Wednesday, October 8
The Truth Comes Out: Hillary Denied Paula Deen
Even though Michelle Obama appeared with her, Paula Deen was not able to get Hillary Clinton on her show, Paula's Party. The former Democratic candidate was scheduled to appear and then pulled out at the last minute, according to Deen... all because of the Queen of Butter's endorsement deal with Smithfield!

Paula told the Ladies Home Journal:
"[A]t the last minute, her people called and said they couldn't do it, I think because of my relationship with Smithfield. Smithfield's largest plant is not unionized, so my guess is the union people called and said to Hillary's people, 'If you allow that woman to interview you, we're going to tell everybody you're not for the union.' So the interview was canceled, and my heart was broken. It was probably political, and that's not my agenda."
What a crazy world it is when you gotta worry about how your appearance on Food Network might affect your status in the race... if this was even the reason.
John McCain didn't seem to have any qualms appearing on the talk show helmed by Rachael Ray, who everyone knows is a "terrorist sympathizer."
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. [LHJ via Detroit Free Press]

Paula told the Ladies Home Journal:
"[A]t the last minute, her people called and said they couldn't do it, I think because of my relationship with Smithfield. Smithfield's largest plant is not unionized, so my guess is the union people called and said to Hillary's people, 'If you allow that woman to interview you, we're going to tell everybody you're not for the union.' So the interview was canceled, and my heart was broken. It was probably political, and that's not my agenda."
What a crazy world it is when you gotta worry about how your appearance on Food Network might affect your status in the race... if this was even the reason.
John McCain didn't seem to have any qualms appearing on the talk show helmed by Rachael Ray, who everyone knows is a "terrorist sympathizer."
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. [LHJ via Detroit Free Press]
Labels: food network, Paula Deen
No ...Politics aren't Paula Deen's agenda...Making money at ANY cost IS !
I would not be seen on Paula's party either, the show is obnoxious. As for the others appearing just tells you where politics has gone these days. I am glad Hilary turned it down shows what a good president she would have made, we missed the boat on this one.
Hilary probably fired the person who intially booked her on Deen's show.
The risks would have been too great. Who knows what Paula had in store for her. Hilary is obviously very adept at handling herself with skilled politicos and pundits, but I can see Deen throwing a few hillbilly curve balls at her.
Paula continues to front for Smithfield despite its labor issues, animal handling issues, and pollution issues. Fine for her, but Hillary made the right choice. Paula dismisses the problems with a wave of the hand and an oh-but-they're-good-people bit of palaver. Hillary can't do that; like it or not she does have to visibly manifest the things she claims to stand for. I'm disappointed that Michelle Obama was on Paula's show for that reason.
Paula Deen's AGENDA is MONEY,MONEY,MONEY...She has sold herself out to suck the dough in ...
Maybe Hillary's people got a look at Paula's husband Groover and got a major case of hee-bee gee-bies and decided that both of them could cost Hillary votes.
It wasn't the Smithfield connection. Paula & Co give off very negative connotations and perhaps Camp Hillary were reminded by the phrase "you are judged by the company you keep". I think that was it.
And who cares if Smithfield HAmco isn't unionized ? Unions have screwed up our country enough. You want all ham production to go to China and Japan then ?
It isn't JUST that Smithfield is well-known for it's abuse of worker's rights . They are VERY well-known for horrible animal abuses AND incredible environmental contamination and abuses...But , what the hell ...THAT'S NOT lil' ol' Paula's agenda ...She don't worry her lil head about all THAT !
Unions have screwed up our country?
By increasing pay and benefits for workers? By creating the 5 day work week? Or was it ensuring people get paid for overtime? Or was it perhaps getting those pesky safety standards in place did it? How many questions can I ask in a row?
Your right David... It's the Unions that are screwing us over .... Don't tell me the BIG CORPORATIONS are big bad bullies ! You know it's those pesky awful unions ... We should thank Miss Paula for being the spokesperson for Americsn corporate greed ...Damn all those good for nuthin union workers for demanding their rights ... That's downright UNAMERICAN ! LOL....
I kind of agree with 'ibchef'... why are politicians on cooking shows and why do chefs have politicians on their shows in the first place? On the other hand, it's not that big of a deal if they are if there isn't an AGENDA behind it. (aka money/votes) But when something like this happens it suddenly IS a big deal as to WHY she backed out and what is the real meaning/message behind it. I guess in the end any high profile/celebrity is just doing whatever is in their best interest for money/popularity--it's never really about their fans or viewers if you ask me.
Ol'Paula's gearing up for the emergence of her ( snicker ) " talk " show ... Can you imagine that old barely literate redneck cracker having a talk show ?
What village idiot dreamed THAT up ?
Keep the politics out of your show by keeping the politicians off of it!
i just RE read deens book and became MORE disgusted with her than I was previously. she is just vulgar.."I was hotter than a two dick dog"?
Did she REALLY have to share this with us about how horny she was?
