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Who is the Food Network Addict? He's the guy serving up the latest news and gossip on your favorite celebrity chefs. From Rachael Ray to Ina Garten, Paula Deen to Giada, he's got you covered. Stop by daily and feed your addiction.

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Tuesday, October 31

Happy Halloween! 100th Post

Happy Halloween! And a happy 100th post to me! I'm glad there's a least a few of you out there that find as much enjoyment with the Food Network as I do. I always appreciate your comments and e-mails.

I love Halloween and have always loved the specials that air on TV during October. Thankfully, the Food Network did not disappoint this year.

Sandra Lee, the one I love to have a little good-natured fun with, really took it over the edge this year (I apologize if this is an old episode; first time I'd seen it) and actually had more gay icons on her show than Ina Garten!

That's right! Typically Ina can't get through an episode without having a well-dressed dandy drop by with a surprise flower arrangement or free ballet lesson.

I kid, I kid. Let's get to it, though. The comparisons!

Aunt Sandy first came out as Cher. Her wig (which she cautioned repeatedly to avoid getting it in the food) looked more like a boa than a Bob Mackie original. Still, not bad.

THEN Sandra Lee vogued on out as Madonna. I like to think of Sandra just dressing up all crazy by herself, drinking cocktails. It's better to be by herself in those situations and not frighten those darling little nieces and nephews.

Sandra tells us this little tale about how when she was in college she won "free tickets to her concert in Madison, Wisconsin" and had to jump in her car and drive from Lacrosse to get there in time.

Hmmm... sweet story, Sandra, but I checked and Madonna never played in Madison! The only time her official Web site lists a concert played anywhere in Wisconsin was 1987, and that was in East Troy-- nearly 2 hours away. Nice try, Sandy. I never buy those little stories that they tell about their personal connection to whatever like, "When I was 2 months old, my mom used to make this pie and I would help her while I studied the dictionary and learned sign language" --- please!


I hate to say this, but Sandra actually made a pretty good Barbra. Maybe that's not really a compliment since so many drag queens make really good Barbras, too. Nevertheless, the makeup, hair and nose were right on.

And finally:

If there was ever an icon that could epitomize Sandra in terms of drinking, awkward behavior, and flashy costumes, it'd be Liza. Sandra really seemed to fit right in with this getup, and I wouldn't doubt you'd see someone very similar to Liza after you got a few stiff drinks into Aunt Sandy. Bravo!

Well, I know I mentioned I'd be posting pics of Michael Chiarello today in his Halloween costumes, but I thought I had enough gay icons up for today! HA! Zinger!

Hmm... anyhow, I hope these costumes of Sandra Lee inspire you to:

Keep it crazy

Keep it inebriated

Keep it frightening

and always keep it, semi-ho made.

(Sorry, couldn't help that one. Needed to end it somehow)

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Monday, October 30

Rachael Ray and Nancy Grace Team Up

Well, Photobucket is sort of back up and I've been able to work with some of the Sandra Lee Halloween images I had ready for today. Come back tomorrow for a fun, mega-Sandra post!

Something else just caught my eye, though, that prompted me to post.

I've already discussed what I believe to be a double standard regarding the criticism Rachael Ray receives vs. what males in the same field often get. There's been a multitude of articles written by ever-so-savvy journalists expounding upon their hatred for Ms. Ray (as the New York Times and I guess I now refer to her as) since her talkshow premiered.

I'm not even kidding when I say hatred. These people seem to have no qualms about using the word when describing their own opinion, or what they feel the majority of their readers feels/ should feel. I even read a recent post by a DC blogger that said "I kinda wish she'd just die."

Now, I realize this type of criticism is the unfortunate standard for women and don't attempt to claim I know how to change it. However I hate it even more when I read articles written by other women bashing Rachael (or any powerful, female figures).

I hate reading things that begin: "Dressed in a black dress and high heels, ________ entered the courtroom." Why is that relevant?!?! You never read: "Dressed in a suit appearing to be too snug for comfort and a tie better relegated to the Nixon-era, Dr. Phil entered the courtroom."

Soooooooo, basically that little rant came from this charming little piece from the San Diego Union Tribune entitled: "The 10 Scariest People on Television."

Okay, I get it. It's supposed to be a funny, day before Halloween list. Still, with quotes like, "[Rachael's] loud and croaky" or "you may ask yourself how someone [Nancy Grace] this demented manages to host two cable shows..." I find it a little shocking to be written by miss thing, Karla Peterson.

