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Tuesday, February 24

It Happened! Food Network Addict Chats with Sandra Lee!!!

Back in November when I made my public declaration about wanting to meet and have a cocktail with Sandra Lee, I wasn't all that optimistic about it hapepning anytime soon. But I'm beginning to think this "The Secret" thing may actually work... or I was just in the right place at the right time. Whatever the reason, I finally met SANDRA LEE!!!!!!!!!

Ever since August 2006 when I first started talking about the enigma that is Sandra Lee, I've been intrigued by this semi-homemade lady and wondered what it'd be like to meet her. Would she be gracious? Slap me for posting not the most friendly of words? Run off, explaining that she'd never heard of me?

I didn't think she'd say I was "cute" and instantly introduce me to her "gay boyfriend" who was accompanying her for the weekend.

Take a look:

As of now, I'm still not sure if she did know about me or the blog beforehand. It was so loud in there and she just kept saying nice things over and over again. I don't really remember what was said exactly other than "you are so cute" and "no, YOU are so cute." This and that. I mentioned I would be coming to her cocktail party the next night and she instantly told me about the "silver naked people" who would be present (and present they were; a post on that event to come) and that she was excited about hosting it.

What I didn't say was: "I think your tablescapes are awesome" or "Your recipes are wonderful!" or "When will Kurtain Kraft be available for sale again?" or "I think canned potatoes are a fine alternative, too!"

SHOCKING MOMENT: You'll notice that Sandra does not have a cocktail in this video, nor is she sipping on anything. I didn't see her drink anything all night! That whole "cocktail time" could just be a cover, I fear.


Even though I've mocked Aunt Sandy and the show a bit (okay, a lot) over the years here, I still find the show entertaining. I love watching it. And Sandra definitely is committed to the "brand," however misguided it may be. Nevertheless, she could not have been more friendly to me, which I thank her for. Love yah, Aunt Sandy!

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At 2/24/2009 8:55 PM , Blogger Lys said...

That is GREAT you got to meet her and, yes, I agree - sometimes what you put out there comes back to ya - hence the power of The Secret. One just never knows.

At 2/24/2009 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi ,NO she isn't drinking anything- She is a PRO . Like her or not- that is for private time in NYC with her sweetie!

At 2/24/2009 10:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! Oh, I wish it wasn't so loud in there - seems awfully hard to carry on a conversation. But good on ya for meeting Aunt Sandy. She comes across as quite sweet and gracious.

So, was her gay boyfriend cute?

At 2/25/2009 10:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's-up with the Mario B. situation at SBWF? It was in the POST yesterday.

At 2/25/2009 12:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mario dropped the f-bomb (once or twice) in front of Spanish royalty. I'm sure they'll never recover!


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