking
no one should say a bad word about her one of the best on the Food Network she brings a smile to everyone !!!
She is so stinkin' cute. I love Paula! She is the best.
Why was Jamies family missing from her Christmas special ??
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