First of all, you don't mess with Nancy Grace. As I mentioned before, Rachael and Nancy will be competing against each other in Celebrity Jeopardy. Maybe they'll have some sort of alliance after being put on this stupid list.

Regarding Rachael:

"She's loud and croaky and her favorite color is orange. Really, whose favorite color is orange?"

Umm... people who like orange? Nickelodeon? That's who, Karla.

Regarding Nancy:

"You might also ask yourself how someone this demented manages to host two cable shows, neither of which runs on the Crazy People Network. Why is Nancy Grace's hair so big? Why, to hide her horns, of course."

Karla, you better wish that Nancy really isn't the Devil, because if she is she won't be pounding her cloven hooves upon her desk but your face.

:-) Now that's scary. Be sure to check out the rest of the list at the link above. I don't even care to link to it twice.




Hope everyone had a fun weekend. I will eventually get back to at least one weekend post, but these past few have been so busy!

I'm annoyed because
Photobucket, my image storage site, seems to be down this morning. I had a bunch of pics ready for a big: Sandra Lee Halloween Post!

If you caught her specials over the weekend, you know what I mean. Hopefully it'll be back up later today. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to combine them with the Michael Chiarello ones I have set for Halloween day. Yay! What a combo.

'Til then, enjoy this extreme closeup photo of some other Food Network stars at this year's South Beach Wine and Food festival.

Such nice guys.

Anyhow, I hope Photobucket comes back soon. Stay tuned...



Friday, October 27

Avert Your Eyes

Been a while since I had a guessing game here at foodnetworkaddict.com. So, here's a happy Friday fun one:

Scroll down for the fun surprise...




My God! It's Alton Brown! And what is he doing to Paula Deen? Don't they have enough food at these festivals they appear at?

Yikes. Thank goodness Sunday is so close. I can go to church and redeem myself after looking at this.

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Thursday, October 26

Cat Cora, Iron Mom/Chef

I haven't even mentioned Iron Chef since I began this blog. Crazy! The fans out there for this show are so intense-- so devoted-- that I don't dare say anything that might slander its name.

It's weird, though, because while I do watch it, I'm not crazy about it. For some reason I rarely make it to the end of an episode and actually get to see what the chefs made and who won. It just doesn't get my blood boiling as much as some people.

Nevertheless, the sexy Cat Cora was just i
nterviewed by (of all magazines) Modern Mom.

Her little son Zoran is cute. Maybe he'll take after his mom in the culinary world.

Asked who she admired, Cat responded: Julia Child. Good choice.



Wednesday, October 25

Food Network and Fame

Several Food Network stars have showed up at various red carpet fund raisers and events recently. It's great that the folks at the FN can lend their talent to events that don't simply increase their popularity, but actually do some good.

That pic of Rachael is of her going into a taping of David Letterman, but we know about her charity work with the knives and all that. I just figure those Rachael Ray apples are trademarked:-)

As personalities on the Food Network gain more and more mainstream popularity, I suspect these type of events will only increase. I just hope there's no Paris Hilton -like videos coming out anytime soon.



Tuesday, October 24

Ace of Cakes Visits Leno, Part II

Finally. Sorry for keeping you all on the edge of your seat about this one. You should have watched the episode, though, so nothing should be much of a surprise.

Except a little problem Duff seems to be suffering from...

For his cake. Duh. He tried using chocolate and paint tool to create a wood grain effect. It didn't really work out at first using this method.

He managed to figure it all out, though. That's what a young (virile) pastry chef does, after all. =)

After Duff and co. finish the cakes for back home, he and Geof head to L.A. to get ready for Leno. I guess I didn't realize that the majority of the baking would need to be done there. In the hotel room.

Oh, and welding and sparking and blowtorching, too.

I think Duff would be a funny person to room next to in a hotel. Imagine all those exciting noises and flames coming outta that room.

They barely manage to finish the cake in time to climb into a van and get driven to the studio. It's crazy thinking of them driving on the L.A. freeways with that in the back seat. Crazy!

Poor Mary Alice was stuck in Baltimore the whole time...

But she had "corn" to keep her excited.

That corn did look really, really good. Hmmm.....

As I mentioned before, Duff got to help out a bit on this trip to L.A. and bake a cake for Habitat for Humanity. I think that's a great gesture, as I'm sure he was busy enough trying to get ready for Leno.