Half the things she admits in her book are just terrible or she NEVER cleand her home, so bad she had hundreds of cockroaches swimming uner a bed....THAT is DISGUSTING..... " I didn't do anything to tend my house..." NO SHIT!! Talking about her birds: "Crap was everywhere..." Oh, YUMMY!!
Her kid telling her "This is YOUR dream not MINE..." and she replies: 'GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE AND SELL THOSE SANDWICHES..."
yEAH, I wold want food from a slutty bitch living in a filthy house.....
Paula, you need to take the millions you have made and just GO AWAY. and PLEASE,m don't write any more books to share yur disgusting life with us ok??
"By increasing pay and benefits for workers? By creating the 5 day work week? Or was it ensuring people get paid for overtime? Or was it perhaps getting those pesky safety standards in place did it? How many questions can I ask in a row?"
Obviously you are still stuck in the early 20th century. If you haven't noticed lately, Unions do not stand for these things anymore. Unions are nothing but a political machine who defends lazy, unmotivated, unethical workers. Kind of like all the Democrats I know who still think that the Democratic Party is the Party that they used to know and support. If they would stop being in denial they would see that the Democratic Party is now a band of elitist leftist liberals that don't stand for what the common people in the heart of America represent.
Paula Deen has really shown her true colors. She needs to step out of the political ring or she runs the risk of losing those fans that truly appreciate her style of cooking.
I don't think politicians belong on late night talk shows let alone a cooking show. Oh wait, 'Paula's Party' isn't exactly a cooking show anymore is it? I was never a big fan of 'Emeril Live' but at least he did a heck of alot more cooking on that show than Paula does on hers.
Fame can be fleeting and I thought I would never begrudge her taking advantage of opportunites and making the most of them (and taking the money and running), but associating her name with EVERYTHING that companies dangle in front of her just for the sake of the almighty dollar is just sad. Where are her principles?
If you read on-line reviews of her restaurant many RAVE about how good the food is. But almost as many RANT about how awful it is. She has spread herself so thin that she pays no attention to her 'first baby'. She may wish she did -- she may need it to fall back on if everything else goes down the toilet!
So sorry to interrupt your captivating political discussion, but I wanted you to know, I think I ate one of her street urchin sandwiches when one her raggamuffin sons came by selling them one day.
it was just alright that's all. Same as if you bought one at a gas station. I think the health dept shut her down.
Jama , you obviously believe in Big Business & Corporate Interests ... Hmmmm very typical of right-wing Republicans....Ol' Paula HAS to be a Repiglican ... She's got the GREED down but good !
They only help the lazy, incompetent workers!
*rolls eyes*
No they keep big business from raping workers...
two dick dog !!!
bird shit!!
deen is a _____________.
she needed to keep her shitty life to herself.......
OH my everyone!!!!!
To the anonymous who mentioned her book and the things she said in it, is that for real? I got to read that book. She told her kids to get out there and sell them damn sandwiches! ROFL! Holy s**t!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA I can't take it I've got tears...."hotter than a 2 dick dog" wtf she's looney I love her!
Hillary is smart
Thank You Hillary
(sigh) You would have been an amazing president
charles i will send you MY book. and YES THAT was ALL In there!!
i left out a lot more ewwwwwwwy kinda stuff previous.....
paula makes southerners look SO bad ..... she is incredibly DISTURBING.
not to mention stupid
( read her book)
i didn't say she wasn't a savvy bizness person i did say she is STUPID.
read her book and you will agree.
Political figures go on talk shows to try to "connect" with Middle America ... To make it look like they're human and just like you & me ... A lot of the time, it backfires ...
It's an attempt to humanize them ...
Paula's Party was good til TPTB at Follow / Food moved it to NYC ... The charm that she had at Uncle Bubba's fell into the sewer of NYC ... Plus, Gordo spewed crap all over the show ...
Gordon Elliott and Mark Summers are sounding the death knell of Food Network whilst dancing with their bestest buds Tusch & Fogle ...
let me know when we sit shiva.
OK she is really tooooo much. I just saw her on the Today Show and she has a new cookbook for kids. WHAT!!!!!!! Enough is enough. And her show Paula's Party makes me sick. She doesn't cook. All she does is SCREAM and YELL (like Rachael R.)
She is a female Emril and his show was the same way just scream and look where he is NOW!!!! Ha
what's next? a deen/groover adult video??? i wouldn't put it past her....
we could watch them smear mashed potatoes all over each other then lick it off.....
NO. Emeril is King and Paula is just gross.
BTW he is doing just fine.
Hillary is an ASSHOLE and not good enough to be on Paula's down home show-
Paula you are better off without that Lying scum !
Paula Deen is not literate or articulate enough to talk to my cat let alone a presidential candidate !
Probably so... but I would rather talk to your cat than the likes of that Loser Presidential Candidate and slut Clinton Mr or Mrs for that matter !!! Come out of the closet Ms Hillary- you Lesbo!
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