I'm glad that "Ace" got to show the big event (the legalities of that all, you know). It would have been a bummer to just hear about how the cake explosion went.

An awesome episode. So exciting for Duff and his whole bakery.

I'll have more info on next season's Ace of Cakes soon. 'Til then, enjoy your fun Tuesday.



Monday, October 23

Apologies and Avocados

Sorry for such a super-late post! I have been racing around since my return from Chicago. It was a very fun trip, although I never made it to Lou Malnati's :-(

I had
Giordano's instead, which is an excellent (if not better) substitution. They also ship nationwide. It was excellent.

Anyhow, I don't have much to say today other than:

Have you noticed the avocado commercials on the Food Network?

I love avocados as much as the next person, but I've never quite understood why products like "milk" and "pork" need their own commercials. Aren't we all aware that they exist? Since they don't endorse any specific brand sometimes these commercials seem a little irrelevant.

I do realize that commercials such as these have the potential to benefit the entire industry of said product and, thus, are meaningful. This point is referenced in the recent press release: "Hass Avocados Achieve 1 Billion Pound Volume Success in U.S. in 2006."

I kind of miss seeing commercials of products that for some reason no longer need them, like Mrs. Butterworth's, Green Giant, and Trix.

Well, I guess all of those characters are based on racial stereotypes or derogatory personifications... but I still miss them!

Those really were the first three commercials that came to mind when I thought of ones I miss:-/ Hmmm... maybe I should talk to someone about this.

Have a happy Monday. Regular post to follow tomorrow!



Friday, October 20

Sweet Home Chicago

Happy Friday! I'm so excited to be spending the weekend in Chicago! I did leave nearly 70 degree temperatures to come to 35 degree lows, but oh well.

I don't know if I'll be checking out Rachael Ray's $40 Dollars a Day picks for Chicago: green eggs and ham at Kitsch'n on Roscoe, free form polenta lasagna at Back Stage Bistro and stuffed lamb loins at Greek Islands.

I think I'll be checking out something more traditional: Chicago-style, deep dish pizza from Lou Malnati's. Check out their Web site if you've never had this kind of pizza. They'll even ship pizzas to you in dry ice overnight! Sweet!

Sorry no funny pics today. I'm away from my photoshop. Enjoy your weekend.



Thursday, October 19

Rachael Ray Attacked

I'm not sure if this cover of National Enquirer is recent or if Rachael Ray was even attacked. That picture is from the CBS Television Critics Association press conference a few months ago. Not after being attacked. What I do know is that once you hit the National Enquirer, you've made it BIG!

According to my friend Amanda, Rachael appears on another cover of the previously-mentioned tabloid: "Apparently her ex-boyfriend tells all about the tragedy of her life: why she's unable to have children." Hmm... has anyone seen this?

I guess I haven't been paying attention in the grocery store check out lanes.

Sorry for such a late (and short) post! I have so much to do before I catch a flight tonight.

Thanks to those who sent me links about Dave doing book signings on Long Island (on my BIRTHDAY) and appearing at a Cincinnati Kroger. Apparently he's the new spokesman for Lay's potato chip now, too?!? He better get himself out to DC pronto and NOT this weekend while I'm gone!

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Wednesday, October 18

Ace of Cakes Shortie

They show this intersection of W. 30th Street and Remington Ave. enough on Ace of Cakes that you'd think I wouldn't have gotten lost trying to find Charm City Cakes on Sunday. Oh well. I took the scenic route.

It's my birthday and I'm working on a bunch of other things. I'll get back to finishing yesterday's Ace of Cakes post later today or possibly tomorrow.

In the meantime, you should definitely read this article from The Boston Globe about Duff and the rest of the gang at CCC. Even Mary Alice Fallon Yeskey is mentioned! (Think it's time to just shorten that name to "Mary Alice" from now on. Join the ranks of Cher and Madonna)


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Tuesday, October 17

Ace of Cakes Visits Leno

I have been meaning to write about this episode of Ace of Cakes for a while. It was really funny and actually had so many good moments I think I'll divide this post up. If you didn't watch it, WHY? Perhaps you just returned from Malawi and were doing more important things, in which case I will forgive you.

Anyhow, this episode started off with Duff telling us that he'd been asked to come onto the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and "blow up a cake."

Duff seems pretty excited, obviously. It sounds easy enough, but it became a huge amount of work (guess you can't exactly make a cake in baltimore that large and then just bring it along on the airplane just fine).

Luckily, he was able to get to work and at least assembly some of the pieces before leaving for L.A.

Can't really take credit for that since Duff actually said that! :-)

One of the great things about the show is when it shows some of the philanthropic activities Charm City Cakes does. This episode included a little visit from a troupe of Brownies.

They all seemed to really enjoy the little projects Duff had set up for them-- fondant roses and personally decorated cakes to take home. So fun!

Geof sadly missed most of the Brownie fun, but that doesn't mean he was forgotten. Geof is starting to get quite the following, I hear (from both females and males alike).

He really is quite enjoyable to watch. This little scene of him making royal icing was hilarious.

And you know I can't forget about Mary Alice when I post something about Ace of Cakes. She must have been a busy little bee during the taping of this episode, as we didn't get to see her as much. She did manage to do a quick interview in front of a pretty green background.

How am I supposed to put my arrows and things on that, though?! :-)

Ugh. It's only Tuesday. There's much more to this episode once Duff arrives in L.A. To be continued...

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Monday, October 16

Charm City Cakes Adventure

Hey! Hope everyone had a good weekend. I had a lot of fun yesterday when I visited Charm City Cakes in Baltimore!

Mary Alice, office manager extraordinaire, Ace of Cakes star, tireless worker, and the central figure of
her very own fan club, was nice enough to show us around yesterday in-between her numerous appointments. She had to work by herself all day on Sunday doing wedding appointments while Duff was out of town, so I'm very thankful she managed to squeeze us in:-)

First of all, the bakery itself is awesome and looks just as bright and fun as it does on TV. I thought it looked smaller in real life, while Mary Alice said she hears just the opposite sometimes.

She gave us a tour of the main work space, the room they use downstairs to do their interviews for the show, and the room the crew uses for all their equipment. It was really cool. Being someone who has always been fascinated in not just the product of TV and movies but the making of them, it still gives me a thrill to see these kind of "behind-the-scenes", inner-workings that go into the production.

After the tour, Mary Alice was nice enough to just sit down and chat with us. We talked about how things have changed for her and the bakery since the show aired, and how everyone is so much more at ease filming this second season now that they know the way in which they'll be portrayed (no, the cameras weren't there when I went. Sundays and Mondays are their days off).

One of the best things about the visit was that we got to take home some cake!

Someone got sick and wasn't able to pick up their samples. Good luck for me! I tried several different flavors already and they were all good. I'm sure the finished product is delicious, so all the "haters" out there thinkin' that their cakes only look good can hush. =)

It sounds like the second season, which will have twice as many episodes, is going to be really good. I'll let you know some of the things I've found out in a later post (it's Monday... gotta get on other things, sadly).

And don't think I would have left without getting a photo with MA. I debated about putting thought bubbles or arrows on this pic, but thought it didn't need it.

So, that was my fun Sunday. I really never thought by starting this little blog just a few months ago I would be meeting and talking with someone actually on the food network:-) It was cool.

Thanks, MALICE!

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Friday, October 13

Mary Alice Says...


Yay! I thought I might get it together for one more post today, but it just didn't happen. Sorry!

I do want to let you know that the Mary Alice fan club hasn't died down one bit, despite my lack of Ace-postings. Sorry! I have a few Ace episodes stored up on my hard drive and will work on organizing them soon. I do hope you have been watching, as it just keeps getting better and better.

I got some really nice emails from Mary Alice herself, recently. She let me know about some exciting things planned for the second season. I'll be sure to let you know what those are once I ask what I can and cannot give away:-)

Anyhow, enjoy your weekends. I hope they are snow-free (unless you like snow in which case, go snow-crazy)!

PS- I think Mary Alice would like bunnies and birds keeping her company. That's why they're in the pic. Duh.

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The Foodie Bunch

Here's the story, of a lovely lady... la la la.

The grid you see above is the not the next all-star lineup of "The Surreal Life," but actually the chefs and other personalities set to appear at the 2007 South Beach Food & Wine Festival. It's a four-day, "star-studded" event held Feb. 22-25, and actually sounds pretty cool.

It's a bit of a hefty ticket price, so I guess I'll just wait for my press pass.

Tickets go on sale Monday, Oct. 16.

February would be a great time to go to South Beach, and considering it's already SNOWING in some parts of the country, I think I'll try to make my vacation plans soon.

It's Friday so I'm going to break the posts up a bit today. Just relax and enjoy:-)

PS- Yes, that's Tiger the dog down at the bottom.



Thursday, October 12

Just a Matter of Time

Is it just a matter of time before Rosie Rachael appears on Newsweek with this memorable headline? Well, it may be sooner than you think.

United Press International reports that Rachael Ray is the "most likeable U.S. television host." She scored the highest in a survey of 1,800 people.

It should be.... umm, err... noted that the survey was conducted by HER PRODUCTION COMPANY (KingWorld)! Come on, Rachael! Couldn't you just have issued this as a "CBS" poll? A CNN/Yahoo Gallup? I'll even take a Fox News poll at this point.

Nevertheless, congrats Rachael! I haven't caught much of the show since the first two days, but I hear she's progressing all right. I guess this survey is proof of that.

Rachael beat "Extreme Makover" host Ty Pennington, as well as other FN stars Paula Deen, Emeril Lagasse and Giada De Laurentiis!

Poor Oprah Winfrey came in 6th in this "Q" score survey, but do you think she cares? :-)



Wednesday, October 11

Ellie is Spooky Good Fun

I've already made this Ellie/Elvira comparison before, but since it's getting close to my favorite holiday, Halloween, I thought I'd show it again. I hope Ellie does a Halloween episode because I think she'd make a great vampire, witch, evil queen... the list goes on. Quite a nice (and preferable) counterpart to Sandra Lee's pretty "princess" dress we've seen her in a few times.

If you subscribe to the Wall Street Journal online, check out this interview Ellie did along with another registered dietician about the importance of breakfast.

I really like Ellie's show, Healthy Appetite; last Saturday's episode was especially good. The scenes of her outdoors in New York are not only beautiful to watch, but you actually learn something. These normally asinine segments--the ones of hosts out "picking up a few things" or smiling and laughing with their neighborhood butcher--actually have a point on Ellie's show.

Ellie cooks and eats a lot like I do in real life, which is probably why I like her so much. While I love Ina and Paula, I hardly ever cook the way they do. And that's not just because of a lack of time or funds, but because--even at my young age-- I know I shouldn't be eating like that. That's just me, though. Ina's mac 'n cheese with gruyere still looked good as heck to me; don't get me wrong.

I would hope that people understand moderation when it comes to dishes like that. Ina and Paula sort of create this false world in which it's totally fine to be eating a pound of butter with heavy cream daily.

Ellie seems to understand how "a little bit" can go a long way. When her dishes do call for things like butter, chocolate or mayonaisse it's always a minimal amount. Typically, you still end up with a lot of flavor. I love how Ina always "explains" her reasoning for using way too much of anything ("I know 4 sticks looks like a lot of butter, but it's the sauce for the entire dish." Oh! All right, then!).

I know critics claim that Paula cooks "the way most mothers in the country do." I know mine doesn't.

So, that's my little rave on Ellie Krieger. Check out her Web site sometime and her show at 1 p.m. ET/12 Central on Saturdays. As I've said before, I typically hate myself for still sitting around watching the food network by 1:30 p.m. on a Saturday, but at least with Ellie I'm gettin' something good.



Tuesday, October 10

Kiss Me Tyler Florence

Love was in the air when Maureen Tischue won the
2006 Southern Living Cook-Off with her recipe for sweet potato cinnamon rolls. She took the top prize and $100,000, but from the looks of this picture, it appears the kiss "on the top of the head" she received from Tyler was the biggest prize she could have received.

Tyler has really been working the rounds lately. He's got the big Applebee's gig (and personal Web site) and lots of personal appearances that are keeping him busy. I think it's good for him, though. He seems to be enjoying moving around a bit and not just sitting in his studio kitchen eating his ultimate fried chicken.

For those Florence fans who like Tyler a little rounder, they better watch out! From the looks of it, he's well on his way to shedding those summer(?) pounds. I guess we have Thanksgiving and Christmas to look forward to. =)



Monday, October 9

Nigella and her Cookery

Hello. Happy Monday. Perhaps you are "on holiday" today (doubtful if you are living in England). Anyhow, I would have tried to make it to the computer this weekend and post, but the nice weather got the best of me. Gotta enjoy those weekends while they last.

I did manage to catch the 2nd episode of "Nigella Feasts" yesterday, though. I'll apologize in advance and say that I am admittedly biased in my review as I wasn't given the chance to experience Nigella and her other television shows before viewing the oft-compared U.S. programs on the Food Network.

That being sad, I still don't really dig the opening animated theme.

There's floating peas and asparagus in it; it doesn't seem to fit the overall theme of the show. Perhaps I shouldn't care so much, as the majority of the FN's opening themes (i.e. - Semi-Homemade's, 30-Minute Meals', Paula's) are pretty awful.

Speaking of, I wonder if the FN will catch on to the trend of not having opening titles. As you may have noticed in network sitcoms, dramas, etc., few have the "Mary Tyler Moore"-like openings anymore. A full 30 or 45 seconds of characters turning toward the camera with that "oh, hello!" look on their face while their name flashes underneath. Maybe that was Full House. Or 90210. Still, it's gone.

So, after the brightly colored opening, we see Nigella in front of this incredibly bright background. Was it frosted windows or something? It was so bright I couldn't even tell. It made it hard for me to even look at her or the food. I need to figure out the brightness settings on my TV or something.

The food in this episode--a chicken & sausage bake (no thanks), garlic roasted potatoes (perhaps), some lettuce and pea concoction (too much butter and other things), and a chocolate honey cake (now we're talking)--just didn't really do anything for me. It reminded me of exactly what I expect the food in England to be-- a little heavy and unimaginative. Sorry!

Call me a stuck-up American, but something else that bothered me was the non-stop conversions Nigella had to keep referencing when adding any ingredient. Is it a teaspoon or a milliliter? An ounce or a gram?

I do feel bad for Nigella, as she probably has no idea what the conversions for her recipes are or how to accurately guess what a "cup and two tablespoons" really is. Not a major deal, but for a cooking show where so much importance lies upon the recipe and the measurements, it kind of got in the way. In my humble (and correct) opinion. :-)

Not even going to go

Nigella's kids are amusing. The little boy has some spunk and could possibly be his own television personality.

Her kids definitely seem willing to try new things. At one point, her son actually ate a cooked clove of garlic.

I know, I know. They say they're "sweet" after cooking that long. Still, no American child would do this:-) (Do they?)

Finally, Nigella is credited for the way she speaks about food while she's cooking, and how soothing, relaxing, etc. it all is. She even likes the way lettuce "squeaks" while cutting it.

Ummm... I'll buy that. I don't know if I'll ever just drift off by staring into a "relaxing pot of green," though. Maybe just Americans inability to relax.

I do admit that Nigella is a talented TV personality and I understand why she has such a following. For me, the show didn't exactly thrill me the way I hear others speak of her. Still, I will continue to give her a chance and try to understand why so many people love this crafty cookery of Ms. Lawson.



Friday, October 6

Food Network Meets "Network" Part II

I kid, I kid. Bobby Flay is definitely not (maybe possibly, though) an alien. Yesterday I thought his eyes looked strange. On the Early Show, though, he actually had no eyeballs.

Whacha think about that, Bobby?

(It's Friday and I'm a little out of it. Give me a break) =)

I did actually catch a bit of THROWDOWN! (I think I'll start capitalizing one-word titles, too, Amanda) last night. It was the doughnut episode and, since I could probably eat doughnuts all day, I gave BF my attention. The fancy doughnut he whipped up with fresh peaches and hazlenuts was quite fancy and sounded good, but it was no surprise that the police officer judges chose the easier-to-handle, less "gourmet" one. Bobby didn't look all that happy to lose, but I guess that has to come once in a while.

I haven't really watched (at least until the end of) THROWDOWN! before. Does anyone know if Bobby typically wins these challenges?

Anyhow, Dave cooked up some recipes (that have already been on Good Deal... I'll forgive you, though) for the crew at Good Morning America yesterday. Maybe Bobby was just tired, but at least Dave kept his eyes open.

And other things.

Diane Sawyer only came on for the last second of the segment to taste and smile. Maybe she's a bit fearful after appearing on Rachael's show the first day.

Dave was on his best behavior, though, and didn't interrupt or yell:-)

Even one more FN personality made the rounds of the morning shows yesterday.

Yes, that Crocs-loving chef is none-other than the recently-axed Mario Batali. He appeared along with Bill Buford, author of Heat. Mario was in good spirits, though, for the early hour. I'm sure he'll be fine without making new episodes of "Molto Mario."

They showed how to make fresh pasta. It was awesome, but I doubt I'll ever find the time to do that. We'll see.

So glad for the weekend to be here. It's raining, though. Whatever. I'll go Party with Paula tonight if I have to;-) Hope you all enjoy it!

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